Ungrateful Ukrainians

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met heaps of Ukrainians in the UK who have come from the Donbass and have lost their homes thanks to bombs. Most are superb.

Tonight, tho – me and the wife get a BBQ going. Across the road, they get loud, lairy, decide to have a fight. I go outside and shout “shut the fuck up!” in Russian at 23:00 because, erm, work tomorrow …

… Now they decided I’m the problem for using a “triggering language.”

Nominated by : Cuntis_Cuntis

123 thoughts on “Ungrateful Ukrainians

  1. Media calling the shooter a sniper.

    Not much of one if he can’t hit a stationary target at 150 metres.

    • To be fair to the sniper, he was probably obsessing over his pronouns for his obituary.

  2. The tolerant left in action again.

    Watch the video. It’s the poor fucker behind Trump I feel sorry for.

  3. I don’t see how a sniper cab be in plain view on a roof, observed by the crowd before the first shot, with that level of secret service security , without at least one person in the Secret Service allowing it to happen

    • Hey Termujin,

      See the link below for an eye witness account of exactly what you described.

      There are going to be a lot of questions about what happened AND the fact that the Biden Admin has previously denied the Trump campaign’s request for beef upped security.

      They have also completely denied Secret Service protection for Robert Kennedy.

      • Hey General,

        I also thought the immediate on-stsge response was pathetic by SS, waiting for Trump to put his shoes on, leaving his head totally exposed, allowing him to fist salute and shout for several seconds before moving him, instead of dragging him to floor and off stage immediately.

        Something fishy here, stinks.

  4. A pierced ear won’t stop Donnie Tango.

    He’ll be a bit jumpy around party poppers for awhile,
    But when he’s back in the white House having Joe’s komode and stuffed leprechauns thrown in the skip he’ll cheer up.

    Well done big man?
    Took a bullet like John Wayne and still in the game.

    • When you’ve solved the problems of millions of illiterate ragheads pleasure boating their way on to you damp and soggy shores, then you can have a crack at American politics. Until then, shut the fuck up about the fucking Nazi Trump, mkay?

  5. Ps

    He has a pair of bollocks on him.

    His getting up with blood on his face and raised a clench fisted salute impressed me greatly.

    He’d get my vote for that alone if I was a yank.

  6. If I was Trump. I’d want to know who signed off the security plan for this event.

    A vacant rooftop 150 metres away ?

    That a gunman can take position on and fire off multiple rounds ?

    It stinks to high heaven.

    Time for Donald to do a Michael Corleone and hire some ‘private detectives ‘ who are licenced to carry firearms.

    Someone, somewhere, is plotting political manipulation.

    • Bet that George Clooneys behind it?

      I hope some Maga type assassinates Joe Biden by flicking a elastic band at him,
      Snapping his nexk

      • “We’re losing him! We need an eight year old girls pigtails, STAT!”

      • You could be on to something there,Mnc.Watch the film “the American”,that Clooney chap knows his way around a rifle.

    • Hey Jack,

      People in the States are saying the same thing. I posted a link above about questions being raised.

      And a link below to the eyewitness who said they tried to alert the SS/Police who did nothing until shots were fired.

      • General@. I wonder if the shooter made any new friends lately ?

        Whispering in his ear.

        ” Go on, I dare you. You’d be doing America a favour ” etc. etc.

        Friends that are no longer in the neighbourhood.

        Either something like that or incompetence on a grand scale.

  7. There are going to be many legitimate questions asked in the aftermath. There is also going to be a lot of mis and dis-information.

    A word of caution to my fellow Cunters; Take everything you hear from the MSM with a 50lb bag of rock salt.

    The American press is reporting the shooter was a 20 year old “registered” Republican.

    An eyewitness told the Beeb (in a recorded interview) that he and others saw the shooter and tried to alert the police who did not act until after the first shots were fired.

    Legitimate questions are being asked about why the building the shooter was on wasn’t secured.

    This is fertile ground for conspiracy theorists as well as propagandists.

    The next few days will be very interesting indeed.

    No matter what any of the Trump haters say…the man’s got some serious testicular fortitude.



    Presidential hopeful Donald Trump approached to star in western film opposite Alec Baldwin….


    • Morning MNC/all.
      I’ll bet Hilary Clinton and AOC were scissoring during the assassination attempt only to have their mutual orgasms denied by the shooter having the eyesight of Harvey Price.

      • Morning Thomas ?

        Sometimes it’s not WHAT you do
        It’s HOW you do it.

        Donald took a bullet and still showed defiance.
        I like that a lot!
        That’s class?

        He should spend less time playing golf and more time on the gun range , he could of returned fire !

        ‘ now, I know what you’re thinking punk.
        Did he fire 5 shots or 6?
        To tell you the truth I’ve kinda forgotten myself in all this excitement!

        – Dirty Donald

  9. The Democrats and the media are outraged by the assassination attempt. Who’d have thought describing Trump as evil and comparing him to Hitler would cause some kid full of medication (an assumption on my part) to attempt to kill the former president from the nearest available and undefended vantage point.

    The Media and Democrats are deeply upset because Donald isn’t dead.

    I’m not surprised by the assassination attempt but I thought Joe would have died peacefully in his sleep before hand.

  10. Trump with clenched fist, blood spattered across his face surrounded by Secret Service agents and with the Stars and Stripes in the background is already one of the defining images of the century. Biden could negotiate peace in Ukraine and Gaza and he still won’t win.

  11. The grandees in neither party want their respective candidates to be president.

    Strange days have found us.

  12. Hope the shooter Tommy Crooks wasn’t trying to impress Jody Foster?

    Because it’s been done before and failed.

    Lesbians don’t get wet for political assassination attempts for some reason?

  13. BBC have some left wing professor on practically say Trump is calling for political violence.

    The Left really does attract some filth that pretend to be righteous.

    • What security failure? There were FBI and secret service agents there. There were local law enforcement there. They would have been fully aware there was an unguarded barn roof 110 meters away that gave a line of sight shooting opportunity if anyone cared to climb on it.

      I find it hard to believe that all those involved in security were negligent or incompetent to that degree.

      I’d also assume Trump has personal security who should have identified the danger.

      Something stinks here, the usual bullshit will be fed to the masses. Mind you if you’re willing to believe that a man in a cave can arrange for 4 airplanes to be hijacked and then flown into buildings including the most heavily protected building in the world you’ll swallow anything.

      Incompetence is a repeated defence when this kind of shit happens.

      • The pivotal wake up call for very many.If ‘they’ could pull a stunt off of that magnitude…what else they capable of ? mass assault on billions of folk’s DNA maybe ? Rhetorical.

  14. This is outrageous but not that surprising.

    I recall a few ‘Trump should be shot’ statements being reported in the media recently.

    I wonder how those saying that feel this morning? Probably secretly sad that the shooter missed.

    Morning all.

  15. I presume Tommy Crooks’ vote for Democrats will still be valid and counted in November

    • Every city and every town is infested with Dooshkas.

      Every other voice you hear now is some loud Eastern European cunt, yaddering in their own gibberish.

      You forget you’re in the UK, until you speak to the girl behind the till.

  16. Telling and laughable. how all the knobheads with Ukranian flags all changed them to Palestinian ones when the Gaza thing started. The letie cunts treat conflict like it’s a toy at Christmas

  17. Good to see Big Don survived.
    Lineker, Tennant and all those other libfucks must be devastated.

    The way the progressive left and the MSM at large would have reveled in his demise would have showed their true colours. But he lives to fight another day, and another load of liberal cunts.

    Viva Big Don.

  18. People like De Niro need to calm down. Not everybody has the same political views as you Robert. Comparing Trump tio Hitler. Give your heads a wobble you idiots. They don’t like Donald Trump, fair enough, but the vitriol, bile and hatred to Trump will only embolden nut cases like the one yesterday to do it again. For fucks sake, calm down, debate and stop acting like spoilt kids in a playground. So sad for the person who has died and so glad Donald is alive and well.

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