A blend word or a portmanteau, is a word formed by combining the sounds and meaning of two or more words, for example brunch or sitcom. Many are practical that have been adopted and standardized into everyday English that people would struggle to convey what they wanted to say without them.
Then there are the cuntish ones often born out of social media or reality TV like the teeth itching ‘vajazzle’ popularized by the plastic orange chavs of TOWIE. Slanguage, glamping, metrosexual, mansplaining, all used by cunts.
Probably the most famous or infamous of recent times is Brexit and the bungled escape from our Eurocrat frenemies.
Maybe I just need to chillax.
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
The one that really makes me grind the few teeth I have left is
” conversate/ conversating”
Not a blended word, as such, but often heard on American shows, like Court TV and Judge Judy.
The American TV crime shows have got to be the worst for fucking up words…..
The house has been burgalarized.
The directionality of the blood spatteration.
Fucking idiot Yanks.
If they want to portray anyone as being intelligent they have them speak really quickly.
Like that skinny, floppy haired cunt in Criminal Minds.
Anyone who needs to play someone allegedly clever will have to say a few lines in a foreign language.
Olivia Benson (who has now turned into a man) in SVU comes to mind.
Ive noticed that. Stephen Moffat used the same trick in Sherlock.
In real life, the highly intelligent speak quite slowly.
Look at Stephen Hawking.
I’d rather not.
Also not a mixed word, but I see unalived all over the fucking place these days. Even heard it spoken once. Fuck me, are people really so anxious they might offend some deranged cunt, they’re willing to portray themselves as complete fucking morons in the media?
Mainly it began because social media companies were dropping videos using the word dead, gun and sex are also trigger words.
I think it’s an algorithm issue. Youtube is fucking horrendous for that now.
words ive noticed people self censoring or creating euphemisms for;
and many others
Sounds like something George W. would say.
‘I like to Fuctify the English language!’
I am rather fond of the twat and cunt combo. Twunt.
I prefer the alternative – cat.
Gunt – gut & cunt. As viewed on the beaches of Spain now. Look at the cunt in that salad dodger.
Portmanteaus can be mildly amusing when done right but I’ve hated them since the most important constitutional act of our time was reduced to a blendword gimmick… and then never followed through on in any meaningful way aside from in name only.
Especially when pronounced Breg-zit.
Yeah that one always annoys me. It sounds more like ordering Eggs Benedict than leaving the EU>
Blended words, like food is for babies and sleepy joe..
It obviously to difficult to say two words one after the other for the weak wet youth of today..
Repetitive strain injury on their texting digits..
Too many syllables to remember.
Words spoken by cunts for cunts.
Morning all.
‘Titwank’ is okay though.
Ive never liked ‘chesticles’.
Tits shouldn’t resemble a ball bag.
i’ve heard the perineum referred to as the ‘barse’ but that seems too close to arse and too far from balls.
perineum – gaza strip
To that I reply with an acronym, ‘F.O.A.D’
I once read a book called “Let’s Parler Franglais”. You had to know some french but I recall it being very funny.
A bloke I worked with went to the pub every day and never came back less than half-pissed. We called it his drunch and called him El Druncho. He came in alone weekend mornings to catch up but always knocked off by Saturday and Sunday opening times.
I can’t stand cunts that always say ‘Absolutely’ instead of ‘Yes’. Pretentious fuckers.
Quite so.
Fuckin’ right!
To be sure, to be sure
These terms are often a crap, ephemeral neologism that is thrown around by wankers for 6 months then disappears becsuse it becomes associated with wankers..
Strage the first one I really noticed was ‘Spafe’ used in a stupid car advert, combining ‘space and safe’. This lead to Viz creating Twunt, to describe the ad agents who’d come up with it.
The worst one is probably man-splaining, as it doesn’t even work, but it does show just how fucking stupid modern feminists are.
Wouldn’t class Sitcom as one as it’s two contraced words, like Defcon and Telecoms.
Dramedy, however, would be a portmanteau.
Drambuie – a combination of sick and spunk.
I used to like Drambuie when I was younger but I bought a bottle a couple of years ago and most of it went down the sink. It was fucking horrible.
I like a Rusty nail. Whisky and drambuie.
Babycham – phantom pregnancy.
Shampoo- not a real shit.
I saw an article in a local news paper last year describing a car accident, where one of the occupants of the car had “self-rescued”.
Also, where I live in Bristol, there are always twats running about saying they need to “hydrate”, like they alone have access to superior water.
It might not be a portmanteau, but the most annoying for me currently is ‘oftentimes’ when “often” woukd suffice and has done for a thousand years.. Another Yank import.
“Yeah man, I oftentines use it coz I’m like, you know, oftentimes a cunt.”
Not a portmanteau, but the annoying yankism – “can I get….?”.
Me also, No I will get it, you pay for the cunt you cunt.
Another Yank phrase that boils the piss is something along the lines of, “let’s see if we can’t”
Makes otherwise intelligent people sound so fucking dense they lose any respect I may have had for them.
A yank phrase I always laugh at is “I’ll post a link in my own time when I’m good and ready”.
Twats who utter this phrase should just be executed. It grinds my fucking gears.
A cunt of a phrase if ever there was one.
Can I get.
No you can get fucked now get out of my shop before I fucking kick you out!
“Already” when they mean “now”.
“It is what it is”
I’t is what it is’ is a terrible phrase; redundant and fatalistic.
Had some fool saying it at work about not being able to get his twenty year-old step-daughter to get a job.
Can’t discipline her because she’s not his kid, and the mum has told him so, but he pays for everything, including lessons, insurance and the bloody car for the younger daughter.
‘It is what it is’.
Jesus Christ. They aren’t even his kids.
There will be a lot off ‘it is what it is’ happening at Crowdstrike.
It isn’t what it isn’t.
Fuck up.
Weirdly old-fashioned. You don’t the yanks say ‘by and by’ anymore.
My old English teacher used to put on an accent when reading passages from Mark Twain.
Daft cunt.
funny – so did mine when doing “death of a salesman”. He was sa daft cunt as well, but a nice guy.
Ive never been to port Manteau as I despise the french.
But these mongrel inbred mutant buzzwords ,
Used by twats who wear red jeans, work from home and want a world without borders.
To them I say I hope your tongue falls into your airways and you snufficate, and die of chokulation.
the red trouser brigade. Fucking loads around my way.
They all look like Robert Peston, are allergic to jokes and they’ve been forbidden from entering a pub or bar without the wife.. sorry, partner.
Why would a bunch of gays need wives?
Moggie –
They act as fashion accessories for the wimminz.
Gay? I’m afraid they’re too neurotic to be gay.
The average gay is probably more assertive in standing up for himself than these cunts.
These blokes would be intimidated by David Mitchell.
LME and AAVE are also invasive cuntspeak as is a lot of the internet slang popular with Tweenagers
London Multicultural English – Fam, Peng,
African American Vernacular English – Y”alls. finna
It’s always embarrassing when educated liberal cunts with expensive educations want to patronise the yoof and learn this toilet matter rather than proper English or continental languages to improve their vocabulary, rather than impoverishing it.
I’ve never understood the concept of a tweenager. When you hit 13 you become a teenager, until then you’re not, it’s pretty simple, there’s no in between
zi think it’s a marketing term for kids who are socialised to the level of teens but not yet in their teens. It takes account of the earlier onset of puberty and having boyfriends/girlfriends for many kids before their teenage years. They are not teens but not quite children either.
Hella, bae, hun, yeet, bih, bruh, fam, finna, lit.
I’ve encountered all these and more and had to look them up.
I usually just close the article down now, if I see this sort of bollocks.
isn’t that what they call “wigger” speak. White kids pretending they iz n*ggers.
They are the lowest common denominator sayings from hamshankland and not a patch on our Cockney rhyming slang. I prefer to make up my own, besides anagrams.
…. and acronyms.
Nịģnọg…a combination of thief and rapist.
Good shot sir.
Arab..a combination of vermin and dung.
Unfortunately Geldof wasn’t there.
Good morning.
Don’t worry, Sir Keir will hand them another £84m to stop it happening again.
Morning Terry.
Jizlam. The frothy combination of semen and goat dung usually found in the rectal cavities of middle eastern goats.
The legitimate Niger (Latin for black) is considered too close to niggər by the permanently offended so there are now efforts to rename various plants and animals.
Basin, ffs
You guys are all getting worked upover nothing.
Just chillax!
Morning all.
How did I say nothing?
Another annoying reference is to whether the rest of my day is of any concern to the person I’ve just finished a conversation with. I tend to leave them bemused with the acronym hand, from the bucket of shite they’ve just delivered me.
I’m always the last to hear these modern popular words.
“Oh this is a banger!”
Apparently a good upbeat tune.
Sounds a bit camp?
I’m not using it.
That ” wassup?” Thing that was popular.
Like some retarded BillyBob on methamphetamine.
Hated that.
Good for you MNC. I also avoid fashionable words and phrases to alienate the yoof.
These people who now start the beginning their sentences with ‘So,…’
They’re usually the same cunts who started using the rising intonation during the nineties.
It’s the sign of an equivocating cunt.
I walk away from people who suffer with inflection speech. It appears to me they are unsure what they’ve just said is correct.
You will be too busy learning about soil aeration and compost rotation to bother this new fangled shit Miserable. Titchmarch is always on hand to mansplain it to you.
Titmarsh always has looks to clean to be a Gardener LL.
Puffs hands.
As your aware, dirty nails and mucky hands are the signature of a gardener.
If I’d used the long extended yank phrase referring to “now”, when about to have a shite, I would’ve shat myself long before I had the chance of dropping my trousers. Whilst on the subject, why do the yanks leave their bathroom in a shitty mess ? Do they suffer from Alzheimer’s.
The bathroom stall clean-up hadn’t been actioned..
‘Man-splain’ and ‘White- splain’
Neither work as portmanteau terms
You’d think a bunch of twats who’d spent (at least) 4 years studying the humanities at university would have a better understanding of how the language works.
No wonder journalism and entertainment is so fucking weak these days.
I’m sick and tired of canadians and the cunts living in their basement, fucking up our language.
At least the countries living in the hamshanks basement do have their own language. Canada do have the French, but the yanks have fuck all, but their gibberish.
What gets my goat, is when a yank tells a foreigner to speak English, when they can’t themselves.
Old words are good, ” slubberdegullion” being a corker, “slut” also rolls off the tongue .
Not a portmanteau, but fire used as an adjective.
That’s fire.
Same goes for money.
Anything from the mouths of the melanin rich!
Especially if said by wiggers.
Not a blended word as such, but I’m being subjected to the word “trainings” at work. Not “training courses” like a grown up adult would say, no, “trainings”.
My boss is such a massive cunt. If there were any justice in this world, he’d fall down a well. And stay there.
Sound like something that Mr Broadbandings from Fonejacker would have said IY.
Indeed it is, LL.
Hope you’re well.
I’m still recovering from yesterday’s pet grieving thread. How harrowing was that?
As for the “trainings”, there are 2 mandatory (pronounced Man-da-tory round these parts – cunts) courses for this year at work. Combined total of 2 hours of utter wank. Just completed both in about 20 minutes. Clicked Next where I could and guessed the answers to the various quizzes. Passed. What a fucking joke.
At least it wasn’t as bad as last year’s where I had to endure being lectured about other people’s fucking pronouns. Jesus Christ up a drain pipe. I will so enjoy leaving this company and if given the opportunity, telling them why I’m leaving, including their pandering woke bollocks.
Hi IY, its still early days in the Starmer Republic but yes, not too bad thanks.
Yesterday was one of those rare occasions when everyone was united. Bonding with a pet is so special which makes saying goodbye even harder.
Your company sounds like a nightmare IY, if the Babylon Bee tried to parody them for woke nonsense they would find their source material was already standard working practice. Its not a lot better over here.
Service providingsingsings
I fucking hate that word.
I’m not sure if it’s a recent addition to the English language or not.
People that say “OMG” instead of just saying “Oh! My God” need their heads slamming through a plate glass window.
I am convinced that English speakers are so fucking useless at learning other languages because they spend so much time fucking up their own.
Either version of that Artful and if I ever happen across that ginger cunt on the lenor advert I’m guna punch him in the face until my fist turns to pulp!
A bit like the white British nationals that are hell bent on fucking up their own country for everyonelse including their own family.
Self destruction must be in the DNA of most fuck wits. And seeing as fuck wits make up the majority of humans, we are in big trouble, boss!
Was wondering, do people still do the ‘air quote’ thing as much nowadays?
That really used to be such a common thing. Quite obnoxious.
The old portmanteau used to be a clever play on words and evolution of vocabulary.
The great Pokemon franchise, a good one. But I am very partial to the traditional ones such as a breathalyser, cyborg, email… heck I will even give jegging a pass.
By modern evolution standards they have become a lazy and childish cunts language.
It’s the sort of language a bag headed journalist dreams up whilst having a wank over peppa pig.
‘Brexit’ being the biggest disgrace. I can’t believe people use the term, especially anyone over the age of 40, its so fucking embarrassing.
‘Brexit’ ‘Bromance’ and ‘Mansplaining’ can go and fuck themselves. Like everything else social media has destroyed, it’s dragged our beautiful portmanteau into the gutter and turned it into a cunts game.
I am sure there’s more, but it’s elevating my blood pressure thinking at once again, modern society has fucked something else up for no reason than for the ‘MEGALOLZ’ as Mr Ian Watkins would say.