England’s Wank Voting System

England’s wank voting system, Reform got more votes in total than the Lib dead yet the Lib dead get 71 fucking seat’s whilst Reform has 4. This system is really shite. Utter fuckwittery of the highest order. Well old Keir has 5 years to prove himself and his party or it’s arse kicking and the same old bollock rumble on and on and on.
On watching the news it seems some MPs have held their seats not the correct thing to do under poo labour and their lgbdfrtybcsehk diddler policies. Fuck them all

Nominated by : Black biscuit

Seconded and linked to by Sam Beau:

Stats here … BBC News.

And not to be out voted, here’s Ron Knee with more:

Britain’s ‘First Past the Post’ Electoral System.

*Deadline 5th July 2024*

FPTP is a cunt.

It’s unrepresentative of the popular will in the country, and means that millions of people, in effect, waste their vote simply by voting for the candidate of their choice when the election is decided on a constituency-by-constituency basis.

Oh we’ve all heard the tired old arguments from the two main parties for donkey’s, about how proportional representation leads to instability in government. But consider these few basic statistics from the 2024 general election;

Labour; 33.9% of the vote, over 400 seats
Reform UK; 14.3% of the vote, 4 seats
LimpDicks; 12.3% of the vote, over 70 seats

Once again, the system has handed a huge majority to one of the two main parties on a minority of the popular vote. Here we have the LimpDicks polling less of the popular vote, and winning over 60 seats more than Reform UK. How can a system which produces such a distortion ever be consider fair or democratic?

Under a proportional representation system, it’s estimated the Reform UK would have over 90 seats in the Commons today. I voted for Reform UK with my head as well as my heart, knowing that my vote would count for fuck all. What actually was the point in even bothering to vote?

Well it’s time for my vote to mean something, a sentiment which I’m sure is shared by millions of others feeling disenfranchised this morning. Fuck Labour and the Tories and anyone else defending the indefensible that is FPTP.

Manchester Evening News.

*NB update*

Reform now has a fifth MP

With a final dodgy postal vote coming in from Rt. Hon. Dioclese:

In the aftermath of the General Election we are blessed to have produced the most disproportionate result in UK electoral history.

We now have a Labour government with two thirds of the seats elected on a third of the vote. This means that two thirds of the people who actually voted did not vote Labour and 4 out of 5 people eligible to vote did not vote Labour. In what way is this landslide therefore representative of the will of the people in a free democracy?

The LibDems got 71 seats and yet got half a million less votes than Reform who got 5 seats. In what way is this fair?

And worryingly 5 muslim independents were elected on a pro Gaza anti Israel platform. Apart from the fact that Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organization who started the Gaza conflict with acts of indiscriminate murder, they garnered less than 200,000 votes between them and got the same number of seats as Reform and one more than the Greens.

One thing is clear : the first past the post system is grossly unfair. Of course while the two main parties have a system that guarantees that we live in a two party state nothing will change.

And an electoral system that is inherently unfit for purpose will continue to guarantee that the electorate will never get the result they actually want…

BBC News.

95 thoughts on “England’s Wank Voting System

  1. UKIP got over 14% of the votes in 2015 and got 1 MP. Nothing changes.

    • Indeed.

      But at least on this occasion the Scotch Nazis were all but wiped out. ?

      Back in 2015 it was a very different story.

      With a paltry 1.4 million votes, the SNP got 56 fucking seats!

      While UKIP, with 4 million votes, got only one seat!

      In fact UKIP got more votes than the SNP & LibDems combined!

      Meanwhile the Monster Raving Loony Party with 400,000 votes got precisely 0 seats (the SNP got 15 seats for that number of votes).

      First Past the Post works fine when there are only two parties standing. Like in the Referendum – Leave or Remain.

      The current system is not fit for purpose when multiple parties are standing, nowadays around 5-10 candidates in the average constituency.

      It’s long past time we introduced a fairer system of Proportional Representation.

  2. The voting system in this country may not be perfect, but at least we should be grateful that the right party is now in power.


  3. If voting changed anything, it would be banned..

    So let’s enjoy the next two years of labour making complete cunts of everything, before the purge and the inevitable head stamping that will follow.

    I’m ordering my new boots this week, must be sturdy, but comfortable and easy to wipe clean..

  4. I wear ballet pumps .
    Better for doing Kung Fu in.

    Did I mention I was a black belt?
    Well I’m not.

  5. What a farce. That youngish rubber faced Tory mp who stood for leader a while back described most MPs as not even knowing what they were voting for: lobby fodder.

  6. Proportional representation.

    I’d be surprised if it happened!

    The games rigged in the favour of Labour and Tory,
    So don’t expect any help there.

    This is the whole idea behind the Reform party.

    Change the system.

    And the House of Gaylords won’t be interested.
    £320 a day.
    800 of them!
    £256,000 a day on the taxpayers dime.


  7. To earn £320 for the day I have to sweat my arse off dumping building waste on a country lane.

    It’s alright for some.

  8. I’m afraid that no system will be perfect in every regard. As regard misrepresenting the popular vote, remember that in 2016, the stupid cow Clinton received a higher popular vote than Donald, but he still got elected (thank fuck for that).
    I am hoping that Nigel et al have a five year plan. As Kweer’s mob continually fuck things up, I suspect that as the by-elections roll in there will be more and more Reform MPs returned. Add to that the local elections that will paint a similar picture and who knows what might change.
    Don’t forget, I bet Kweer is glad that Kier Hardy didn’t give up when he started his little party!

    • Hi Cassandra –
      From what I’ve seen/read so far, it seems Big Nige does indeed have a 5 year plan. I don’t think he’ll achieve PR, but I don’t think that’s the plan anyway. It seems he wants to get Reform to be the officially recognised opposition and effectively replace the Tories as one of the two ‘big’ parties. That may happen and it will take years if it does. Let’s hope so. Once achieved, Reform will have a shot at actually winning a general election outright.

      Problem is, I do believe the UK is beyond saving. Too much change, too quickly has all but destroyed the fabric of the nation. Even Big Nige can’t undo that. Sadly.

  9. It will never change,the Gravy Train has been on the same track forever and its not getting derailed any time soon.

    Anyway, this “democracy” has fucking ruined the country so it can fuck off.

    Politics is a venal,corrupt cesspit.

    Military junta seems the only way to set things right.

  10. Jeremy Corbyn must be fucking fuming, he got more votes than Starmer and lost ?

    20% of eligible voters have managed to fuck the country for at least 5 years and possibly 10. Am I bovvered, am I fuck.

  11. If I hear another politician waffling on about democracy, I think I might self combust.
    Having the right to vote is deemed as the be all and end all of our democracy, and they don’t give a shit that millions of votes achieve fuck all.
    Russian citizens can vote. Ok, it’s a waste of time and purely for show, but the difference isn’t that great.
    No matter who the ruskies vote for the result is always the same.
    No matter who we vote for, the result only differs between Labour and the Tory’s.
    Hardly a shining beacon of democratic choice is it?

  12. Scrap voting. A dictatorship with my daughter in charge would be ace.
    Electric cars – banned
    Proper cars to have a straight-six (minimum)
    No work – no money
    Free kebabs on Friday/Saturday night
    Policing to be replaced by lynching (care in the community v2.0)
    Re-education camps for wokies (and more).

  13. I still remember way back when Paddy Pantsdown was banging on about proportional representation. Never happened.

    The Liberals tried to muscle in for a long time and got nowhere. Then we had a ‘new dawn’ when the SDP came along with their infamous ‘gang of 4’. Got nowhere. Then they combined with the Liberals (I think) to form the Lib-Dems. That’ll break up the duopoly and flip flopping between Labour and the Tories. Nope, that didn’t work either. I do hope Farage isn’t pissing in the wind, but history suggests he might be.

    Unlike the US, the UK is supposed to be a democracy. MPs are supposed to represent the views and the will of the majority. Obviously I see things from afar these days, but it seems to me that UK politicians have followed the US model of deciding by themselves what causes and positions are important to them (or what serves them best) and bollocks to what the (wo)man in the street thinks. Who voted for or agreed to give untold sums and military aid to Ukraine? Who voted for and agreed to ‘net zero’? And yet this is what the political class does regardless.

    Covid once and for all exposed the sham called democracy. You simply cannot arbitrarily lock down a population in a free and democratic society. Governments are supposed to govern not rule, but we all know what happened. Meanwhile, the elites were hosting parties and having a fine time doing the exact thing they’d decreed verboten for the masses. You couldn’t make it up.

    The whole system stinks from top to bottom and we’ve all seen what happens when someone has the balls to try to draw back the curtain and expose the (deep state) wizard. ‘Nuff said.


    • Most important of all in my view, who ever voted for mass immigration and Islamisation?

      This is alienating swathes of the population, and you can feel the pressure building up slowly. Maybe the lid WILL blow one day…

      • Another excellent example, Ron. No one voted for or agreed to what is tantamount an invasion. Instead of pandering to the vermin who are flooding into the country, perhaps tax payer money would be better spent on the Royal Navy patrolling the channel and turning back the human excrement seeking to enter the country ILLEGALLY.

        But no, let’s send France millions of tax payer £ to help them stop the crossings, then watch them do fuck all about it. Or let’s give Rwanda millions of tax payer £ to deal with these criminals only to have a new PM trash that idea and allow Rwanda to KEEP THE FUCKING MONEY.

        A lot of people in the UK worked hard to generate that tax income to the Treasury and the UK government simply pissed it up the wall.

        Again, you just couldn’t make it up.

      • Exactly Ron and it can only go so far before Mr and Mrs Average turn into Mr and Mrs Fuck this.
        Tempers is fraying and that right soon.

  14. Having heard the LimpDicks going on so much about PR of late…

    It also gets me when you hear some political cunt going on about the millions of people who don’t vote being ‘apathetic’.

    No. They’re very often fucking ALIENATED. They feel that under our constituency system, their votes are simply wasted a lot of the time.

    Labour’s ‘landslide’ came on the back of less than 34% of the popular vote. It’s a travesty.

    • A great point, Ron.

      You’d think that having ‘won’ the election on the back of – let’s be fair – limited popular support, Starmer would launch a charm offensive and show some humility regarding the level of support he actually has from the population.

      Not a bit of it. He seems like a kid in a candy store, revelling in the fact he now has the keys to the kingdom and can now do precisely what HE wants and bollocks to everyone else.

      I hate to say it, but I honestly believe the tipping point for the UK has already been and gone. The country is forever changed and significantly for the worse. Five years of Labour will only decimate further the once great nation I used to call home. It’s very sad.

  15. Our voting system is total bollocks!
    My first choice was going to be Britain First.
    My back up choice was going to be Reform UK
    As it turned out neither had a candidate in my area.
    How the fuck is that democracy?
    No doubt many other’s would have been in the same position regardless of what their party of choice would be.
    As I said it’s bollocks and that’s exactly what I doodled a diagram of on my form.
    It seems the views of the many counts for fuck all in this country we get shafted at every fucking turn!

    • I voted Reform CiS, and am proud to say that I did.

      I can understand your frustration, but I’d appeal to you to cut them slack. They’ve only been around as an organisation since Nov 2018; what they’ve achieved in such a short time, against the machines of the Tories and Labour in particular, is astonishing.

      Maybe do as I did; join, donate, get involved? It’s invigorating.

  16. Democracy my”arse”….!

    They’d be fucked if we did what we should do, no body turn up to vote…

    We could have jug ears and baldy boy making up the rules…. bugger, they already do in reality…?

  17. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party achieved a higher percentage of the (eligible) vote than Labour. 21% to 20%.*

    * I’m going by an expected 67% turn out in France. Can’t seem to find the finished stats.

  18. All I can say about the election result is that this election was the last one I voted in, not bothering again.

    • Fair enough.
      But at least take the trouble to spoil your ballot paper.

      • I probably will just to express my dissatisfaction at the whole system. Spoil it, wipe my arse with it and see if I can fold a fart in it before it goes in the box.

  19. If Hitler was still alive I’d vote for him.

    See how far you get with your woke bollocks then, Uniparty.

    • Why not add Hitler to your ballot paper next time you go to vote?
      Almost half a million of our brave lads died in WWII for your right to do that.
      Not to mention the 70,000 civilians who bought it in the Blitz.

  20. And to think those old fellas Sunak walked out on in June thought they were fighting for democracy.
    They fought because they didn’t want Britain to become a totalitarian dictatorship.
    That went well didn’t it?

    • Indeed.

      I often wonder what all those fine chaps would make of Britain in 2024?

      Burma,Libya,Sicily,the Atlantic,Kent,France,Holland,Germany to name a few places our families men fought and died to protect our way of life.

      All entrusted to successive governments to piss away.

      Shame and damnation upon those villains.

  21. Critics decry proportional representation as it tends to result in no overall control and prevents ‘action’.

    I’d say in a ‘democracy’ that’s no bad thing, as to pass new legislation then it would have to be acceptable to more than just those in the majority – as we currently have.

    This would lead to better, reasoned debate and more constructive, considered laws.

    Look at the Kings Speech today, ridiculous amounts of legislation… on top of what we already have. The sheep file into the lobby and vote as they are told by the whips, regardless…. The only ones the benefit are the lawyers, when challenges to the rules are enacted.

    For every new law introduced, there should be a law requiring another to be repealed.

    See what I did there…

  22. I’m with Plato.

    The best form of government is probably an enlightened despot.

    Let’s see how a deranged, senile and vengeful despot works out in the USA.

  23. Is it something to do with how the cross is administered. A sinister left hand for instance.

  24. Ban all parties except the ,Is a Cunt Party Place myself as prime minister. Rule with a Iron fist.
    You fellow cunters can be my cabinet and advisers. What would our tag line be ?

  25. FPTP was fine in the 17th century, when there were only two parties, Whigs and Tories.

    As soon as splinter groups appeared, the change should have been made to PR.

    Now it’s far too late. It isn’t in the interests of Labour or Conservatives to change, there’s no incentive for them to do so, and so they won’t.

    Reform didn’t even put up a candidate in my ward, how can I vote for the party I want if they can’t be arsed?

    • You are correct in that the big two parties won’t entertain a switch to PR because, as you say, it’s not in their interests to do so.

      To be fair to Reform, they went from a blip on the horizon to a force to take notice of in about 4 weeks once Big Nige decided to come out of retirement and take the reigns. That’s pretty impressive. Fact is they’re not a national party (yet) and were not in a position to put up and provide support for candidates in every constituency on such short notice. Let’s not forget, the fake Brit Sunak called a snap election. It wasn’t like he gave everyone months of notice. Reform just couldn’t react quick enough.

      Next time will be different.

      The Tories will continue to argue and fight amongst themselves. Until they accept they caused their own election defeat, nothing will change or improve. Meanwhile, Labour are taxing anything that moves and confiscating anything that doesn’t. This will only further erode the public’s confidence in the change they voted for and their tolerance of what is being done to them.

      These two things will play into the hands of Reform, if they play it right. I hope they do. It’ll be fun to watch, but then I don’t have to live there and face the horror on a daily basis like you lot. Soz.

      • I agree with what you say, IY.

        A cunts trick, for sure, as Rishi saw the growing groundswell to Reform.

        He’d rather have Smarmy in the top seat than Nigel, because he knows he ( his party) will have a great chance of getting back in, in a couple of years.

        Unfortunately, he won’t be perching his skinny buttocks on the plush seats.

    • Unfortunate, JP.
      Richard Tice originally claimed he would be fielding a Reform UK candidate in all 650 constituencies.
      Maybe your candidate was one of the 100+ Tice had to withdraw for some reason?

  26. Today Starmer was talking about “The snake oil charm of populism.” I’ve no doubt he was referring to us misguided folks who didn’t vote Tory or Labour as we’re supposed to do.

  27. King Charlie Chimp and Dame Kweer balls deep in each others ring pieces today.

    Apparently “a victory against populism” no less.

    Net Zero, wokery, online harms bill and the environmental mass destruction in the name of brand new houses for the new arrivals, here we come.

    All this despite four fifths of the population not wanting this slimy bastard (Starmer) any where near power

    This country is way beyond fucked.

  28. Kweer Charmer

    Puts a cap on North sea oil production, trashes the Rwanda scheme basically opening the gates wider still and practically declares war on Russia.

    What a start to proceedings.

    Fuck knows what he’s got planned for next week.

    I hope the horrible cunt dies a slow painful death from a particularly nasty disease.

    And I mean every word of what I say.

    • Careful Herman.

      These are the fascist shit cunts the left have been warning you about that are in charge now.

      Talk like that and the next thing you know, you’re doing a twenty stretch in an Aberdeen haggis mine.

      Because by fuck, Aberdeen is going to have fuck all else inside of five years.

  29. My rule of thumb is do the opposite of what the Westminster rats say.

    ‘a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour ”

    – voted Reform

    ‘If you vote to leave the EU we’ll all starve to death within 12months’

    – voted Leave

    ‘Avoid populism and beware the Far Right ‘

    -embraced it and support it.

    You can’t go wrong.
    Whatever they say do the opposite

    • it’s almost like we have this uncanny sense of knowing when they’re lying.

      Must be some sort of in built survival mechanism. Developed since, ooh, say about 1997.

      • Built in mechanism known as a Crap Detector.
        Not needed with the Tories.
        We knew they were lying whenever their lips moved.

      • TBH, Minge, any and every politician is lying when their lips move, it’s a requirement, in order to be selected.

        “No, I didn’t eat the Jaffa Cakes, they are NOT cakes!”

  30. Where’s Edward Wallace gone?

    I would love to know what his thoughts on this were.

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