Getting your Moggie chipped

Getting your Moggie chipped.
Yes folks, after today, any cat (except for Felix, Sylvester & Tom of course) will need to have one by law. £20 a shot, & if you fail to comply, then you will be fined. My friend had his his stray cat done today that he “adopted” a little while back. It’s well old, so I asked him “Is it worth it?” Well I guess people do fall in love with their pets. I do understand this ‘chip’ thing with dogs, but cats? They always go out, without their owner, & when they get damaged, they could end up at the R.S.P.L.C. who will fix them, then contact the owner. & if you want your beloved pet back there will be a hefty bill. I know that this has happened. Whereas a dog should not end up in this situation. Of course if you have paid out 2 grand for a Peruvian Pedigree, or a Burmese variation, then of course get it done, but a scraggly old Moggie? It should be the owners choice, that is of course if you can really say you actually own the thing! I can see the population of these creatures dwindling, but that is not a bad thing, for what these horrible creatures do to certain breeds of fauna. Oh well I better take my tiger in tomorrow, & get him done!

Nominated by What’s so funny about Biggs Diccus? with a slightly different take on Cats by Herman Jelmet below.

“Domestic” Cats

Anything that gets these unnecessary creatures under some form of control is ok with me.

This is a link from a little while back. Albeit this is an Aussie news article.

Business insider

A lazy cunts “pet” in my opinion.

If you’re going to own a cat then do the responsible thing and keep the evil little bastards in the house and preferably neuter the things while you’re at it.

A fat lazy tart who lives at the bottom of the road from me has about half a dozen of them roaming around the place hunting and killing songbirds, mice and whatever else.

“oooh look, Tiddles has brought me another present”

One of them rather stupidly ventured into my back garden not so long ago and was nearly ragged to death by my whippet.

It hasn’t been back since but if it does and my dog kills it then tough fucking luck.

As I say though, a fat lazy single mother with half a dozen cats that she can just open the door for and let out.

A dog would require walking and other forms of exercise see.

It’s generally either fat lazy tarts, spinsters or homosexual men who have a penchant for keeping these utterly pointless fucking things but regardless of all that, if you do own the odd a cat or six, do the decent thing and keep it indoors.

If you happen to be a responsible cat owner who’s not a fat lazy woman or a homosexual man then please accept my apologies. Other than that – Fuck off and get a proper pet.

138 thoughts on “Getting your Moggie chipped

  1. The South Australian Hobby Hunter has some great video on YouTube showing how they deal with the feral cat menace down-under. ?

    The feline vermin there have decimated the local marsupial population as they are easy pickings and rats fight back.

    As I type this I can see a ginger and white fucker staking out some little critter or song bird in the hedge opposite me. All for fun of course, as it’s got a tame human and will be offered the best food and fish money can buy…

    Keep the fuckers inside.

  2. No one is going to insert a chip into my white horror. She is beyond feral and will allow no vet near her. Gave up years ago trying to dose her up in any way – supremely suspicious she will not go near any food with medicine in it and runs a mile the moment I go near a packet of flea stuff or the tube of ointment for her weeping eye. To mitigate savagery to my person I have given up trying to pick her up in welding gloves or wrap her in a blanket to trim her claws or sort the matted bits in her pelt. I feed her as required and leave it at that.

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