Getting your Moggie chipped.
Yes folks, after today, any cat (except for Felix, Sylvester & Tom of course) will need to have one by law. £20 a shot, & if you fail to comply, then you will be fined. My friend had his his stray cat done today that he “adopted” a little while back. It’s well old, so I asked him “Is it worth it?” Well I guess people do fall in love with their pets. I do understand this ‘chip’ thing with dogs, but cats? They always go out, without their owner, & when they get damaged, they could end up at the R.S.P.L.C. who will fix them, then contact the owner. & if you want your beloved pet back there will be a hefty bill. I know that this has happened. Whereas a dog should not end up in this situation. Of course if you have paid out 2 grand for a Peruvian Pedigree, or a Burmese variation, then of course get it done, but a scraggly old Moggie? It should be the owners choice, that is of course if you can really say you actually own the thing! I can see the population of these creatures dwindling, but that is not a bad thing, for what these horrible creatures do to certain breeds of fauna. Oh well I better take my tiger in tomorrow, & get him done!
Nominated by What’s so funny about Biggs Diccus? with a slightly different take on Cats by Herman Jelmet below.
“Domestic” Cats
Anything that gets these unnecessary creatures under some form of control is ok with me.
This is a link from a little while back. Albeit this is an Aussie news article.
A lazy cunts “pet” in my opinion.
If you’re going to own a cat then do the responsible thing and keep the evil little bastards in the house and preferably neuter the things while you’re at it.
A fat lazy tart who lives at the bottom of the road from me has about half a dozen of them roaming around the place hunting and killing songbirds, mice and whatever else.
“oooh look, Tiddles has brought me another present”
One of them rather stupidly ventured into my back garden not so long ago and was nearly ragged to death by my whippet.
It hasn’t been back since but if it does and my dog kills it then tough fucking luck.
As I say though, a fat lazy single mother with half a dozen cats that she can just open the door for and let out.
A dog would require walking and other forms of exercise see.
It’s generally either fat lazy tarts, spinsters or homosexual men who have a penchant for keeping these utterly pointless fucking things but regardless of all that, if you do own the odd a cat or six, do the decent thing and keep it indoors.
If you happen to be a responsible cat owner who’s not a fat lazy woman or a homosexual man then please accept my apologies. Other than that – Fuck off and get a proper pet.
Hehehe ?
Herman and his whippet
The Filo.Beddo and Clyde of the cat world.
I’m.strictly a dog man although cats seem to like me,
Follow me and that.
£20 for one with chips?
Prefer a Holland’s meat and potato pie at half the price.
I don’t eat Chinese food
Holland’s pies and puddings, you’d have to be from oooop north to know about those..
According to some cunts, cats are the resurrected spirits of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. If this is true, it is small wonder that old ladies want to be buried with their deceased felines. No one wants to suffer the vengeance of Ra or Tut. Personally, I don’t believe a word of it. I think they are lazy, smelly animals that contribute fuck all that is useful – a bit like scousers but with fur.
Should ask the cat in my opinion. Intelligent enough being its own boss. Don’t have to be pampered like a dog who can’t look after itself. We might as well be microchipped for that matter. Plenty of thick humans who need putting down. You know the ones I mean, who shouldn’t stray any further than their own country.
We know the ones, like those scum rioters in Leeds last night.
Even though it happened in the tough parts of Leeds which I found amusing, but its still wrong. The police can’t be from the area, because they ran away !
I’ve stopped viewing the likes of these scenes, due to fuck all being done about it. I live in a quiet town where nothing of the likes goes on and that’s how I want it to stay. Yes, I’m brushing it under the carpet, for my own piece of mind.
Its good that we both, the cats and myself can safely stroll the streets at night in safety.
They should be controlled. The amount of foul smelling cat shit I’ve had to scrape off my lawn and even stepped in the odd time is sufficient justification. Until then, a catapult and a bag of mint imperials offer at least a degree of deterrence.
Almost sure to be fox. Cats usually bury it and never shit on a lawn. We have the same and it is foxes. As you say, it’s foul – but the dogs love rolling in it for some reason. Perhaps they should have dropped it on Leeds – like napalm. That would have quelled the riot.
Thank-you for your suggestion, Your Lordship, but it’s not fox. Fox scat is, firmer, differently shaped and usually darker. I’ve seen plenty of that when out poaching (not on your land, please note) and foxes leave a particularly recognisable must behind them. I’ve often smelt that when out and about but never had a whiff of it in my garden. I know that it’s cat shit.
Armed police would have had those irresponsible and lawless Leeds bastards running away squealing for mummy. Wankers.
Cats always shit on my lawn. They love the grass. A catapult and ball bearing fixes the problem.
* musk
I’m more for chipping peacefuls and porch monkeys with those running man chips..
Wander out into the countryside and boom….praying on the street boom..
Eating chiggun on public transport boom..
Lammys, butlers and flabbottus ones go off if they start race grifting..
So give it 30 seconds..
I have a cat. He’s neutered, chipped and is an indoor cat.
He never goes outside because I quite agree with Herman. It breaks my heart sometimes, to see some half-frozen little scrap in Winter, desperately trying to find somewhere half dry to sleep.
Also, I’m sick of cleaning cat shit out of my planters in the front garden.
Bit rich this coming from a human.
Cats are magnificent creatures.
In comparison to humans they do next to no damage to their fellow creatures or the environment.
Humans are by far the most destructive animals ever to walk the face of the Earth.
Humans torture and kill more animals on a hourly basis than a cat could ever dream of.
Do cats factory farm other animals on an industrial scale?
No, of course not.
That would be humans who, unlike other animals, are supposed to have a moral conscience
Cats, to the best of my knowledge, have never forced dogs to smoke 30 tabs a day for months on end.
Agree 100% about the microchipping though.
They’re even more magnificent when they’re kept indoors.
Yes I agree – humans are cunts of the highest of all orders and that’s a cunting for next time.
Afternoon MJB.
Evening HJ. ?
I’d d have thought you of all people would be against lockdowns.
Especially for animals that cause considerably less harm than their human counterparts.
Thanks for this, MB.
I have a cat, going on 21 he is now. He’d been abandoned at maybe 6 weeks old. Tiny he was and so happy for some food, water and attention. He adopted me and has been my pal ever since. He’s not chipped, but he is an indoor cat.
Cats are wonderful pets.
Whatever pet you have, as my mum says “love ’em while you’ve got ’em”. Their lives are all too short.
Afternoon IY.
This does beg the rather philosophical question; Do our pets think that we are immortal?
Hello IY,
I too love cats and many years ago adopted one out of the alley behind my apartment building.
She loved me and was very protective of me much to the annoyance of a couple of ex-girlfriends.
I also got a cat from one of my ex-girlfriends. I got the best of that deal.
Sadly, I never had a cat live longer than 16 years.
I have 2 now and can’t imagine life without them.
That’s an interesting question, Odin.
Over the years I have read quite widely about how to care for your cat, how to interpret their behaviour and so on.
One mistake I think most of us make, if not all of us, is to project human qualities onto our pets. We like to think they understand the things we do, reason like we do and interpret the world like we do. They don’t of course. Their brains are wired differently.
Not sure about dogs, but cats (apparently) think everything they see belongs to them. Including their owners. That’s why they mark everything with their scent glands. It’s part of marking territory and part claiming ownership.
I have a plaque at home which reads:
“Dogs have owners. Cats have staff”.
To your question though, one thing which is widely accepted as true is animals are not self aware. For example, my cat has no idea he’s getting older. He has also lost some of his hearing. Maybe he wonders why I don’t talk to him as much as I used to. I talk to him plenty and always have, but he’ll not put it down to his partial deafness. To him, the world is just quieter than it used to be. And when it’s his time, he won’t understand what’s happening.
So no, I don’t think our pets think we’re immortal. They don’t know what immortal is. Bless ’em.
If you have a pet, go give ’em a hug. They’re worth it!
General –
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for adopting that cat and giving them a loving home.
Anyone who finds it in their heart to save, protect and love a furry 4 legged friend is an absolute saint in my book.
16 years old is a decent innings. My cat at 21 is quite an exception. I won’t lie, I am terrified of losing him. He’s been my buddy for a very long time. I can’t really remember back to when he wasn’t around. He’s still in good health, still loves his food and still bosses me around like he owns the place.
Thanks for sharing those stories. Give the little ones a chin rub from me.
Evening IY,
Tervuren duly hugged, as is protocol for my return from work.
Treats in the shape of cocktail sausages were also forthcoming as is a requirement of the breed.
Cats were really for keeping down mice, which is about all they are useful for.
Most farms have one.
Although they never look busy?
Just laze about sat sunbathing rather than keeping the mice under control.
The work ethic of a train driver.
In Herman’s vicious Hate fuelled rant calling for a final solution he mentioned that puffs and dotty old crones like cats.
This is true.
Herman also says get a proper pet.
He’s right to some degree.
Guinea pigs
All fuckin boring as pets.
Get something good!
Wolverine or hyena.
Afternoon, MNC. I agree about getting a proper pet. In days of yore, you would have been able to keep a basilisk or a bunyip. Fucking brilliant for frightening the chuggers and Jehovah’s Witnesses. For a groat or two you could probably get a sign for the gate that said “Beware of the Basilisk”.
Dick Fiddler going around sentencing old crones on the ducking stool with a cat doesn’t have the same appeal as his trusty hounds.
Exactly 20.
Or a hydra or kraken.
Although you need a big pond.
People don’t put in the effort like they used to win choosing pets.
In a pet you want the thrill of knowing at any moment you could be ripped limb from limb and eaten.
This foreigner spent all his money in a karate dojo rather than pet training.
Big mistake.
She clearly provoked it with her perm.
Get one of these.
Take it to the karaoke..
“I said maybe”
Sort of a hybrid between the Dark Crystal and Bez from the Happy Mondays.
Well done, Mis. I never thought that I’d live to see ‘work ethic’ and ‘train driver’ in the same sentence but you’ve managed it. Can you do anything with ‘MP’?
I find the idea of a sign
“Beware of the Basilisk”
strangely appealing.
Burmese Pythons are boring?
They’ve dethroned the alligator as king of the everglades.
Probably bored them to death.
Just fuckin oversized draught excluders.
Oh and fuck the Everglades.
I hope once they’ve decimated there they start on New York.?
I’m not sure how bored you’d be if you tried handling one.
@ Mis
In my defence, I was in a particularly bad mood when I typed this one up.
Which is becoming more and more my default setting.
I would also add that I’d prefer to live in a house full of cats than to live anywhere near Harehills.
Hehehe ?
You’ve got off pretty lightly Herman!
I expected at least one death threat from some cat fondler.
I liked the bit where you called cat owners bumboys
? hahaha
Cheered me up that!
You couldn’t leave the house after you nominated the Red Arrows. Opey too, his photo is on the office wall of the Sheffield bus depot. With some darts in it probably.
Honey badger.
If you are trying to ‘out hard’ your mate with the Goliath spider, get one of those.
They’re fucking mental.
If ever a mammal was mis-named it’s the honey badger.
Sounds so sweet and cuddly.
The homicidal psycopath of the animal kingdom.
I bet a T-Rex would back down, faced by one of them!
Cats are vermin.
No, just…
Yep. Evil little killing machines.
Peacefuls are frightened of dogs but seem to have no problems with cats.
That tells you a lot.
I once walked through Ilford High Rd with my tow dogs – it was like Moses parting the Red Sea. If the pigs had any sense aren’t weren’t a load of bottle jobs, the first thing they would have done in Leeds was get the dogs out.
my two dogs even
I don’t mind cats, but i’m allergic to them so couldn’t own one. I don’t like seeing them get hurt, or mistreated, same with most pets.
I know of an oddball who left the army and couldn’t adjust to civvy street. he kept sending women on Twitter images and videos of mutilated cats.
He may have ended up getting drunk and killing himself,
Yeah,I felt sorry for him until i found out he was sending such stuff. He didnt even know the women, either.
Obviously a very fucked-up mind after his time in Afghanistan/Iraq and took it out on others.
I’m OK with cats probably because there was a couple at home when I was a young un.
Would have one but I find it hard enough to take care of myself without being responsible for anything else. chipping fine if it means more careful owners.
No I’m not a fucking pillow biter.
Hahaha ?
That made me laugh Scunny?
Forget what the nom was but a couple of weeks back you put up a comment that resulted in me having to have a shower and a change of strides.
I’m fairly new to this site but there’s a few on here yourself included that shame most of the so called modern comedians.
It’s good to find a place where people can have a bit of a crack or a moan about life.
I have Google Chris Martin and Curiosity to thank for bringing me to this utopia.
My Pussy was chipped as a kitten, he has grown into a fucking prima Donna.
Love cats, hate fucking people, especially anyone foreign/brown and in particular those of the Muslim persuasion. They should be chopped not chipped.
My cat’s are kept indoors simply because I don’t want them coming to any harm from cat hating cunts like some of you on here?
You can almost hear all those beautiful little native song birds breathing a sigh of relief at your decision.
With respect Jill, anyone that deliberately goes out of their way to harm a cat – is a cunt.
Anybody who refuses to see the harm that their cat causes to British wildlife is also a cunt.
After Covid there was an increase in rats in our area (real ones not P*kis) my public spirited cat despatched 6 of the fuckers.
As far as I know he has only ever attacked one feathered friend, a pigeon, I have fought him for 2 small rabbits (I won and they survived) and I am around 50% success at saving little mice and voles
I might add that I have expelled claret in my endeavours to save little animals, I am a fucking hero.
I’ve got to say, Sick, I haven’t seen the garden rat (Wallace) since the Berserker jet washed the underside of the garden shed.
It has, apparently, moved next door and is terrorising my neighbour.
Good, I hate the fat, mouthy cow.
Very diplomatic, Herman.
Have you considered becoming a politician?………
My mistake that would be out of your reach because what you said is right and true!
Afternoon Mr Scunthorpe
Unfortunately I wouldn’t last five minutes as a politician.
The establishment would have me banned once they realised my manifesto made Adolf Hitler, Nick Griffin, and Enoch Powell look like David Cameron by comparison.
My manifesto would give Channel 4 sleepless nights.
Kindred spirit it seems Mr.Jelmet
We love you Jill!
Graham Washington Cuntster
Boris Wolfgang Cuntster
I don’t understand it either, Jill.
As for songbirds, they’re down in the food chain so what the cat doesnt get, the hawk will.
Cats are cunts, certainly the one that shits all over my garden.
I’d pay 20 quid to put a bullet in it.
There are going to be a lot of lawsuits against Chinese takeaways when their customers start choking on microchips.
. ∧,,,∧
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ
It seems to me to be more Nanny State Big Government..
More laws and regulations for everything the power mad cunts can dream up in some stifling windbag quango.
Which Feline Force Official can prove who’s cat belongs to any cunt?
Total shite.
The daughter who STILL lives with us has a cat.
Therefore we have a cat.
I told her not to get it.
I feed the birds and we have a big dog which hates cats.
But what do I know?
She got it anyway and our house is like a Mel Blanc cartoon whenever it leaves her bedroom.
Give it credit it can run like fuck.
It’s got bad nerves though.
My cats…Graham Washington Cuntster and Boris Wolfgang Cuntster refuse to be chipped.
They don’t want the Deep State tracking them.
That doesn’t sound remotely camp Honky-tonk.?
…says the Old Sheep Shagger.
Hehehe ?
Didn’t know you’re Welsh, MNC?
One Troll takes a cheap shot and right on cue and true to form, the other Troll(s) join(s) even when they are not involved.
Because that’s what they do.
They’re Trolls.
Knock it off!
Mind your own business, GC.
I was talking to MNC.
Hey Grondul,
“Mind your own business…” coming from a T & Pf Mobster like you who NEVER misses an opportunity to pile on me is fucking laughable.
Calm down you soft twat.
It was a mild joke.
No real malice meant.
Don’t be so upright.
Get a grip.
Paranoid and all. ?
Good evening.
Hey Grondul,
You’re the one who melted down over my response so choke on your own words Leftist Troll.
Hey Jeezum,
Regardless of whether it’s a snarky remark or a full blown attack, I intend to shoot back at the Trolls.
Ignoring them doesn’t work. No matter what, they still pop out from under the Bridge and take cheap shots.
And as the Admin Team clearly doesn’t give anything even remotely close to a fuck, I feel completely justified in shooting back.
Case in point; the remarks about “camp” and “honky tonk” had nothing to do whatsoever with my original remarks and were clearly meant to convey an attack by slur.
So it’s real simple, if they stop the snide, snarky and full blown Trolling, I will stop responding.
General @
It was a mild joke.
The term ‘Honky-tonk’ was used by a popular comedian called Dick Emery in the 70s
When he played a gay character
” Oooo hello Honky-tonk”
A joke.
You take yourself too seriously.
My job is to correct that.
Oh, for fucks sake!
Can’t you take a joke?
Not everything is a personal attack on you!
If for one second I thought it was, I’d be up in arms.
Besides which.
“says the sheepshagger”???
Don’t draw me in.
Your words are disingenuous at best.
You have clearly and openly expressed your hate for me on multiple occasions.
Given the totality of your previous remarks, your attempt to disguise a veiled attack as a harmless joke and make me look like the bad guy is total, complete and utter bullshit.
Some of those with CDS will support your idiotic remarks but the rest will see through you farcical attempt.
Calm down Honky-tonk.
Go cuddle your cats.?
Hey Grondul,
Is your job an official position here at IsaC? Are your duties defined by the Admin Team and under their supervision?
Or did you simply decide to take it on yourself because you don’t like me and it serves as an outlet for your CDS?
I strongly suspect the latter because simply put…you’re a simple minded Troll.
Why didn’t you go to Vietnam??
Because the war ended when I was still in High School.
Now what the fuck does that have to do with anything other than proving my point that you are a stupid fucking Troll with CDS who can’t control his hateful impulses?
I’ve had enough.
Either you are high as a kite, or have run out of your usual meds.
Don’t speak to me again.
When you have apologised to all those you’ve insulted, including the nom writers for hijacking, then me, we might, just might, include you in our discourses.
With sincere apologies to the nom authors.
Assuming Jeezum’s remarks are meant for me:
Not speaking to Jeezum will not impact my life even a little bit.
As for not being included in “our” discourses…I’d rather not be included in the Trolling.
As for being high or off my meds, that type of insult has no merit in a discourse.
As for hijacking a nomination…please review my remarks and you’ll see all I did was make an on topic response. It was Thorgar who started with the not so veiled insults and as such instigated the hijacking.
These people openly state their hatred of me and constantly take shots at me…open, veiled or otherwise.
If they…or you don’t like what I have to say then why don’t you just skip over it and go to the next post?
I do not throw shit at anyone here UNLESS it’s thrown at me first.
I may be harsh in my criticisms of some (read Allan) but I don’t Troll him.
Nobody in IsaC’s illustrious history has been Trolled as much as me. I have a right to defend myself.
So I’m sorry, but Jeezum, is just plain wrong on this issue.
Fuck off.
Who the fuck is Grondul or Thordar?
Do they live on Fantasy Island, like you?
General @
Would it help if I apologise?
If so…. sorry.
Let’s all calm down.
Which one am I again?
Grondul or Thongal?
I want to respond to the remarks made earlier in this thread about taking a joke.
I certainly can take a joke. But not from members who openly state that they hate me.
As an example. Opinionated Cunt and me went at it Hammer and Tong.
I posted a note about being absent earlier in the year. In those remarks I expressed remorse for many of my remarks.
When I came back I found remarks made by OC. Simply put he apologized for his part, took responsibility and stated very clearly he was done participating.
I may have expressed remorse for my part…but he was the bigger man.
Since then our exchanges have been honest and even cordial.
No such declaration has come from the usual suspects in this thread.
If both parties are committed to peace then it can happen. If hatred and hostility lie just beneath the surface, then every snide remark is a call to arms.
Fuck off.
I think CS was trolled quite heavily but he asked for it.
I think te General is goaded because people know he responds. My advice to the general is if you must respond, limit the length as if on Twitter.
In MNC’s defense, it was gentle ribbing, but I understand the wider context and history between you both.
I don’t think Jeezum has been particularly helpful here though.
I like most animals,, cats included.
Only ones I’ll kill are rats.
Oh and wasps .oh an flies.
And if I saw a salt water crocodile and had a hand grenade?….
But most animals are great.
Those urban foxes that shit in your garden?
I feed them at night.
They come quite close if the dogs not with me.
Nice looking animal.
Think our cats already chipped?
I hardly ever see it.
Like a ghost
Creeping about an darting into the shadows.
We used to have two cats few years ago and a few times neighbours would knock on
” Think your cats been run over up the hill”
Never was.
I must of buried five or six.
Like a free feline undertaker ☹️
That’s a cheap trick, Mis.
I’ve had cats for many years and all have been indoor cats.
One day a neighbour knocked to ask if I had a black cat, because there was one dead, on the grass verge outside
my house.
Not mine, says I, but now the monkeys on MY back, so I ended up ringing the council/covering its poor remains so as to prevent the kiddies walking to school getting upset ( or possibly eating it, feral cunts).
That’s exactly what your neighbours did to you, shifted the responsibility.
I have had cats but not at the moment. There is one, a tabby who comes around and lives up the road, she is so independent that I don’t think she could ever be a house cat. Do you have to train them from kittens and fight their natural instinct? I understand that some will just be plain lazy and happy sitting in a cat tree licking their arsehole.
My cats wonderful, LL.
Part Bengal, so he’s twice the size of the dog.
They tolerate each other, but not friends.
He’s got the “don’t give a shit” attitude off to a T.
Dexter, serial killer vibe there. I hope I don’t die on a Monday, it’ll be five days before I’m discovered, and the cat will not be starving.
Your not wrong JP.
One I found out who’s it was an knocked on.
I’d put the poor cat in a bin bag.
MNC ” Hiya pal, I think your cats been run over.
Bloke ” oh the daughter will be so upset.”
I went to give him the bin bag.
” Oh no, I couldn’t I’d be sick.
I’m very upset”
And like a daft cunt I buried it for him.
Never again.
I’ll ask for£30.
They refuse I’ll empty the bin bag on their doorstep.
Question – would one rather live with a loaf of cats in one’s road, even allowing for the shit and bird deaths, or a load of Roma gypos with dubious parenting skills, and a load of keyed up mozsers as neighbours?
Cats, every day of the week.
At least cats shit in the planters, not the street.
Completely off topic
Dunno if Cuntengine has spiked my drink but some Republican rally In the US on the news.
Hulk Hogan on the speakers stand,
You know the wrestler?
Going on about corrupt politicians and showing support for Trump.
Then Donald blew him a kiss!!!! ?
WTF?! It made me very uncomfortable.
I persuaded your missus to put
a couple of ? in your afternoon Bovril…
Isnt that weird?
Good speech by Hulk like.
Obviously a bit puddled but good speech.
Donald blowing him a kiss though?
It’s a sarcastic act where I grew up.
Maybe it’s just a cultural difference?
But don’t remember John Wayne blowing kisses at other cowboys?
Hehehe ?
I’ve had three cats since I retired, got them from the RSPCA so I knew they’d all be neutered, chipped and checked for health problems. The adoption money you pay is a bargain if you know what vets fees are like.
Dogs do what you tell them and cats do what they like, so I suppose it depends on what kind of person you are, if you’re deciding which to get.
In my 3 score years and 10, cats are more than worth the time and effort spent in earning their respect and affection.
The Hulkster is enthusiastic about being in the ring…
Fine for JP.
They look very greasy.
Yeah he looks like he enjoys being in a ring…..
While we’re off topic Mis, you’ve mentioned in the past one of the most onerous parts of your job is shifting washing machines due to the sheer bloody weight of the brutes. This afternoon I shifted one for our younger and I removed the lid of the machine and unbolted and removed the big block of concrete attached to the top of the drum for the purpose of supressing vibration. It was a two minute job to remove both and then reinstall them after the moves and well worthwhile splitting the weight for the benefit of a weedy little runt like me. All it took was a 10mm and an 8mm socket which I believe is fairly standard. I confess this was advice I was given by another ISAC cunter but I can’t remember who. Hope this might be of interest to you and if I’m telling you what you already know then just ignore me. I’m quite used to that. Cheers now.
Evening Arfur,
Yes I did know that, but I’m paid by the hour and some would moan at me taking the time to do it,
Also might think I’m damaging it.
The Mele ones dont have the concrete.
Cast iron apparently?
You winning Arfur?
I’m fine thanks Mis, trust you are too. Did your daughter maybe get a cat after splitting with her boyfriend? Wise girl if so. I always advised ours to keep away from men, they’re only after one thing. Do they listen to me? Naah, we’ve got three grandchildren.
I was brought up with both cats and dogs. Loved them all. Lived with them both together and separately from the year dot. Wouldn’t want to be without them.
Like people, they all have different personalities. Dogs have the edge on obedience, cats have the edge on intelligence. Both can be great companions and are equally capable of showing affection.
To be honest, I probably prefer them to people.
Unlike a dog, a cat’s loyalty has to be earned, but once you’ve taken time to earn it, they are just as faithful, if not more so, than dogs. Cats are also very clean and low-maintenance animals, requiring less day-to-day attention than dogs.
Totally agree with the first part of this cunting: microchipping and neutering are essential. Because we’ve always had our animals when they were puppies and kittens, they have always been sorted at the earliest opportunity. For cats neutering and chipping is best done around 4 months.
We currently have a heinz 57 variety dog, but are also on the lookout for a suitable kitten to replace a cat that died 6 months ago, with whom the dog was very close. It’s obvious that he misses her very much.
Don’t agree with keeping cats locked down, any more than I agree with locking down humans.
That said, for the last 30 years we’ve kept our cats in overnight, mostly for our own peace of mind. The last cat we allowed out all night ended up being torn apart by a pack of dogs on the loose.
Don’t shop, adopt!
Fret not. We always adopt from animal rescue centres. And donate generously for the privilege.
Take the dog with you.
First cat that comes forward for a sniff is the one.
Might be ugly, but if doggo likes it….
Thanks for the tip, but we’ve done this many times before. We know what works best.
Its Larry I feel sorry for.
Imagine having to share your home with the pig fucker, Mavis, Boris, the other one, Itchy Ballsack and Smarmzy.
I might go and kidnap him.
Cuntologist are you out there?
I tried the older post route for the lack of visible comments vs number posted and only 11 coming up on religion.
Could it be because I am only on access via mobile?
P.s. sorry to q&a you but I never get anywhere trying to contact admin using contact Us and you were first to reply to my original question
Evening Scunny?
Go to the bottom of the page?
It says ‘mobile” and “desktop “.
Click on desktop.
The font will change slightly,
And it will have a option for ‘older comments ‘.
Click that and you will see the earlier comments.
Cheers Mis I’ll give it a go
If cats had thumbs they would rule the world!
If you had a brain I’d commit suicide.
I’m not allowed to respond to Jeezum anymore.
But I can respond to Kragnarsh!
So I get it you’re new to having CDS. But that was a pretty lame attempt.
Try harder next time.
No point telling the General to knock it off earlier in the thread then insulting him here.
I never had a cat growing up.
Dogs yes.
German shepherds.
But was seeing this bird who lived in a flat who had a cat.
I felt sorry for it.
Don’t like to see animals cooped up.
So it came to live with me in my ground floor flat near a canal.
We got on well and at first it was scared to go outdoors.
But slowly it got used to it in its own time.
Loved it!
There was a big tree outside and it’d climb it like a monkey.
It was good company.
Still prefer dogs.
But each to their own.
Nice one Mis!
That were exactly what I was looking for.
Just had to wear me stronger specs, that’s all
Are you still allowed to own a Maine Coone cat
I tried to ask if it is still an allowable breed of cat to own the ” Maine C**ne” straight into moderation, very sensitive is wordpress.
Massive those Maine Cøõne cats Civvy.
A customer had two.
Wonder if they are more chilled than standard moggies?
Bigger the dog or horse the calmer right?
Pretty much Mis
I hate cats and if one comes within range it will get a swift boot up the clacker.