The BBC [125] and Huw Edwards [4]

All that ‘But… But’ and ‘mental health’ stuff and apologising and making excuses for that cunt Huw Edwards. ‘Complicated private life’ Yeah right. A fucking pea dough is more near the mark, the dirty bastard cunt.

I just wonder, how long have his BBC employers known about him, and did they let him do to the late Queen’s funeral, knowing what he was/is? Just keep in mind that these are the cunts that let Jimmy Savile work with young girls and kids for decades.

As for Edwards… Kids, eh? Is their no end end to the BBC naunce factory?
And these twats have the hubris to say we need lecturing and ‘educating’…

And, how many of the dirty sick fucks on thier books must surface before the bastards are closed down for good and all? How many nails does their already rotten and riddled coffin need to be shut forever?

Oh aye… Link

From the Beebscum themselves.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Norman

With a second fiddled in by Chuff Chugger:

May I add to this nomination by adding the link below, which is in relation to the BBC’s annual release of their employees earning (not all the grifting cunts are on the list due to the convoluted way certain highly paid ‘stars’ charge the BBC for their services)

…but back to Huw Edwards. Not only does/did he earn a shit load of dosh, but AFTER being suspended and subsequently ‘resigning’ and not actually doing any work for the BBC since July 2023 he received a pay rise of £40k! The BBC have stated that although they cannot be specific, they suggest the £40k is for the ‘hard work’ and ‘long hours’ Huw put in whilst covering the Queens funeral.

Don;t know about you, but already being paid well in excess of £400k per year would be enough for me to do some hard work and some long hours…not so the BBC or Mr Edwards.

…oh and don’t get me started on the rest of the cunts on the highest ‘earners’ list.

More BBC News.

114 thoughts on “The BBC [125] and Huw Edwards [4]

  1. If you want to fuck all night, just sellotape a picture of Huw, in his underpants, to the headboard. 🤮

    Your wife / somebody else’s wife / girlfriend / somebody else’s girlfriend, will be begging you to blow your load, after being relentlessly pounded for hours on end.

    Then, when you’re ready and if you haven’t had a massive coronary, just shut your eyes and think of Diana Rigg, circa 1960’s, dressed in a leather catsuit.

    You will send your forever grateful lover into fucking orbit 💥☀️♥️🌟💋

    No need to thank me.

    Good evening.

  2. They should send out a breakdown of where your license fee goes. £25 on jug eared virtue signalling, £20 on pea doughs. Etc

  3. Slightly O/T, but still related to BBC scum.
    The cunts obviously couldn’t believe their luck when it was revealed that those poor kids yesterday were attending a Taylor Swift themed dance party.
    Now they can legitimately name drop Ms Swift at every possible opportunity whilst they report on yesterday’s horrors.
    Apparently She’s ‘in shock’ over what happened etc etc.
    That should offer the bereaved some comfort.
    Give me fucking strength.

    • Still, I suppose it’s somewhat more comforting than the offerings of old bill, who are still feverishly searching for a motive other than terrorism.
      This despite the presence of anti terrorism officers who are simply ‘advising’.

      • Tommy gets arrested under the terrorism act while the killing of 3 and the maiming of more in a premeditated act is non-terror??
        What the fuck?

  4. Sorry more O/T a arrest warrant is out on katie price.

    She has gone on the run with harvey..

    Coming soon on Netflix. Booble and Clyde.

    • I think they already made that one where he’s got hold of her on the top of the Empire state building and he’s swatting at biplanes.

      • A bi-plane? Is that an airplane that also fucks helicopters? But back to the point, can you just imagine that dribbling mong swatting at planes while shouting ‘Ello, you cunts!’ as they whizz by? And for the disgusting mother, I just can’t find words that that would do justice to the level of contempt that I have for her. I cannot decide who is more despicable, her or that Markle cunt! I’ll wager the latter jumps in the bandwagon and sends ‘thoughts and prayers to Southport!

    • I saw that, Barry.

      It’s no use trying to hide, Katie. Orbiting satallites will pinpoint your location by tracking your comedy tits and dayglo orange fake tan.

      • According to ‘The Stun’, she’s now flogging a 30 sec. video of herself in the scud at £56 a pop, to raise cash.

        That’s about all the old skank will raise,I’d say.

    • Seems very petty, but fair enough.

      Wow! Having the rules clearly explained along with the consequences for not following them, then calling the imposition of those consequences “very petty” will get you out of mod jail so much faster. Well done. Have a little think about how you might be able to turn your ship around. Clock’s ticking – NA.

    • You would think the BBC having had plenty of experience of n*oncing staff, would have some kind of crisis management plan in place.

      • Why is it always the BBC? Is it part of the interview process?

        Interviewer: Are you, or have you ever been, a child-fucker?

        Candidate: No.

        Interviewer: Thank you, we’ll be in touch.

  5. Yet another AlBeeba wrongun who is partial to non-consensual, minor schmelmet.

    The BBC will pension him off, so he’ll still enjoy a generous slice of the licence payer’s TV tax.

    Evil fucking cunt should be buried alive.

    • Suspended for almost a year on full salary of £480,000.
      Plus a £40,000 pay increase!
      Money well spent,
      I’m sure the licence fee payer would concur.

      • Yes, I absolutely concur.
        And, as a sheep and living in Wales, at least it stopped him from going anywhere near our fluffy bottoms.

  6. Oi, BBC, fact check this shit show you shower of cunts.
    Try to find so angle, some bent nuance, to show that we’re all wrong and you’re not just PIE in disguise.

    • Yes and it’s being blamed on the ‘far right’ EDL. Saw a few photos of the vigil, looked peaceful but no peacefuls…….

      Expect a statement about the community coming together and not letting the far right stir up disharmony shortly.

      • Some copper gives the murderer (not ‘alleged’ murderer, btw, msm) a slap in the gob tonight, though, .. and the peacefuls will be out on the whine quick sharp….

      • @CTA

        They are using tear gas and stun grenades now, didn’t see them during the BLM riots.

        Actions speak loudest and the real violence is always saved for the indigenous.

    • I’m certainly not surprised Unkle.

      With each atrocity the pot has slowly been boiling.

      Unless our useless politicians do something drastic, quickly, the pot will explode.

      It’s coming.

      It’s coming.

      • And what are the fat, sweaty coppers chiefly concerned about right at this moment?
        People speculating about the attackers identity.
        “ We have already said that the person arrested was born in the UK and speculation helps nobody at this time.”
        Well that’s alright then.

      • I’ll tell you what they’ll do. They are already framing it.

        The protest is by people from outside the area, the problem was caused by misinformation on social media.

        A few key people are going to get their collars felt, probably some stiff sentences snd some new laws will be passed regarding social media communication and incitement.

      • They’re crowbarring the word ‘boy’ in as much as possible, though… the phrase ’17 year old boy’ appeared 3 times in 3 paragraphs in a piece I’ve just finished reading (Mirroronline) .. Not ’17 y.o. male’ , or simply 17 y.o. which would be sufficient after the first use of ‘boy’.

        ’17 y.o disgrace to the species’ is a better fit, imo

    • The British Bumming Club will now be able to devote all its reporting on the ‘ far right ‘, courtesy of the unrest in Southport.

      Conveniently avoiding any debate about ‘ tricky ‘ subjects such as Huw and anti British filth destroying our way of life.


      • I the case of Huw, it was definitely a good day to bury bad news.
        The uncharitable would suggest old bill and the BBC were in cahoots.
        I wouldn’t put it past either of the untrustworthy cunts.

  7. 17 year old “boy” but old enough to vote in the fantasy world of landslide starmer and his bunch of freaks with a massive majority of 20% of the electorate. What a fucking country this has become .

    • Indeed.
      Considering the age of criminal responsibility is 10 years, why can’t the piece of shit be named?
      Mind you, Starmer would probably want them voting at that age.

    • Funny, when anyone retaliates against these human flith, the ‘far right’ appear out of nowhere.

      Tha media cunts and the pigs tried that one in Dublin when people had had enough there. Only thing is, thre is no ‘far righr’ in Ireland.

      I also fully expexct a ‘far right lone wolf’ to appear later this week, to take the heat off the murdering treeswinger, and to turn the public at large against anyone who is angry about the heinous crimes in Southport. I dare say the BBC and the bogies are cooking it up as write…

      • It’s certainly a mystery.
        The ‘far right’ magically appear like Mr Benn whenever there’s a hint of retribution.
        All manufactured by the msm and our ‘heroes’ in the police.
        Wouldn’t it be a turn up if a relative of one of the deceased got nicked kicking off tonight?
        Not that we’d be allowed to know, of course.

  8. Time for a new ” CRUSADE”, Mosques should burn and the Muslim filth should be driven from our land…🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  9. Thanks politicians.

    Thanks Marxist cunts in all of the institutions.

    Thanks for the last few decades.

    We were never fucking asked whether we wanted any of this.

    Whoopy fucking do – we had a referendum on Europe. So fuck.


    Europe is as fucked as the UK is.

    We never had a referendum on handing over our country to the third world and Islam.

    Neither did Europe.

    Worth remembering.

  10. The BBC tells of “far right” violence amd the EDL. However, it fails to mention the Asian-looking man who arrived at he vigil with a machete. It also fails to report that one of the young girls was beheaded (apparently).

    Far right/ lone wolf/ mental health/ psychological issues

    Terrorism Bingo

    • I *think* I remember a time when competitive journalism was about getting the maximum amount of accurate details, and (also)being first with the ‘scoop’. ‘Press’ racing to a phone booth to be first to contact their office like older movies depict.

      Today/yesterday, I saw day-old factually incorrect versions still there, among ones much more recent. Still clickbaiting, despite the subject….e.g. ‘police share motive detail’ led to ‘not terror related’, after scrolling past 3 or 4 ads. That was misleading, to my eye. A motive ANTI detail, more like.

      Worse followed… ‘description of the weapon’ transpired to simply be ‘knife’ half a page of scrolling later.

      And you know what? .. Previously that wouldn’t have truly mattered, to know … the damage was done, whatever TYPE of knife was used, .. but now the brain wonders from a ‘how much are they downplaying?’ angle. A knife as any common sense person thinks of one?, or a so-called ‘zombie knife’ a foot or two long, more like a fucking sword…

      And, of course, blurring the line between ethnicity and nationality. When it suits on that final one, of course.

  11. Thing is, we do need accuracy in reporting, or the truly innocent suffer! The best way to do this would to my mind, be an official statement naming the cunt, his age and the address of all his relatives and known associates! That way, the lynch mob will get the right ones! PS, I did hear from a bloke in the pub, that the perpetrator of this heinous crime was that he’s an Israeli with no foreskin! Fact

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