Amy Nickell-Turner

For those who may be unfamiliar with this loony, let me begin by saying that she’s the female equivalent of Britain’s biggest bedwetter, the ultra-woke Benjamin Butterworth. As if this isn’t a turn-off in itself, ‘social commentator’ Amy manages to combine the expression of her barmy opinions with the smuggest and most patronising attitude imaginable.

She’s a real social progressive is our Amy. She thinks that the game of ‘tag’ should be banned in school playgrounds because ‘it’s aggressive’; at the same time, she doesn’t think that throwing drinks at politicians incites violence (as long as it’s Nigel Farage on the receiving end, natch). She claims that men can give birth. She’s even stated that she has sympathy for pee-do-files, on the basis that ‘they can’t help themselves’.

It will come as no surprise to readers to learn that she’s vociforously pro-EU, and in particular, thinks that the country needs a good dose freedom of movement again, as if we haven’t seen enough of that already (naturally she’s all in favour of legal and safe routes into Britain for asylum seekers, come one, come all). But she also has this weird ability to lay the blame for any problem at the door of Brexit. When reports were coming in of fights between machete wielding thugs in Southend, N-T commented that Brexit was largely to blame for this as it had ‘divided us’. Clearly those involved were disaffected Remainers seeking to work off their frustrations ;

YouTube 1.

And naturally, she’s of the view that trans women are women, and should be allowed to compete in women’s sports, even going so far as saying that ‘the situation could be helped by giving hormone blockers to children’;

YouTube 2.

I could give more examples of this individual’s strange notions and throw up more clips of her sounding off, but I think you’ve probably got the idea, the idea being that this woman is batshit crazy, and fucking insufferable with it.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

62 thoughts on “Amy Nickell-Turner

  1. There is very little more to add about Nickell-Turnip, if she was any wetter she would come in a bottle.

    Beyond me why any white British woman would welcome the peaceful scumbags unless she has a secret fetish to be gang banged.

    Nice one Ron ?

    • They do. Imagine if the country was being flooded with millions of Thai and Phillipino females under the age of 30, instead of all the fighting age men we are currently getting.

      Do you think the native females would still welcome them. Not fucking likely.

      Look at the morons waving Refugees Welcome placards, it’s almost all women and various shades of sooty. The only white bloke there are low testosterone soy-boys, all sandals and wispy beards, and there only there because they think if they are right-on enough, one of the crazy cat-ladies will fuck him.

      I’m not joking.

      • It’s odd. I’ve also noticed that the defenders of trans women’s participation in women’s competitions are almost always women. Just like our Amy, in fact.

    • The first YT clip features dumb Nickell, but also Esther Krakue, who seriously gives me the horn.

  2. Amy Nickell-Turner is just another lefty rentagob who also works for the Guardian.

    Therefore her opinions are worth about as much as a cold cup of sick.

    • I wondered what this idiot actually did to maintain her position of pissing any rational person off.
      I couldn’t even find a Wikipedia page for the loony left bitch.
      Perhaps IsAC could create one for her…

      • Nice idea but it would just say “gobshite tart” and everything else would be a footnote.

  3. I really hope there is an afterlife, so in 40 years time I can have a big bowl of popcorn and a cold beer and watch the weak,wet lefties get what’s coming to them..

    • It’s not gonna take 40 years Baz, 10 at most I reckon.

      I really expect to see a self imposed form of apartheid coming, where the races will segregate themselves, and citadels forming. Really.

      • Maybe, but I wasn’t planning on dying that early..
        Unless it’s at the hands of the potato mafia.

      • Lol, didn’t mean you would die young, only the good do that, so you’re safe 🙂

        I meant until we go all apocalyptic.

  4. A GB news regular.

    She’s ultra woke.
    Not a bad looking lass but totally vacant between the ears.

    There’s another one too,
    A big fat posh one, Rebecca Reid who genuinely can’t smile.
    No shit.
    Watch her, she can’t smile.
    It’s alien to her, looks like she’s choking.

    Then there’s some northern lezzy type with tattoos who describes herself as a anarchist (?)

    They have to be seen to be balanced because of OFCOM hence the bed wetting lefty types.

    Amy seems like she might of suffered a head injury and is recovering from brain trauma.

    • I’m glad that GB news got rid of that Dan Wotton.
      His camp mannerisms and weird tooth to gum.ratio got right on my tits.

    • Just searched her up (the fat posh one) not wrong she really can’t smile.

      Never seen a snake smile either. Mardy fucking cow

    • Reid looks as though her face would crack if she smiled. I bet she’s a real laugh down the pub. She belongs in the box with those other nutcases like Tessa ‘call me Doctor’ Dunlop, Ava Santina and Shola Mogga-dishu and their ilk.

      Not to forget this head banger;

      Fucking mental, the lot of them.

      Morning all.

      • Ron @

        I suspect Tessa Dunlop is a wildcat in the bed?

        Mentals often are.

        Id slip my finger up her balloon knot and whisper ‘ I voted Brexit”

        Worth all the bitemarks and scratches?

      • MNC,

        Women are very, very malleable.

        If you’re any good in bed, you could get her to shout Heil Hitler while smashing her back doors in, after just 6 weeks of correct training.


      • Problem being me and the wife have bunkbeds Termujin.

        I’m scared of falling off the ladder

      • MMC I’m afraid I wouldn’t even touch Dunlop with yours.
        Every time that vile b*tch is on the box I feel like hurling something at the telly.

        The first time I saw Nickel I thought it look quite decent…. then it opened it’s gob. If it had a brain cell it would be dangerous.

        Some of these cunts should be made to live in a muti-occupancy house full of illegal migrants for a week. Tell everyone how lovely they are after that.

    • I think you’re right Miserable, it’s about looking ‘balanced’.

      They have a laugh by getting the likes of Butterworth and N-T on, who then proceed to make themselves look like proper cunts for our entertainment.

  5. The fact she exists doesn’t bother me, the fact she is presented as an oracle of wisdom does.

    If I ever met her I would point and laugh.

  6. Can it do a proper fry up after performing unspeakable “romantic” acts?

    There ends my interest in the mad cunt.

    • The first question I asked the missus when we first met Unk.

      It’s vital to get these things clear from the very outset.

    • Not really into romantic acts Tez.

      I prefer the unspeakable ones.

      Lovely, good girl, aaaaahhhhhh.

    • “Paedœs can’t help themselves” Neither can their victims! Fucking demented termagant harridan. Extra oven with a Dunlop necklace please Uncle Tezza. What an utter cunt.

      • Aye the best thing those feral blek cunts invented was the Soweto Necklace..

        Oh and them boiling each other in big pots afore some cannibalism.

        Ebola isn’t bad either,just so long as it stays in Afrika.

  7. I’m not aware of this bint but I’ve seen the gobby fat ugly one on GB News. All I can say about her is she’d make a good hog roast.

    Anyway, if Ron says this Amy wotsit is a cunt, that’s good enough for me.

  8. These crazies genuinely seem to think that we are the loonies in need of re-education. Not many work in jobs where you need to analyse real evidence and work out solutions that actually work.

  9. She’s fond of immigrants is she ?

    Like the Romanian that’s been in court today, charged with stabbing an 11 year old girl in that there London ?

    Diversity is our strength ?

    Silly cow.

    Get To Fuck.

    • I guessed Albanian yesterday, but near enough. No fixed abode, no spikka da Inglis, amateur sailor, I’d say.

  10. The type of brainless bimbo that would have a black boyfriend, because it’s the latest fashion accessorie.. innit

  11. Typical stupid twat who loves to be liked, allows anything with no holds barred, so long as they don’t live near her.

  12. And as for that irritating lefty cunt Benjamin Butterworth, I could quite happily punch him in the face until I broke every bone in both my hands

  13. BTW B Butterworth should be inserted into an elephants arse like the suppository he is … and left there for 20 years to slowly dissolve

    • That’s rather unfair on the elephant.
      Wouldn’t lammys fat arse suffice.
      Plus you could use a sledgehammer to insert him.
      It’s not like he is doing anything important.

  14. She reminds me strongly of next door but one – similar simper but older and less fuckable ; an arty hippy vegan with a nebulous university occupation who hates me (good). I was sussing out local opinion to possible pigeon control measures, and she told me she’d be “very sad” should any pigeons unaccountably choose to expire in her garden, adding that the flying rats were “just being pigeons”. Like pee doughs, probably.

    There is a mind set with which I find it hard to connect, and that’s it.

  15. Another do-gooder Remoaner cunt who’s probably housed nought terrorists and wouldn’t be seen within 100 yards of the smelly goat-eaters.

    Quite ugly, too. Given the choice, I’d rather have a wank.

    Deport this turd to Paxtan.

      • Indeed Cuntalugs. The other day I was standing in front of a desk and getting a good eyeful down the cleavage of the woman sitting the other side of the desk in a low cut dress who was looking down at the paperwork. When I looked up I realised her mate nearby had spotted me and was giving me the hard stare. I think she seriously thought she could embarrass me. If you don’t want folks looking at the goods then don’t put them out on display.

  16. Our woke warriors a the Beeb are doing their usual shit.
    ‘Shock’ headlines about 12 year old kids rioting and smashing things up. Oh, the horror

    Of course, they see this as more newsworthy than yet another migrant (this time. a piss stained filthy Dooshka from Romania) stabbing another little girl.

    Will Stasi Stamer and his secret police convict this murderous gyppo turd as quickly as they have those 12 year old kids? Well, we all know the answer to that one.

  17. On the subject of blonde air-heads the one reading the news on BBC1 at lunchtime said that Ukraine claims to be in control of “1,000 kilometres of Russia.”

    • Reminds me of another BBC hack who declared that the population of Gaza is squeezed into a 200 mile square. I bet they wish they were.

  18. Nickell Turner – I’ve always hated that smug arrogant libtard.
    Rebecca Reid – puts out a weird rictus-like grimace at the start of the show, also loud, arrogant and hectoring.
    Butterworth – he used to really irritate me, and although he can still be an annoying twerp at times, I think he’s probably a decent person, even though he’s massively woke, but at least he can take a joke at his own expense, as seen on the Saturday Five show. Turner or Reid would probably have a massive melt down and run out in tears.

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