Life Wirral School, Wallasey

A cunting please for Life Wirral School, Wallasey.
(It’s on Merseyside, laaaa. Draw your own conclusions, laaa – NA.)

Fuck me, I really thought I wouldn’t have to pen another nomination on this sort of topic so soon after the last one. Once again, disabled children have been abused at a school that was paid big money to look after them. This time, said abuse had involved swearing at children, mocking their disabilities/conditions, and putting them in what the BBC describes as ‘dangerous headlocks.’ One senior staff member even confessed to fantasising about drowning a child (!!!). Oh, and the CEO is an abusive narcissist too who (allegedly) bragged about assaulting a child.

Can someone please give me some sort of explanation as to why, post-Winterbourne View, places like this are still allowed to exist, and people like this are still allowed to get these sorts of jobs? Answers on a fucking postcard please.

BBC News. (Read their hilarious statement here – NA)

Addendum: on the same day, this has been published. Maybe if the relevant authorities actually did their jobs properly and ensured that money WASN’T going to such heinous institutions, the deficit wouldn’t be as large?

BBC News.

Nominated by : OpinionatedCunt

28 thoughts on “Life Wirral School, Wallasey

  1. Now I hate the BBC but for these cunts to try and blame the journalists for the sick behaviour of their staff, well someone or two or three ad infinitum needs a right good kicking……..

    • I am not defending them, but their statement suggests the BBC had evidence of abuse from near day one of the undercover reported joining and although not defending the actions of their employees for doing such awful abuse, the BBC reporter saw fit to not report is immediately until he/she had enough information to make an hour long programme out of it. Had it been reported first day, then the BBC would have had nothing to make a programme out of- the suggestion here, is not that they wanted to report it as news, but rather wanted to report it as a feature length documentary to justify their time.

      Which is a fair point the statement makes I think

      • If she had done that then she would’ve been fired with her concerns swept under the rug. Which means no documentary and therefore no exposé. Let’s not forget concerns had already been raised long before that programme was a thing.

  2. Sounds very much like the school I attended in the1970’s sans the disabled pupils, The pe teacher and the metalwork teachers were the worst offenders all except the arselickers were spastics, cripples, fllids and so on. Lots of physical abuse ie head slapping,kicking and so on. Fucking shithole. How this sort of bollocks can still occur especially in a school for children with disabilities. I offer my services to Sjambok the bastard staff, and by Christ I would enjoy every second, I totally despise persons such as these bastards.

  3. That’s scousers for you.

    Bullying MitMot kids.

    In the old days all grave robbers were scousers.
    They really are without shame.

    Remember those diddy men Ken Dodd employed?
    Wiped out now.

    Scousers stole my dad’s fleece out of the van.

    They are just the absolute pits.

    Especially the teachers.

    Aww ay, la. Dee are doh aren’t de doh?

  4. It takes a special sort of bully to feel good about themselves picking on disabled kids. Fucking weirdos all.

  5. Ofsted rated the school ‘ good ‘.

    Fuck me.

    Headlocks on kids who are vunerable.

    If they’d got them in a full nelson or belly splashed them Ofsted might of rated them ‘outstanding ‘.

    Fuckin Mick McManus as the patron.

  6. This sort of thing was going on in the 50s by teachers. Any child with those early big white deaf aids sticking out, the teacher leaped on them with, “can you get Radio Luxembourg on that thing”. Which had the class in uproar of laughter.

    A woman teacher wouldn’t let drop, that one of her pupils kept his coat on in class and constantly asked him to remove it. It needed her to beat him about the head until he brew blood before he did, to reveal a vest full of holes. All she could say was “where is your shirt”. He replied “it’s in the wash Miss”. Followed by roars of laughter from classmates. She must’ve felt embarrassed.

    • Probably not. Cunts like that were all too prevalent when I was a kid. There were two teachers who made my life a misery at school. It was my fondest wish to meet them in my twenties when I achieved my full height., But heigh ho onwards and upwards.

      • As you imply CuntyMort, this was widespread amongst teachers in those days and they would have been baffled by the idea there was any reason they should be embarrassed. it certainly applied in Walsall in the sixties and as you say it’s fortunate I didn’t meet one of the bastards a few years later.

  7. It’s clearly money first and care somewhere well short of second according to the regulations.
    “those wanting to open an independent special school don’t need to have teaching experience or any knowledge of the Send sector. They are not required to employ qualified teachers and they can use their own curricula”
    And we’re meant to be surprised an unregulated free for all like this has gone sour?
    Run by a chancer who employs chancers and nutters.
    And just look at the figures being quoted in the article.
    It’s ok though, it’s only tax payers money.

  8. Head teacher is called Quilty, like the nutty rival pee do in Lolita.
    No surprise the CEO was a ‘special’ constable with the met. He probably bullies the staff as well.
    Unfortunately this sort of vocation attracts a lot of bullies and sadists. Similar situation in most care facilities, as well as home care.

  9. I’ve never heard of a teacher who offers to also do tarmacking , jet wash your drive and clear leaves from your gutter.
    But I’m all for multi skilling.

    And a Headmaster who moonlights as a mobile DJ.

    Cash only

  10. And where were the local authority SEND team? If they are anything like the ones I have to deal with, they are great at polishing leather office seats with their arses.

    And fuck all else.

    Utter fucking cunts. Just like three wise fucking monkeys.

  11. Schools are prisons.

    Any school is pretty much hell to any child capable of independent thought.

    Any organisation taking money to look after the elderly or the disabled should a government employed auditor on site, the organisation should pay for it too.

    People who can’t speak or fight for themselves have to be protected. Private companies charge a fortune for these services and many cut the standard of service for the sake of bigger profits.

    Capitalism does need regulation to prevent the worst excesses.

  12. I’ll take anything reported by the BB Saville and Rolf Corporation with a pinch of salt. There are rems being treated worse in hell holes like Blackburn and other parts of darkest Lancashire, Yorkshire and elsewhere but doesn’t get reported because Aljabeeba doesn’t want to offend the degenerates who populate those areas. Easy pickings with Al Beeb. Anybody reading the BBC website or paying for their licence, let alone believing their fact checking, isn’t worth listening too. The parents should take action if their children have been mistreated.

    • *to

      NB. abuse of vulnerable people obviously disgusting, but take it to the appropriate authorities, don’t use it as a clickbait opportunity for God’s sake.

      • ‘The appropriate authorities’.

        You mean the ones that turn a blind eye and don’t do anything?

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