Clive Lewis M.P.

Its been barely a week at the time of writing since Keir Starmer and his band of poofs, demented wimminz, fake commies and misfits kicked out the Tories at the General Election but already the shitshow has started early with MP for Norwich South, Clive Lewis.

When the new parliament met on July 9th all MP’s and lords are required to take part in the swearing in ceremony and take an oath of allegiance to the Crown. However Clive Lewis decided to make it all about him with an anti-monarchy protest.
“I take this oath under protest and in the hope that one day my fellow citizens will democratically decide to live in a republic” said Lewis when it was his turn.

Look, I know people have strong views on the monarchy but there is a time and a place. Its the lack of respect and militancy that is so typical of these twats. This was his fourth term in office so the cunt had gone through the ceremony three times before. He was also in the Army Reserve serving a tour in Afghanistan so would have taken an oath to her then Maj. By not taking the oath MP’s cannot ask questions, vote or be paid a wage. I wonder which one motivated him to take it?

Even Granny Rayner put on her best ‘am I bovvered’ face and stubbed out her fag to take the oath although Magic Grandpa was caught off off-mike calling it ‘nonsense’. Its interesting that he hopes fellow citizens democratically decide to one day live in a republic but this didn’t extend to Brexit voters and their democratic will to be free of the EU, consistently calling for a peoples vote and a second referendum.

More than happy to take the knee for a dead drug addict and foreign criminal though Clive?



Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

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