Discount Andrew Tate and ‘lifestyle coach’ Wes Watson is yet another of these ‘alpha males’ or ‘high value men’ exposed for being a whining, materialistic and emotionally unstable dumbfuck live on stage.
In an on-stage debate, he lost his mind because another man had a different standard of being successful. He then revealed -without any help from feminists or the mainstream media – why this ‘red pill’ movement is such a harmful one, by berrating Wilson for his appearance and lack of material wealth.
Watson is just another grifter and vulgarian, deessed like he’s in N-Sync but with an inflated upper body.
It’s embarrassing to watch for many reasons: that this ‘man’ is some sort of guide for insecure young men who pay him to give them shouting at them, for the lack of moderation shown by the host, for the mindset of those lost men in the audience thinking they need to attend these events in the first place.
Watching this makes you wonder if the feminists had a point about toxic masculinity, althpugh they throw that term around so freely (just like misogyny) it’s now quite meaningless.
The Internet seems to have spawned a breed of scam artist, claiming to be men’s men, pushing an idea of masculinity generally held by 15 year-old boys. As usual, things seem polarised with nutcases like Watson completely deluded about his own ‘value’ and reducing masculinity to cartooninsh nonsense; the money he earns, his bicep size and physique, and what car he drives. The whole ‘red pill movement’ has degenerated into this juvenile mindset, largely because of Andrew Tate and imitators like Watson. Ot also comes with its own homosexual horoscope of Alphas, Betas and Sigmas – AKA edgy loners, rogues, school shooters
I might be cynical in saying this movement led by insecure American men in their back-to-front baseball caps was a predictable response – including the vernacular of high value knobbery and daft acronyms – to twitter/consumer feminism, an exploitative ideology in itself that has only led to more female misery,
The truth is I pity the young men who put stock in these oafish scammers, pimps and frauds, I really do.
Upon further research It appears -not unusually for this sort of prick – that he has vastly over estimated his wealth. Despite ownng a fleet of expensive cars, he is still worth less than one of my own relatives, who lives in a potato shed and drives a Ford pick-up…
(albeit in Surrey).
Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime
O/T, just watching Glastonbury. Dua lips, shite..!
Lipa, not lips you piece of Chinese shite phone…?
Only cunts watch Glastonbury
Half a dozen ATCAMs would sort it out.
Dua Lipa saved British culture. She’s a child of immigrants. Sadiq is a big fan.
I watch Judge Judy, and think
“How the fuck are we breeding such low quality people”
Then I see this and all is explained.
Time to stop soft/gentle parenting folks, and restart smacking the arse for bad behaviour.