The Greybelt

Only a few days into the Starmer administration (five as I write) and the pansy/Commie word jugglers of New New Labour are already it. Flabby bottomed Rachel Reeves, she of the shiny slacks and costermonger voice, waddled into her “big speech” yesterday, declaring she was ripping up the planning rules in order to build more houses to house the many gimmigrants who arrive here via the RNLI taxi service. Suddenly to not look quite the ignorant philistine arsehole she really is, she has painted the greenbelt grey so that any hint of greenery in our filthy overcrowded towns can be torn down, and blocks of flats built for the scum that they intend to import more of.

I have little doubt this subterfuge came not from her, or Dame Kweer, (they have barely a brain cell to rub together) but is yet another of the tricks of Anthony Blair and his duckie friend Mandy. It has their intellectual dishonesty marked all over it, like the shitstains on AnalEase Dodd’s bloomers:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

46 thoughts on “The Greybelt

  1. Haven’t they targeted 1.5 million new homes in five years? With Angela ‘Fag Ash Lil’ Rayner in charge?

    Good luck with that one.

    Morning all.

      • BTW, the world of ‘harkitekhur is still grieving the catastrophic loss of Steven Lawrence, innit.

      • They gave the job to fah ash, loose knickers, Ange knowing she would fail. Her opponents are a n the Conservative Party but her enemies are within the Labour ranks.

      • She needs a eight goof seeing to, little minx, and I know just the man for the task.

        Not blowing my own trumpet, that’s her job.

    • That’s 821 a day if the builders never have a day off for 5 years..
      So they are already 17,200 behind..

      Or 2.3 if flabbottus does the math..

      • Of course, the conspiracy theories are already going about. Ang is being set up to carry the can when it all goes pear shaped.

        Something in that, I’d say.

      • Just been round your old neck of the woods Ron,

        Picked up a 600cc yamaha.for someone.

      • I quite believe it Ron. Starmer knows he is already vulnerable and what better way than to sacrifice his likely challenger for the leadership.

      • Dunno why that landed there?
        Meant for Baz the Isac Johnny Ball

  2. They’ll not be happy before the entire country looks identical to an East German chemical factory circa 1982.

    Just with more pakís.


    • or Aberdeen. Sorry to our Scots friends, but what a fucking grey shithole. What it will look like after Labour have fucked over oil and gas is anyone’s guess.

      • I live in Aberdeen and it has totally been turned into a shithole already by the SNP. Labour will just add the curry sauce.

  3. It took a fucking decade for the thick cunts to even admit that high immigration has an effect on housing.

    The cunts (labour) are going to close all the asylum accommodation and force every fucking council to take ‘the fair share’, brilliant idea, instead of the usual places like London, Birmingham and so on being shitholes every fucking town and village across the country will become shitholes.

    Send the lot to Scotchland, that Flynn cunt loves them.

    • I love reading the comments on my local town facebook site whenever any application for umpteen more houses comes up. The twats blame everyone except immigrants. I like to chuck a grenade in every now and then about the true cause being out of control immigration. I’m sure it makes them self combust in a frenzy.

      • Free meals during holidays was a great one to troll on my one. One bloke wanted a fight.

      • Hehe, love it, maybe a ‘kick out all the channel scumbags’ would cause self accelerating explosive combustion.

      • Go to The Argus Facebook page for that. it’s the local rag for Brighton.

  4. Old Flabby buttocks Reeves likes to boast she is the first woman chancellor, but I think her days are already numbered. Giving above inflation wage rises to pedants and NHS staff will just be a green light for every union to suggest that their workers are just as important and a nice winter of strikes is on the cards – nothing to stop them now Kweer has removed their legal obligations.

    1974-1979 will look like a golden era by the time the Starmer sodomites have had their go.

    For two or three years Kweer has told us “Labour has a plan” – what they didn’t say was that they would dismantle the thin safeguards we already had, and now, with closing the Stockholm Bibby, for example, we will have illegals roaming the streets, and nothing to replace it with, we can see the only plan he had was just to grab the levers of power and to behave like the little Fascist he really is – the nancy Nazi’s are on the march, and Reeves is his Eva Braun.

  5. Labour Government list of priorities:

    !. Suck immie dick
    2. Suck Provo dick
    3. Suck Union dick
    4. Suck EU dick.
    5. Suck Trans dick (if still available)
    6. Suck eco warrior dick
    7. Suck Zelensky’s dick

    It was all in the manifesto.

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. Let Wales and Scotchland take the majority of these new builds, given how much they get in subsidies.

    Affordable housing? Just build towers of concrete and steel rabbit hutches for the dinghy folk. Ones they can’t burn down. Put several up around Brighton. They love diversity.

  7. The plan is simple, a vast majority of the “affordable” homes will be shared ownership. This means the dopes who buy them will never own them, thereby ensuring they will have to work way past retirement just to stay in their “own” home’s.

    As Baldrick would say ” a cunning plan”

    • Do as the Californians do. 8 f@ggots living in little more than a dormitory apartment, because its the only way the extortionate rent will get paid.

      Then they can travel to work, dodging the meth heads, human faeces and needles in central San Francisco.

      It’s all glamour and partying on their social feeds, but they sleep under the stairs.

  8. Apparently old quarries can be used for the housing. Just use a bulldozer and land fill them instead with all the scum. Sorted.

  9. Cracking nom Mr Boggs👍

    And one I’m not happy about.
    Our green and pleasant land being built on to house third world scum.

    Thought these eleccy car, heat pump, vegan fuckers were meant to be environmentally aware?

    Or when it suits.

    Welcome to your new home Ali,
    Plug in your new leccy car and shout the kids in for tea.
    Mummy’s cooking curry 👎

  10. It’s a load of bollocks. I was a site manager for years. Even if they eased planning it could still take years to start building. There’s still surveys to be done, ground tests, infrastructure upgrades, environment impact shite to overcome. They must take us for gullible cunts.

  11. There are currently 850,000 empty properties in the UK. Just sitting there, rotting away with no one living in them.

    Problem is, they are in the ‘wrong’ areas. Areas that were once the industrial powerhouses of this country. Dying towns where generations of politicians of all stripes have failed the locals and outsourced the mining and manufacturing in order to line their own pockets and those of their paymasters.

    Now Labour want to build 1.5m new houses to house a declining population? Yeah. Makes total sense.

  12. I didn’t follow the run up to the recent GE very closely, so apologies for the perhaps rather naive question.

    Since Labour have been in power, I’ve seen many headlines full of outrage about what Labour are doing or plan to do. Did Labour let everyone know ahead of time what they’d do if they won or is all this genuinely shocking as it’s literally coming from nowhere?

    I am rather dismayed that Labour are back in power again. The B-liar years were very destructive, so why would anyone want a repeat of that? Plus, certainly in my life time, it’s a known thing that Labour tax everything to death, are anti free enterprise and encourage the growth of the welfare state. Like a Robin Hood on steroids. The Tories’ wanton dereliction of duty has indeed created a uni-party political landscape and it’ll be the British people who will suffer while the political class gorge themselves as they feather their own nests.

    In England’s green & pleasant Land…..not anymore under Labour it would seem.

  13. Labour and Conservative both a load of bollocks but without serious changes to our voting system we seem destined to endure a lifetime of inept government.

  14. Environmental vandalism.

    I’ve been reassured that it’s very much in keeping with Net Zero.

    If you didn’t laugh at these bastards, you’d only cry.

  15. One could build much social housing on the likes of Hampstead heath, Richmond park to name but a few prime development sites. This is where the majority of incomers want to live not villages in the middle of nowhere. Got enough cunts as it is.

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