WARNING: Recent political nominations have seen certain cunters trading personal insults. Stop doing that. Debate, disagree and voice your perspectives, but do not cunt other cunters. You know the rules and if you don’t, read them. Lengthy stays in moderation jail or outright bans await those who fail to comply. The Admin Team.
Trump Derangement Syndrome may be defined thus; ‘TDS is irrationally negative reactions to the actions and policies of American presidential candidate Donald Trump’.
Yes, there’s no doubt that leftie slebs can get a bad case of loony tunes where The Donald is concerned; witness the rantings of Streep, De Niro and Whoopi Cushion over the years, to name a few. He’s ‘a threat to democracy’, ‘a fascist’, ‘a Nazi’ that ‘something bad’ should happen to etc etc.
Well that ‘something bad’ very nearly came to pass recently. After the failed assassination attempt on the former president, you’d think that Trump haters might consider it tactful to wind their necks in and throttle back a bit, but no, the deluded rhetoric goes on. Here are just a couple of illustrations to give you a flavour of the kind of febrile atmosphere currently prevailing across the pond.
Take the case of that well-known megastar actress Amanda Seales, who didn’t waste a minute before climbing aboard the ‘it was all staged’ bus, a conspiracy designed to show Trump in a sympathetic light. It was ‘fake blood, blank ammunition’ etc and so forth. Yeah, tell that to the bystander who was shot dead, and the two who were badly wounded. Get a grip on reality, you arrogant cunt.
Then you’ve got those in the ‘fuck, the shooter missed’ camp. Take the case of music titan Kyle Gass, one half of comedy rock duo ‘Tenacious D’. When on stage in Sydney, Jack ‘School of Rock’ Black presented his bandmate with a birthday cake, and invited Gass to make a wish. The classy response? ‘Don’t miss Trump next time’. Clearly Black was less than impressed with this infantile comment, and has cancelled the rest of the tour.
The Donald clearly has an unrivalled capacity for getting under the skin of these mardy sleb cunts, and TDS is proving to be as contagious as Covid.
Can you imagine the meltdown on the left if a Republican celebrity said that somebody should take Biden out? The hypocrisy is astonishing. It was amusing at one point to watch these twats self combust. Now it’s all got out of hand, and I’d wager that there are many on the left who secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) wish that Trump had taken a bullet right to the head. Given the current volatile climate across the pond, these kind of comments are not just deranged and nasty. They’re sick and dangerous.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
I fully expect the usual suspects to go divvy over Big Don any time soon.
And, when I say usual suspects, I mean Hollywood bubbleheds and sundry pop sluts.
Scarlett Johansson will no doubt be on Saturday Shite Live doing her Ivanka impressions, with that trigger happy warthog Alec Baldwin as Donald.
Still give Scarjo a good tonking, mind.
She needs a thorough strapping across that tight little bottom, the minx.
(I’ll do it before anybody else tries to get in on it)
Johansson is a dreadful actress, and a whining TDS sufferer, but I would break the bed with her.
Saw her in a piss-poor indie flick where she was funbags & minge out and it was tidy.
Don’t suppose you have link for that do you, Captain.
Asking for a friend. ?
Allow me Odin.
This is rather nice, I think…
Bloody weird film that but first rate fanny on display.
Not really a spoiler but more of a bit of trivia; apparently the scenes where she cruised around Glasgow looking for cock were mostly unscripted and they kept the footage.
Good old jocks, got to love their confidence at nailing that juicy bit of skirt.
She went full frontal in a 2013 film called Under The Skin (should have been Down To The Skin).
I believe she also went full frontal in a 2023 film called Asteroid City.
Guaranteed to bring on full blown SES (Scarlett Erection Syndrome).
I suffer terribly from this affliction myself.
Due to the anyone but Trump, the cackling demented communist will become POTUS.
Bring on the civil war.
Trump is a convicted fraudster, multiple bankrupt and adjudged rapist.
These are simple and uncontestable facts.
Doe these facts make him the best candidate for the most powerful person on Earth,
Explain how. Now.
Offer proof of your claims.
The recent convictions in the cases relating to Stormy Daniels and the New York property valuation fraud cknvictions are both matters of public record.
The historical cases involving previous frauds are likewise public
Is this a huge Deep State forgery or public records showing the plain truth? In each case 12 of DJT’s peers delivered judgement. Take up your concerns with them.
OK. Believing public records won’t make you feel a part of the elite who know about everything and can connect disparate pseudo sources of information and make 2+2 equal conspiracy.
Consider the possibility that your trust of unverified sources and your need to be part of this “elite” may have warped your capacity to reason.
Hold no irrefutable beliefs. You are hostage to them.
My best wishes and good will to you.
@The Lone Cunter
By proof I meant in the form of links/citations; not claims. The claim is not the proof.
Here we go:
Stormy Daniels case
The BBC. Heard of them?
New york fraud trial:
Trump’s historical bankruptcies:
None of these sources are soi disant experts or tinfoil hat wearers.
They are reputable, peer reviewed and have reputations upon which their businesses depend
So, my dear Two in the Stink, your argument is with them all, should you be claiming they are all fraudulent or lying. In what world would globally respected news sources flame their own business models to pick on an innocent man?
Trump is an evil, narcissistic would be dictator. If he’s a hero then, to quote Brian Walden, he’s a hero of a type the world could do well without.
Now, (may I call you Stinky to save typing?), please cite equally respected sources in ylur refutation of the claims cited above. Your ball Stinky.
May I thank the moderator for allowing this post. Debates here can get somewhat “lively”. I am aware that I’ve expressed opinions somewhat left of the general tenor and mood of the site. Thank you again and best wishes. TLC.
I can understand why you are the “Lone” cunter. No friends, huh?
I am floored and flummoxed by your devastating and incisive refutation of the arguments as set out above.
Your trenchant and cogently reasoned countering of each and every salient point raised by the referenced materials leaves me gasping in awe at your intellectual prowess and sheer oratorical power.
As I have already stated elsewhere, shouting “You’re a big doody head and I hate you” at people you disagree with just debases your own dignity and renders your “contribution” worthless.
Shame on you. You are better than this. Lift your game…