Jay Slater conspiracy cunts, sorry I meant theorists

Does anyone remember Nicola Bulley. Went missing, found drowned days later, in the river that runs through were she lived.

Well, social media went crazy. All kinds of theories were shared, and eagerly spread by online Sherlocks, the cunts.

They invaded the area, filming their pathetic selves digging in clearings in local woods, walking up to residents houses, peering through windows and even trying door handles, to gain entry!

Jay Slaters disappearance is getting the same treatment. According to the story, he’s a drug mule who stole products for his personal gain/use, and is now being held for ransom until his family pays the gang back!

I don’t know if it’s true, anymore than I knew that Nicolas’partner had murdered her, but I didn’t go cracking on about it on social media!

His poor family. There’s nowt “social” about so call social media.

The link I’ve attached, from FaceFart, is one of the least offensive ones I’ve seen, some utter twat pretending to search for clues, but my God, the others!


Nominated by Jeezum Priest

Supporting evidence from Fuglyucker:

Jay Slater apparently is/was a massive cunt, this piece of possibly decaying dog shit turns out to be another worthless cunt that the world is better off without ala George Floyd.

Now I know he has a distraught family and I feel for them, but honestly had they done a better job, this worthless violent cunt may still be alive or at least wouldn’t have conveniently disappeared, in fact I’m sure he will turn up like an unflushable turn soon enough one way or other.

The best bit is how none of this cunt’s previous exploits are not mentioned, especially when it damages public interest and the ubiquitous go fund me campaign….

Daily Record (Link provided by Duke of Cuntshire)

Plus an ‘evening all, what’s all this then?’ from Middle England:

I don’t know how many of you cunters have been following this story but here are a few pointers:

Jay (life of the party) goes out to Ibiza.

Somehow goes missing on a walk.

MSM get hold of this “human interest” story and paint a picture of a saint. Subtly missing out the bit where Slater was instrumental in an attack (with a machete no less) on teenager Tom Hilton.

After missing for several days some hapless cunt sets up a go fund me page which somehow collects a large sum of donations ffs why?

This cunt is a no good drug pusher who probably got involved in a bad deal.

Deserves no less than Terry’s oven.

Daily Mirror.

109 thoughts on “Jay Slater conspiracy cunts, sorry I meant theorists

  1. Ultimately, Jay Slater killed Jay Slater. He went on a massive bender, made some stupid decisions and died as a result. It’s horrible obviously but no one else can really be blamed for his death.

    • Well, yes OC.

      But my point was about keyboard warriors, always quick to jump in with their stupid, unhelpful theories.

      On-line Sherlocks, ppft!

      • I was in the official Facebook group and the large unofficial one (still in the latter). Some of the theories people are coming out with are bstshit insane.

      • I don’t hate him, but I don’t necessarily care that he’s dead beyond having empathy for the family.

  2. People go missing all the time so why the hoo-haa about this flakey junk-peddler? One place I went in Thailand years ago is now called Murder Island as so many are killed there. A young British couple were killed, raped, and sliced ip there last year.

  3. Natural selection is a wonderful thing.
    He shall be buried holding his machete, wearing his sports direct grey track suit.
    Riding a stolen moped over the rainbow to the chav version of valhalla. Most likely a pontins camp somewhere near Blackpool or possibly some above average group of garages behind the shops.

    • Local balloon stockist wherever this worthless cunt hailed from must be schadenfreuding his kecks, up all night praying … ‘please, patron saint of ballloon-stockists, .. please let some cunt mention a balloon release…’

      • (mention, on social meeja, that is) .. else the guy will have to make a fake account & bring it up himself, guerrilla style …

  4. I just hope that when the Rolex the if does decide to come back, which means the peice of dried monkey shit will obviously have to be alive, mores the pity, he will return thhe money that all those mentally ill people donated to his go fund me page his family have set up.
    Sajnt Jay is no better than that other worthless peice of shit Floyd, thhe world is a better place without these fuck pigs…..

  5. Griefjacking really is sickening.

    I recall when ex-Manchester United player, Ralph Milne died.
    The clueless thickos that work at the Manchester Evening News had the headline ‘United Legend Milne Dies’. And the daft pricks meant it.

    I pointed out that Ralphie was anything but a legend. Truth is, he was very shit, and he is still a figure of fun to those who saw him. I didn’t put it as bluntly as that. I put it diplomatically and politely. But the droves of cunts online who never even saw him play threw a fit. Whining on about how ‘He just died’ ‘How dare you’ and ‘Show some respect’. So fucking what? Doesn’t alter the fact that he was one of the worst players in United’s hstory.

    In actual fact, after my reply, the Evening News and made out their ‘legend’ headine was a sarcastic one, because Milne was so awful. Complete bullshit., they got it wrong. But what made me sick was how many who didn’t have a clue who elevated a crap player to ‘legendary’ status just because he’d died and because a paper reported it wongly.

    It’s mental, how somebody dies and they are suddnely untouchable. Jade Goody was a complete cunt, becomes this tragic figure loved by all after she snuffed it (and filmed it). Carloine Aherne, drunken husband beater. Saint Caroline after she went. Jo Cox, hated her British constituents, loved migrants. Became Saint Jo of the Blessed Cox after her demise.

    Now Jay Slater has suffered that fate. The lad was obviously no saint. But now there are scores of cunts telling us he is beyond criticism and that he and his family should automatically have ‘respect.’. Respect is earned, surely? Of course, it’s sad when someone dies. But it now sends a lot of cunts crazy and the deceased are elevated to near god-;iike status. Absolutely insane.

  6. I see Jay’s friends have released balloons in his memory.
    Not before they had sucked all the NO2 out of them I’ll wager.

  7. I see the wastrel cunt/situation has acquired a new adjective/description in the msm…

    ‘Tragic’ / ‘ tragedy’.

    Going to need a new word for earthquake victims. if you ask me … for fuck’s sake.

  8. Jay Slaters mother makes appeal for MORE gofundme contributions (on top of the previous £54,000 plus) .. to ‘give him the funeral he deserves’.

    ‘Deserves’ being the word I’m taking from that.. just leave the cunt back where he was found ; let the elements take care of the rest … then may the ugly fat cunt go home and fade (back) into obscurity.

    Anyone recall the finale of Gervais’s ‘Extras’?

    His character goes into the Big Brother house (reluctantly) to revive his career. Generic ‘celebrities’ introduce themselves one by one .. one hit wonder pop stars, glamour models etc. … then one plain woman introduces herself. “I’m sorry” sez Andy, “I don’t recognise you from anything … what is it you’ve done?”

    “My daughter was murdered”

    Then the Chicken Song starts thru the speakers in the BB house. and all the slabs including ‘murdered daughter’ jump up & start doing the chicken song dance.

    • Methinks the slobby looking bitch hath quite an over-exaggerated opinion of her dead son’s ‘worth’ and what he ‘deserves’.

      She is the cunt, after all, who downplayed cunt-juniors participation in the violent 8-on-1 mob attack – variously utilising machete, golf club & bat – as his ‘being in the wrong place at the wrong time’.

      Great bit of parenting, Waynetta.

      Perhaps a little more disciplining, and a bit less making excuses for him, and your darling offspring mighn’t have ended up with such an inglorious, parhetic departure from this plain of existence.

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