Ultra woke luvvie David Tennant wants to snuff out any and all opposition to the LGBTQ bollocks bandwagon.
David, who professes to be on the side of “human decency” saying “everyone has the right to be who they want to be” does not extend that right to Kemi Badenoch, erstwhile Equalities Minister, who has advocated banning trans women (biological men) from entering women’s toilets, safe spaces, sports, etc, seeking to protect female rights and safety.
David explained: “Until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore – I don’t wish ill of her (???), I just wish her to shut up.”
Pure fascism.
Badenoch’s response: “I will not shut up. I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls. A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end.”
Suggest you stick to what you do best, Dave: voiceovers promoting the nefarious interests of foreign banks like Chase.
Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.
More on this outstanding piece of cuntishness by Norman and Lord of the Rings below.
David Tennant is due a Mount Rushnore sized cunting.
Someone has already just nominated him, but this luvvie woke fanatic is now one of the most hated and most arrogant cunts in Britain.
Even our unloved Prime Minister has personally labeled Tennant as a ‘problem’,
This sanctimonious luvvie fuck is now demanding that certain people cease to exist . So, Tennant is basically saying that he should choose if someone lives or dies.There is no difference, and that mentality is straight out of Hitler’s Germany.
Like those other celebrity cunts, Gary Lineker, Steve Coogan, Olivia Colman and Daniel Radcliffe, Tennant is yet another sell appointed unelected gobshite knobhead, who would blame his own daughter if she got attacked by one of his beloved trans freaks. They are all he cares about. It’s absolute fascism disguised as liberalism. Totally sickening cunt.
and Dawn Butler is a hypocrytical vile cow for agreeing with him.
Tennant is an over paid, over entitled, lefty woke twat.
If anyone on the right had suggested that the world would be a better place if Diane Flabbot or Dawn Butler didn’t exist, the Lefties would lose their minds.
What a fucking useless waste of space it/she/they/them are …. Wanker !
Kemi- a politician with balls – so to speak.
I do like her but a little disappointed she had to reference race into the argument. Yes, everything she said was true about the little turd but she is smart enough to articulate what a twat he is without consulting Dawn Butlers Big Book of Black Victimhood.
To the best of my knowledge, Badenoch has never used the race card before now. I suspect she used it on this occasion purely to wind up the woke left and to highlight their blatant hypocrisy.
Every Niggy does, it’s their ‘go to’.
Another spindly, woke cunt Almost totally interchangeable with those other arch virtue signallers, Southgate, and Vine (sounds a bit like a street in LA).
For a luvvy lefty fuck like Tennant the irony of a privileged white man telling a sooty woman to shut it,
Is lost on him.
The bulging eyed little commie was just playing to the crowd of other London based bucktoothed millionaires.
His kids a tranny apparently.
So what?
That’s his problem.
They can do each others makeup and and try on wedding dresses together.
What wedding?
Good morning, everyone.
Another in a long line of celebrity no nothing turds.
Who think because they can read lines by someone else on the idiot box, it somehow makes them intelligent and someone who should be listened to.
Don’t know how to break it to you dave, the vast majority don’t give a toss.
So why don’t you regenerate into a polite human being.
Julia Hartley-Brewer nails the cunt perfectly.
Sorry, wrong video. Here’s JH-B
Phwoooaaaarr! What a girl!
Cor. I would. Twice if I could
I wish Julia would say ‘How dare you!’ to me.
He was doctor who.
So fuckin what?
Being Dr who is a stigma
Not a distinction.
Everyone who’s played him in the last 10 years looks like they should be a suspect in Operation Yewtree.
It’s something to be ashamed of not brag about.
A little ditty to express my admiration of Tennant
“Well, I’ve been to Hastings and I’ve been to Brighton
I’ve been to Eastbourne too
So what, so what
And I’ve been here, I’ve been there
I’ve been every fucking where
So what, so what
So what, so what, you boring little cunt
Well, who cares, who cares what you do
Yeah, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you
Well, I’ve fucked the queen, I’ve fucked Bach
I’ve even sucked an old man’s cock
So what, so what
And I’ve fucked a sheep, I’ve fucked a goat
I rammed my cock right down its throat
So what, so what
So what, so what, you boring little fuck
Well, who cares, who cares what you do
And, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you
And I’ve drunk that, I’ve drunk this
I’ve spewed up on a pint of piss
So what, so what
I’ve had scank, I’ve had speed
I’ve jacked up until I bleed
So what, so what
So what, so what, you boring little cunt
Well, who cares, who cares what you do
Yeah, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you
I’ve had crabs, I’ve had lice
I’ve had the clap and that ain’t nice
So what, so what
I’ve fucked this, I’ve fucked that
I’ve even fucked a school girl’s twat
So what, so what
So what, so what, you boring little fuck
Well, who cares, who cares what you do
And, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you
So fucking what!
To back you up (not in that way) Mis, so have I, Dudley Moore, fashion.
Choon that is, CC. Top choosings!
Did Bob Dylan write that?
In a similar vein.
I first heard this on OnThe Offensive’s Youtube channel for a montage of then-current cunts.
Seems his channel is no more.
Worst Doctor Who ever is between Jodie Whittaker and Ncunti Gayblack.
I’d say Gayblack was the very worst though.
John Barrowman at a Christmas pantomime.(Dick Whittington)
Getting the kids in the audience to chant ‘We love Dick’
Wrong ‘un. Without a shadow of a doubt.
Not the worst doctor, that’s still Collin Baker but at least he doesn’t care, nay revels in it. He isn’t a libtard media whore. Dave Tennant is just the Jock version of that simpering git Dylan Mulvany, probably hatched from the same clutch of lizard eggs. Cunt.
nah, Sylvester whoever the cunt was. He was really shite and his lass was a challenging wank too.
Sylvester mcCoy.
Yeah he fuckin sucked.
Shes a challenging wank the state she’s in now. Looks like a bloke who used to be fat that’s lost loads of weight. Even if she’s asked politely I’d probably turn her down now.
I thought that ugly bird cunt and the current Niger bender were worse than Baker. But I never watched either of them, I grew up with real Dr who’s John and Tom.
Sly McCoy was the only one ive seen in more than 3 episodes, from first broadcast but i was in primary school at the time.
Including the guys who played Mickey and Jack Harness..
Fruity John Barrowman?
Naughty Noel Clarke?
Superb cunting for just another luvvy woke gobshite.
Fuck off, wanker.
Morning all.
That Kemi Badenof Is one ugly motherfucker.
Like a Predator that’s been Specsavers.
No way I’d vote for that.
Compared to Flabbott and LardButt, Kemi is beauty personified!
Morning MNC, all. 👍
Morning Minge👍
Yeah, put a lump of dog shite next to Flabbot it looks good.
Probably smells better too
“Like a Predator that’s been Specsavers” LMFAO !
That Sir, has made my day……
Typical hypocritical selective leftie shit.
If Laurence Fox or Donald Trump said they wished somebody black and female ‘didn’t exist’ there would be multiple calls for their heads. Loudly and hysterically
Graham Linehan called Tennant a ‘weird groomer’ and he gets ‘cancelled’.
Thing is, Tennant has a kid who he openly encourages to ‘identify’ as trans and non-binary. Say no more.
And Tennant is an overrated and crap actor anyway. A gurning scenery chewing goon in Doctor Who.
How can you be trans AND non binary? Surely trans means you’re born a boy or girl and are playing dress up and non binary means you’re deluded enough to claim you are neither male nor female?
Will I be cancelled now for questioning gender identity and how it’s bollocks?
Spot on Norm
Tenant is a barely-talented, pompoys fuckwit. His skills seem to be: turning his head at an angle, then lifting an eyebrow. Occasionally, he thrusts his hands in his pockets for emphasis. His cv includes: playing somebody who whizzes around in a spaceship and being friends with other overrated turds like Michael Sheen.
This doesn’t sound like a qualification for lecturing people, but just a qualification for being a cunt.
Aye up Cap’n.
I’m genuinely sick of gobby luvvies giving us the ‘benefit’ of their opinions on this, that and the other without being asked.
Fat Reg, Thompson, Sheen, Fry, Coogan… Wish they’d all just fuck off, warp factor ten.
I just read the story on Spiked. What an olympic-sized cunt. The Daleks missed a trick there.
ANYWAY! I just texted a friend the story. We’re both hugely surprised that someone who preaches “be kind” has pretty much asked for someone to be wiped off the planet. I’ve genuinely never met an actual woke person in the real world. I know some lefty tossers, but we agree to disagree.
But the whole trans-bumming, k00n loving, Palestine-shagging lot? Never. I’m sure they make them someone where in a factory Islington.
They’re grown in vats in climate-controlled warehouses around Heathrow.
Tennant is an intergalactic cunt with a face purpose built for stoving in with a 7LB club hammer.
I really don’t give two knobs of goatshit about the utter bollocks that dribbles out of Tennant’s mouth. Stick to being a Scottish deviant, piss streak, just like that other simpering Scottish windbag/deviant Alan Cummings. Perhaps they could lovingly slurp on each others genitalia in LGBQTV8 unison?
And fuck off.
OT. John Bishop: changing the time a of along pre-arranged/booked gig, so he can watch the England vs Spain n final. Like all those who have paid for tickets don’t have lives or plans of their own.
Unprofessional Scouse cunt.
John Bishop, I would rather spend a hour with a floorboard..
Not really o.t. Norm; typical piece of sleb cuntitude.
I say good on him.
Where would you rather be during England’s final: Watching the historic moment with mates or sharing a hall with a bunch of Sweaties? If it were the other way round, some Scotch comedian.would cancel immediately.
* If it were the other way round.
What am I talking about?Scotchland in a final? 😆 They havenae even qualified for the World Cup since last century.
Who in their right mind pays to watch John Bishop?
Fuck em
Unfunny stan boardman rip off wanker and stan was crap.
I remember the good old days when actors use to unwind by chasing women, getting drunk, having fist fights and generally causing mischief..
Nowadays they pontificate about subjects they no nothing about, and weep on social media about poor downtrodden Palestinian vermin..
Oliver reed would of nutted tennants pissner unconscious.
Errol Flynn, what a guy.
Anybody who wants to know what a hellraiser looks like should look him up on Google.
Agreed, Ron. Burton, O’Toole and Harris also knew how to behave when they’d knocked off work.
True greats Isabel, sadly missed one and all.
They don’t make ’em like Errol any more, Ron.
See also…
Oliver Reed
Robert Mitchum
Burt Lancaster
Clint Eastwood
Richard Harris
Peter Cook
Peter O’ Toole
They were like it during work as well. O Toole and Harris were in a play together, played the matinee, went over the road, got pissed, came back for the evening performance.
Harris arrived late on stage, but before O’Toole. A woman in the audience said, ‘ Goodlord he’s drunk!’
Harris responded, ‘you should see the other fellow!’
O Toole was slapped around by Beian Blessed for being drunk, Blessed thought he was wasting his talent. He said he’d destroyed half the house in the scuffle. Blessed also confronted Reed about his behaviour on set and threatened to punch his lights out if he started getting mean.
I liked Olly Reed but reading about him and watching him in interviews he was a bit of a knobber. i lived a couple of doors up from an actress who now works as a vocal coach and had a few roles in TV in the seventies. Her husband was an actor-turned-director and they had a lot of showbiz mates.
I mentioned Olly Reed and she just shuddered and said ‘revolting man’.
I find it easy to ignore people such as DT and his beliefs, but the gullible are the danger in all walks of life, who follow like sheep. That’s where vigilantism comes in and the magicians magic circle can miraculously make people disappear.
He’s a lucky boy, getting to go to town on Catherine Tate’s ginger fanny, which is like an inverse Tardis, looking like an enormous meaty-lipped clopper on the outside but actually only being as big as a mouse’s ear further up.
Unlike her bottom, which was like a regular Tardis and enabled her to demonstrate her party trick backstage at awards ceremonies: getting Fiona Bruce to insert a large unlubricated lava lamp up there, turning it on and the room lights off, as amazed party-goes saw the lamp’s glow through her translucent, ghost-white, copper-topped skin.
Pure poetry, Thomas
Hilarious, how Tennant got gobshite Angela Rayner doppelganger Catherine Tate in the TARDIS. While Matt Smith gets the shagtastic Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston and Jenna Coleman.
I’d try the same with Christina Hendrick.
No i’d be too busy licking and sucking her enormous wobbling tits.
Christina Hendricks….
The word ‘funbags’ springs to mind.
Also the words Bang, Shithouse door and Gale.
His best role would certainly be as fuel for the Oven.
Luvvie faggõt cunt.
Good morning.
Too right, Tez.
In spite of his record for having kids, I reckon Tennant is a friend of Dorothy.
He won an award for being a twat.
Put on a wig, put on a dress, some false tits and a bit of lippy and shut the fuck up 😂
So, Dave, ‘everybody has a right to be who they want to be’. Even that fat, ugly, bald and spotty faced cunt who wanted to kidnap and do much worse to Holly Willoughby? Until now I’ve always thought that Taffs drew the line at sheep.
Are you saying she wouldnt want this slobbering over her?
Now you put it that way, Cuntamus, I’m not so sure. He’s definitely a big improvement on me and I’m a fair upgrade on that Welsh cunt at the top of this thread.
Have a mechanism that slowly descends him into a vat of ultra strong acid, never mind sticking his tongue out, he’ll be speaking in tongues by the time his feet have dissolved up to his ankles.
Monetise it and put it on Bestgore or Liveleak.
I wonder if his acting bio states “woke mouse looking for felching opportunities” ?
Another issue I have with Tennant is his arrested development.
He appears to of stopped normally growth around 12yrs old,
Just before puberty.
Little twig like limbs.
A child’s body not a mans.
What’s caused this?
Maybe his daddy had a ruptured bollock? Or tainted sperm?
Maybe his mum miscarried watching the original Daleks?
But the little wizened head with bulging eyes on a kids body is deeply unnerving.
The runt would benefit from some manual labour.
Ideally enforced.
In a salt mine.
In Siberia.
A bit like that cunt, David Gest.
An adult crossed with a kid…
At least Gest had the decency to die
At least he’s dead.
Strange place siberia, full of snow and ice and full of salt..
There’s a solution there I’m not seeing..
Bottomless margarita’s
You old lush.
Wonder if Tennant is of the peaceful persuasion?
After all, the cunt breeds like a Muslim.
If they’re all his, of course…..
Tennent may be a cunt but badenoch is fucking scum
When Tennant and Olivia Colman are on screen together, the cunt levels are like the ones that rocked Nagasaki in 1945.
The fact that this lanky streak of woke actually turned up for a ‘Best Celebrity Ally’ fat an ‘LGBT Awards’ is laughable.
The old cliche of turning up for the opening of an envelope springs to mind.
Fucking pointless and ridiculous
Some body needs to photoshop a huge black knob in place of that dalek’s eye thingy. Dr. Dicklick so-to-speak.
What’s this cunt doing, licking a Dalek’s extremities? I thought Doctor Who was a children’s programme.
Now, if Graeme Souness or Matt Le Tiisier said they wished Alex Scott or Karen Carney didn’t exist (if only they didn’t). The woke sirens would be heard for miles.
Had some great Jock mates over the years, unstable but great.
This cunt is an insult to them.
The Doctor, a weird old bloke who invites youths into an enclosed space, telling them its much bigger than it first appears.
We’ll get the real version one day, filmed inside the police box, as cramped as you’d expect, he young assistant crying out as The Doctor turns out to be a stinking old man in a dirty mac, struck of from the GMC refister decades earlier for inappropriate touching.
‘Show me your arse!’ Show me your fucking arse!
Shithead should have a Dalek driven up his arsehole. What is wrong with these fucking retards, just shut up fuck a cyber man or something and piss off. Cunt