So the story goes something like this. A woman, known only as CL, sued her ex-boyfriend, known only as HG, for damages/expenses over what she alleges was a broken promise or several.
While they were still a couple, CL had arranged to attend a concert with friends which involved a flight and being away from home for a period of time. To facilitate this, HG agreed to take CL to the airport and stay at her place to look after her dogs while she was away. OK, fair enough. But before this took place they broke up. Permanently. They were already living separately and for whatever reason ended their relationship of 6 and a half years. Oh dear, how sad.
On the day of CL’s flight however, HG failed to show up at her place for the airport run and subsequently did not stay at her place to look after her dogs. Why would he? They were no longer a couple. This caused inconvenience and additional expense for CL for which she then sued HG for compensation. Can you believe this shit?
Knowing any promises or arrangements made before the breakup were likely to be off the table post breakup, CL could have (and should have) made alternative arrangements. But no. She assumed HG was a fucking mug and would give up his free time to help someone with whom he was no longer involved.
Let’s examine the logic here. There are 3 possible ways (living) people can end a relationship.
1. Both parties mutually agree to go their separate way. Rare I know, but it happens. In which case, make your own arrangements CL and get on with your life.
2. CL breaks up with HG. He’s now upset and much less inclined to do her any favours. In which case, make your own arrangements CL and get on with your life.
3. HG breaks up with CL. She’s been given her marching orders. In which case, make your own arrangements CL and get on with your life.
We now live in a world where everything has to be done according to your wishes regardless and if it isn’t, it gets legal. Wow! One assumes that at some point during their relationship CL promised to take it in every hole whenever it took HG’s fancy. Now that’s not happening, presumably he can sue her for the cost of top shelf hookers who will.
Nomination by Imitation Yank.
What’s really funny is…what happens if she wins?
Does she honestly think this mope has $6.3 billion?
Does she expect him to write her a check or is she going to garnish his wages from Starbucks?
Where did you get that figure of $6.3 billion from?
The maximum the Tribunal could have awarded her was £14,526.
Have you been at Freewheelin’ Franklin’s stash again?
From the header pic.
Oh yes… what a silly bunt!
Where did you get your number from?
I didn’t think I saw it in the nomination or the link.
S C B beat Fat Freddy to the hash cookies
Have her up in front of Judge Judy.
CL wouldn’t last 5 minutes. ?
CL has a bit to much of the touch of the tarbrush about her.
I find the defendant not guilty.
Definitely tainted.
As pointed out by another cunter,
That is not CL in the header picture.
There are no pictures of CL.
Good morning.
Nothing personal by any means General but I blame Americans for the whole suing culture bollocks.
The civilised world would get along much better without it and you could tell fuckwits like those in the nom to take a running jump!
P.S. General, I hope you don’t sue me for being a cunt otherwise I will be forced to counter sue for your being a cunt.
No worries Scunty,
We bear a lot of the blame.
As for me suing you for being a cunt…I’ve read a lot of your posts and that’s not a word I would use to describe you…except in a generic, non-insulting IsaC Brotherhood / Fellowship kind of way.
As the frog chorus once sang.
We’re all cunts together or something like that.
I read that there are more lawyers in the US than in the rest of the world put together.
I can well believe it.
There’s an old joke in America:
Do you know why California has the most lawyers and New Jersey has the most toxic waste sites?
Because New Jersey got to pick first.
Another is
What’s the difference between a cat-fish and a lawyer?
One is a bottom feeding mud sucker, the other is a fish.
Bliar is single handedly to blame. He legalised ambulance chasing in the UK.
You’ll be pleased to know that she didn’t succeed with her action, although apparently HG sent her a wet fart, by way of a consolation prize.
The whole of new Zealand ain’t got 6.3 billion, not after that nazi shergar ruined the country’s economy..
Maybe she is a maori and needs the money for more face tattoos.
Can’t have enough of those.
It’s vexatious litigation, grabbing her 15 minutes of fame and a few social media Brownie points.
Load of utter bollocks.
She had no chance of getting 3 billion.
Just another fantasist.
World is full of them.
HG is well rid of her.
Her dogs have a lot to put up with
No wonder the poor sod fucked off.
Surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
Afternoon all.
The 6.3 BN was to keep the dogs in Charlie and Jack Daniels. (Allegedly)
Jesus on a Harley them poor dogs.
We are fucked if money is to be spent on such a load of arse what’s cunt.
After my former partner was unable to go on the lavatory even accompanied, I thought it a waste of time helping her bored an aeroplane. She needs permanent attention from an expert carer. That would be my reply. People are shameless and don’t care what they come out with, however ridiculous to get their way.
Hope the cunt spontaneously combustion.
Can’t help but wonder how the dozy slag thought it would be reasonable to stick in a claim in the first place!
I don’t think climate change, politics, religion or asteroids should be any cause for concern if future generations are going the way of this thick fucker then basic common sense should be the first agenda
perhaps the mad cunt thought her boyfriend was Jonny Depp ?
Domestic abuse victim Johnny Depp.
I be tempted to give her a fucking big kick in the fanny….? And say ,” that’s all your getting of me bitch” go and suck some other fuckers cock to support your lifestyle….!
Does the header relate to the actual cunting?
Unlikely, CP, but it looks like the type.
It relates to the story below.
I stand corrected, but fuck my old boots!
That’s a model?
Yes, I saw ” Only Fans” , but by all that’s Holy!
What a munter.
Hang on!
This is about revenge porn, and not failing to look after dogs.
Not the same thing, at all, mate.
Still confused?
The nom header pic is entirely unrelated to the nomination.
The header pic is in reference to the OnlyFans revenge porn story posted above.
Got it now, mate? ?
Got it, but I’m nearly two bottles in, so yes.
I’m confused, befuddled, lambasted, tiddly, Stephen Fryd’, etc, etc.
Got it now, Shits.
What does she model? Scaffolding?
Outsizes – for tattooed effnicks, presumably. ?
Beastly. You might see it in Sainsburys or the high street and wouldn’t look twice.
No wonder 99% of these OnlyFans twats earn £250 a week or less.
That wont feed the five kids by four dads.
$6Bn? She’s innumrrate as well.
I can only assume that the majority of her 8 million instafappers are monobrowed young carpet/dinghy riders or the machete-wielding bredren who will fuck anything with an arse and a pulse.
Considering the entire American economy is based on suing each other, I’m really not that surprised.
Not really the entire American economy.
We have graft, corruption, welfare, and the Green Raw Deal too.
But your point is well taken. We do indeed like to sue each other.
I knew an attorney who always said; Anyone can sue anyone anytime for anything.
She’s a model? She’s not going to get one dollar. This is simply about publicity in an effort to help her career.
A model for all you can eat buffets the fat bitch.
CL, the bint in the nomination, has not been described as a model.
She’s just a run of the mill, me! me! me! slutbitch, allegedly…
Or as the Reform candidate for Devizes might say, ‘acting like a gutter slut’.
What a supremely assonant insult.
This story is about not looking after dogs, as posted by IY.
Shits link is about revenge porn, no mention of dogs, except for the two mongrels involved.
The Litigious CL, sounds like a good name for a american rapper.
That lazy ŵòĝ, wouldn’t look after my dog..
He made me miss my plane,which caused me pain.
So I took him to court, as the last resort.
I went to the judge, but he wouldn’t budge.
He threw out my claim, saying I was to blame..
Well done Baz.
Are you appearing at Glastonbre 2026?
Whoops, no. They aren’t doing one
“to allow the land to have a rest”
No jp, but I will be supporting pam ayres on the forthcoming poetry slam tour
Rock and roll..
Lord above, I’m so excited.
Where can I buy tickets for the ” Not Glastonbre” festival.
Pam Ayres! Oh, my days!
( BTW, autocunt just corrected tickets to rockets, does it know summat I don’t?)
Tickets available from woolworths, next to the pick and mix..
Thanks, Baz.
I’m firing up the time machine, going back to simple times. Spare seat available.
I’ll take that seat Jeezum, the past had fuck ups granted but nowhere near as fucked up as the present which don’t bode well for the future.
Woolworths – what a shame.
Back in the early nineties i remember going there on Saturdays to see what X Men figures were on sale.
No pick n’Mix though. Didn’t need it. Italian-owned cafe over the road.
I hate looking at these self obsessed cunts admiring themselves in their mobile phones
I just laugh.
What a silly cunt. Looks like the geezer dodged a bullet big time dumping the tart.