David fucking Tennant (2)

Ultra woke luvvie David Tennant wants to snuff out any and all opposition to the LGBTQ bollocks bandwagon.

David, who professes to be on the side of “human decency” saying “everyone has the right to be who they want to be” does not extend that right to Kemi Badenoch, erstwhile Equalities Minister, who has advocated banning trans women (biological men) from entering women’s toilets, safe spaces, sports, etc, seeking to protect female rights and safety.

David explained: “Until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore – I don’t wish ill of her (???), I just wish her to shut up.”

Pure fascism.

Badenoch’s response: “I will not shut up. I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls. A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end.”

Suggest you stick to what you do best, Dave: voiceovers promoting the nefarious interests of foreign banks like Chase.


Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.

More on this outstanding piece of cuntishness by Norman and Lord of the Rings below.

David Tennant is due a Mount Rushnore sized cunting.
Someone has already just nominated him, but this luvvie woke fanatic is now one of the most hated and most arrogant cunts in Britain.

Even our unloved Prime Minister has personally labeled Tennant as a ‘problem’,
This sanctimonious luvvie fuck is now demanding that certain people cease to exist . So, Tennant is basically saying that he should choose if someone lives or dies.There is no difference, and that mentality is straight out of Hitler’s Germany.

Like those other celebrity cunts, Gary Lineker, Steve Coogan, Olivia Colman and Daniel Radcliffe, Tennant is yet another sell appointed unelected gobshite knobhead, who would blame his own daughter if she got attacked by one of his beloved trans freaks. They are all he cares about. It’s absolute fascism disguised as liberalism. Totally sickening cunt.

Sky news

and Dawn Butler is a hypocrytical vile cow for agreeing with him.
Tennant is an over paid, over entitled, lefty woke twat.
If anyone on the right had suggested that the world would be a better place if Diane Flabbot or Dawn Butler didn’t exist, the Lefties would lose their minds.
What a fucking useless waste of space it/she/they/them are …. Wanker !


94 thoughts on “David fucking Tennant (2)

  1. The picture appears to depict him practicing his rimming technique. But whose arse is he licking currently?

  2. The sad thing, the wokerati were bad enough before…. Now Lefty Labour are in power this sought of bile will be front and center all the time.

    We are about to enter a time of Left wing utopia (Hell for all us sane people)
    Standby for any deviant who wants to go in the Ladies lav being allowed and any ‘real’ woman who complains being arrested for hate speech.

    Get yourself a baseball bat or a length of 2×4 to protect your loved ones, because a lawless Britain is coming….

  3. I remember Tennant playing a convincing transvestite in a TV programme in the 90s. That’s why he’s in support for the Lettuce, Gherkin, Bacon and Tomato Quartet, Brigade. Which was before all this nonsense kicked off.

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