Princess of Wales

Please, fellow cunters join me in admiration.

”Princess of Wales to attend Wimbledon men’s final”

Unlike the million or so other women with cancer this selfless example has been able to put it behind her and attend Wimbledon. In a special seat. Attended by an army of lackies. Surrounded by window lickers who are there to be seen.
What an example to us all.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

77 thoughts on “Princess of Wales

  1. “Clap. Clap for me, you worthless, filthy plebs.”
    What has this woman achieved beyond being a spunk receptacle for a platinum-spooned inbred and popping out three children who will never know so much as a single moment of hardship, all paid for by us, the indigenous common filth that the royal parasites despise.
    Much like in ‘King Ralph’, where the entire royal family is electrocuted, we can only hope that the bone-idle royal moochers are somehow all bumped off simultaneously.
    I admit to despising them.
    And the way that everone literally bows and scrapes before them just because they were shat out of a “royal” womb makes me want to puke.
    The guy behind Kate is totally checking out her arse!

    • Thomas @. He’s got his dick out.

      The woman next to him is looking at it, smiling ☺️

      Good morning 🌄👍

      • Morning, Jack. That doesn’t look like Kyle Walker. Maybe he just went on the same course

      • Morning Jack, how’s tricks?
        Are yourself and Ethel off doing something fun today?

    • She ain’t got an arse Thomas.
      She is a stick insect.

      For baldy William it must be like fucking a bin bag full of coat hangers.

    • Hello Thomas. Everything is ok 👍

      We’re not doing anything spectacular today.

      Bit of shopping, mooching on the flea market, garden centre for a scone, dropping off middle grandsons birthday present, then doing an oil change on the Discovery.

      Other than that, fuck all 😁

  2. It will cause a bit of a stir if she gets diagnosed as cancer free in the near future, with so many patients on the NHS waiting list still untreated.

    Anyway, she has done what she was supposed to do.

    She has ensured the continued royal line of gormless idiots.

    She no longer has any purpose.

  3. Is she not fragrant though?. I bet she don’t stink of stale piss and shit like old AnalEase, or Yvette Mini-Cooper who stinks worse than Satan’s knickers.

    • Soeaking of Satan’s Knickers, did anyone else laugh at the trannies during the Satanist freak-for-all last night?

      That was rough.

  4. ‘Are we sure it was really her even, innit? May be it was a lookie-likie. Just like “Crooked Joe” who has been killed by Queen Kamel in a palace coup. The video was clearly doctored, I mean, look at those two trees behind her, unrealistic if you consider the shadow and the time of day when Mr Alcatraz beat that other bloke…’

    Good morning, everyone.

  5. On a happy, positive note, she may have introduced a cancer gene into the royal lineage.

    Instead of these useless parasites living into their 90’s and even older, we may see them carking it in middle age.

    That’s good news for everyone.

    The royal enthusiasts who line the streets for funerals and coronations will have even more opportunities to demonstrate their cuntishness.

    Commemorative mug and tea towel manufacturers will see an upturn in profits.
    Florists will be delighted.

    It’s a win win situation.

    • What you’re trying to say is that in the future, they may only survive until they’re 40 love?

      Sorry about that.

      Good Morning.

      I slept like a fucking log last night after attempting to watch the Olympics opening ceremony.

    • Only 5-10% cancers are genetically inherited.
      It depends more on activation of genes from environment than inheritance.

  6. So what we saying, we would rather have her dead.. that’s a bit much.

    Be thankful the BBC article didn’t mention cancer is racist or is it Wimbledon that’s racist.. probably both..

    • I don’t wish them dead Barry, I just wish they would get off our backs. Why don’t they just take their vast wealth and join the rest of their ilk in Monaco?

      • If she were dead it would make no difference to her figure.

        She looks like a skeleton now.

        Her long, never to be worn twice, just above the ankles dresses are not just worn to stop any attempt by an adventurous photographer from getting an ‘up skirt’.
        They are there to protect us from being exposed to her chop stick legs.

        She is titless too.
        No chance of a sneaky ‘down blouse’ by the paparazzi.

    • They dragged on some little jigaboo at the start of the men’s final. Not sure why – I don’t think he played tennis. His main qualification seemed to be that he wuz blik.

      I used to be very pro royal – had great respect for the queen and her father. But the current lot can get fucked.

  7. The Lass needs a pie urgently.

    If you’re wedding ring doubles as a belt you need sustenance.

    She’s not as awful as most of the royals.
    I forgot about her to be honest.

    Hope she enjoyed Wimbledon and ate a full strawberry once her butler had cut it up for her.

    • If she’s on the chemo she wants some Ondansetron or that pie will come straight back up.

      DCI Gene Cunt will know.

  8. Also she likes her men follically challenged.

    She gets wet for the Charlie Brown look.

    So she probably fancies me.

    Sorry twiglet but I’m spoken for.
    No.! Don’t cry.
    You need the salt.

  9. Good morning and welcome to unpopular views from across the pond. Today’s episode:

    A Septic view of Royality…

    I have little use for your inbred German Royals. I did have a pretty high opinion of Liz and I think Anne is cut from the same cloth. But Chuck and Andy were definitely spawned in the shallow end of the gene pool. As for Eddy, I think he was spawned in a lab as a sort of test tube, Willy Windsor, Baldylocks prototype.

    However, with the current War on Western Civilization and its Institutions by the Neo-Marxists Scum of the Brave New One Worlders, I sometimes find myself in the unenviable position of supporting / defending an institution(s) I have little to no use for.

    If the Lefties want to destroy the Monarchy, then I want to preserve it. Revamp it, reform it, revise it, but don’t revoke it.

    As for the Princess of Wales, I’ll concede she has received better treatment than the average Englishman or woman.

    And indeed, I’ve rejoiced in the death of many an evil cunt who by whatever means has left this world for Eternity’s Sulfurous Abyss.

    Kate has cancer and I’ve watched people close to me die of cancer. Simply put, I don’t want to cunt anyone who has it.

    Deadpool her if you must. And after she’s gone write her a stinging obituary or compose a witty epitaph. But leave her alone while she’s sick.

    Oh…and campaign for every citizen of your nation have access to the same kind of health care she gets.

    And stay tuned for more unpopular Septic views of…whatever.

    • Well said, General. Sometimes I do wonder about people on here. For all the lovey dovey stuff about dead pets, it seems that humans who’ve done no harm or said anything outrageous, yet have disabilities or a serious illness provoke ire and hatred.

      Again, more pointless spite. Where it comes from, only each cunter knows.

      • Thank you Cuntamus and I often wonder the same thing.

        I suspect these hateful keyboard warriors do not behave this way in public lest they get their asses (arses) kicked.

        But given the anonymity of the internet, they can talk tough without fear of accountability or retribution.

      • Hey Boggs,

        So did I.

        I always thought Royal and randy would make for a memorable experience.

  10. I suppose they don’t even know they are condescending aloof grifters.

    I neither know nor care,to them everything and everywhere is an article from Tatler or some such.

    I wonder how’d they’d get on living in a flat in Bradford surrounded by filthy ragheads who they appear to hold so dear?

    Good morning and meh.

  11. General @

    Animosity aside for a minute,
    That’s about the best original thing you’ve wrote, I agree with you.

    I don’t hate her, feel sorry for anyone with cancer specially some mum with young children.

    Good post 👍

    * (Hostilities may commence again)

    As you were.

    • Evening MNC, all.
      He must be making up for the post in which he stated:
      “She’s dead.”
      Due to Kate not having been seen in public for some time.
      When she were recovering from her operation.
      Some conspiracy theory about them needing time to train a doppelgänger to take her place. 🙄

  12. Hmmm.
    I think there’s a bit of jealousy going on with some of the cunters replies here, wishing they had married William and are just bitter about it. 😃

  13. Sexually speaking, Kate is definitely my type. She can sit on my face and do a wee wee in my hair anytime.

    I’m far from being a monarchist, but she seems to be a good egg as royals go.

    Not her fault she caught cancer. Of course she gets special treatment, she’s a fucking royal, doh!

  14. No matter which way you look at his, she`s nowhere near the entertainment value of our ex Queen of Hearts, Diana. 💞

  15. As ever, the media are the biggest cunts in all of this.
    Fawning like imbeciles over Kate’s appearance at a tennis match as if she’d traveled there by bus.
    Then there’s the other side of the coin which we witnessed with the doctored photo saga.
    Narky opinion pieces being written by embittered wimminz who probably use filters on every selfie they put on social media.
    And on the subject of special treatment. If we became a republic tomorrow and president Starmer or VP Rayner had cancer, do you think they’d take their chances with the plebs via the NHS?
    Like fuck would they.

  16. Well wait until labour install the ugly, bald racist chimp doreen “Fishburne” lawrence as the head of the Republic..

    Lording it up with a endless array of ill-fitting wigs or her worn carpet head..

    With black jesus replacing jug ears on our money..

    • That’s the alternative isn’t it?
      I’m extremely wary of how a republic would develop in this country.
      The left would be itching to see us have a ‘historical’ black female head of state.
      I’ll stick with the Hanovers for now.

  17. Can’t find it in myself to cunt her. She made a bad choice marrying into that family. She’s the one good player in a team and now she’s expected to carry it.

  18. It’s weird how some nominations are like the Dog one the other day and seem to bring out the best in everyone.

    Then posts like this that seem like some bitter angry tirade.

    I sort of agree with the sentiment that everyone else who has gone through or is going through cancer treatment should have the same level of care.

    Unfortunately we don’t live in an ideal world. I’ve experienced enough loved ones dying from cancer that I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

    On another note why in the fuckity fuck do some of you lot want some bird to piss on you???!!

    That’s just nasty 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    Dorty feckers

    • Well said Harold. It is a thoroughly poor cunting that says a lot more about the cunter than the PoW.

      How dare she go to a tennis match when other cancer sufferers can’t!

      in some ways it’s almost woke, demanding equality of outcomes.


      • I see you’d posted a similar thing further up CP but put it more succinctly.

        It’s almost like this site has multiple personality disorder sometimes.

      • It misses the sanity and moderating influence of posters like RTC and Komodo.

  19. Cancer is vile. Utterly fucking shit. Wouldn’t wish it on anybody, and sufferers have my utmost sympathy.

    But for Kate (and Charlie), there was no can’t get a GP appointment. There was no agonising wait to see a consultant, or to get that vital scan, or to begin treatment. It was a case of ‘waiting list, what’s a waiting list?’. Nope, it’s straight to see some of the world’s best oncologists, and straight into hospital, no messing.

    She seems a decent sort, and I wish her well in her recovery, but I’ll save my sympathy for Joe and Jane Public who are in pain mentally and physically, and struggling on in the queue, wondering if they’ll end up missing out on life.

    Morning all.

    • They are lucky. So are many others with private health cover or who just happen to notice symptoms earlier.

      It isn’t worth a cunting though.

      • My wife was diagnosed, in October, with a squamous cell carcinoma. After a number of scans, being admitted to hospital twice, a 2 unit input of blood, 25 sessions of radiotherapy and further scans she was told, a couple of weeks ago, that the carcinoma had gone. NHS, exceptional treatment. Wish it could be said of the NHS as a whole but it appears to be very hit and miss.

  20. I understand it might csuse resentment to some who have loved ones with cancer and are getting poor treatment. That coukd almost excuse this cunting but it’s not as clear cut as ‘us’ and ‘them’. Many oncology consultants have private practices and recommend the private patients get treated at an NHS cancer centre, as all the expertise and hardware they wouldve spent thousands onis there anyway. What is lacking is the speed of diagnosis, but that is a national problem.

    Once cancer is diagnosed, there is a certain way to treat it; chemo, surgery, radiation. It doesn’t change becsuse you had Bupa cover or saw your consultant at a Spire or Nuffield clinic.

    • When i say poor treatment, it generally means from primary care onwards. this includes the pathway to diagnosis that is different for most, even within the NHS. It will be more marked now because of the covid backlog.

      We can blame the government and risk-averse NHS managers for that, not Kate.

      • I am in awe of this lady, who cares not about herself and the unfortunate ailment which has been visited upon her, but is nevertheless prepared to turn out to receive the adoration of the masses. I would personally award her the highest accolade – she is a true Royal.

  21. I don’t know this woman but I what I gather from the endless stream of media reports is that she is lovely and is every bit what’ a Royal should be unlike the Me-again creature in their woodpile.
    That said, I think the royal family is a waste of tax money in modern times. Relegate it to the past and make the palace a museum.

  22. Wonder if Kate had to go into Salford Royal, surrounded by liberty taking Pakis, Hitler taught receptionists, and noisy slags shouting in the middle of the night?

    Nah, thought not….

    Not a fan of any royals. But Kate is still better than that filthy shitehawk Megain Mantis.

    • She’d be in the Christie if in thzt part of the world. Not sure if she’s in the Royal Marsden but that is the top cancer centre in the country.

  23. Sorry, CC.

    I’m sure she’s getting rapid, top quality treatment, but so she should.

    Regard it as a reward for marrying into that appalling family.

    • I doubt she quite sees it that way, JP.
      Apparently she gets on very well with her father-in-law and the other royals.
      Apart from Andrew and Halfwit, obviously.

      • Now, Halfwit is a piece of work, isn’t he?

        If he’d trashed my family, like he did, I’d be having a white Fiat in a tunnel moment engineered for him.

  24. Sadly, her chances are not particularly good given the tender age she developed cancer, given it has a nasty habit of returning, if she does get to remission. I sincerely hope she pulls through. Set aside she is part of the elite club of chinless wonders, she is still a young mother of three kids and a wife.

    If the cancer has metastisised then her chances are lower. If it is confined to a single area and cancer cells haven’t broken off and seeded elsewhere,she at least stands a chance of reaching remission.

    I can’t understand how anyone could wish this shit on her or criticise her whilst suffering this illness.

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