Stephen Lawrence and his cunt family (6)


Black jesus has risen again..
The human knife block is back in the news..

Less effort has been used in the JFK assassination, than the money and resources for one dead nìĝĝèŕ..

Worn carpet head doreen isn’t happy,”there’s a surprise”.

The coppers in charge of the case won’t face criminal charges, never mind it was only 10 million down the toilet..

So cue Laurence Fishburne’s , bewilderment, disappointment and anger.
” and the publics too”..

Sorry to break it to you, the general public don’t give a fuck..
We are sick to death of entitled, arrogant race baiting cunts like you..

Just keep collecting your house of Lords money you don’t deserve, and shut the fuck up..

Daily Fail

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

101 thoughts on “Stephen Lawrence and his cunt family (6)

  1. Quite surprisingly for some as fair minded as myself I cannot abide this jabbering bald wôg and its eminent career as a lying ambulance chaser.

    Fuck her to hell and good riddance to her parasitic criminal cunt of a son.

    The cunt being dead would have saved the country a fortune in court appearances and prison if it wasn’t for our craven “right on” political class and their underlings in the Met police farce management.

    Fucking vermin for Oven.

    Good morning.

  2. £70 odd grand a year for walking in and now and then spouting a load of old bollocks about cunts stabbing each other what cunt decided that one mind you the House of Lords is full of piss smelling parisits just like her that are costing us a fucking fortune

  3. Ross Parker, ever heard that name ? Probably not because he was white, 17 years old when he was murdered in a a racist attack in Peterborough in 2001, and that’s why I don’t give a flying fuck about Steven Lawrence !

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