Wes Watson and the ‘Red Pill’ Movement

Discount Andrew Tate and ‘lifestyle coach’ Wes Watson is yet another of these ‘alpha males’ or ‘high value men’ exposed for being a whining, materialistic and emotionally unstable dumbfuck live on stage.

In an on-stage debate, he lost his mind because another man had a different standard of being successful. He then revealed -without any help from feminists or the mainstream media – why this ‘red pill’ movement is such a harmful one, by berrating Wilson for his appearance and lack of material wealth.
Watson is just another grifter and vulgarian, deessed like he’s in N-Sync but with an inflated upper body.

It’s embarrassing to watch for many reasons: that this ‘man’ is some sort of guide for insecure young men who pay him to give them advice.by shouting at them, for the lack of moderation shown by the host, for the mindset of those lost men in the audience thinking they need to attend these events in the first place.

Watching this makes you wonder if the feminists had a point about toxic masculinity, althpugh they throw that term around so freely (just like misogyny) it’s now quite meaningless.

The Internet seems to have spawned a breed of scam artist, claiming to be men’s men, pushing an idea of masculinity generally held by 15 year-old boys. As usual, things seem polarised with nutcases like Watson completely deluded about his own ‘value’ and reducing masculinity to cartooninsh nonsense; the money he earns, his bicep size and physique, and what car he drives. The whole ‘red pill movement’ has degenerated into this juvenile mindset, largely because of Andrew Tate and imitators like Watson. Ot also comes with its own homosexual horoscope of Alphas, Betas and Sigmas – AKA edgy loners, rogues, school shooters

I might be cynical in saying this movement led by insecure American men in their back-to-front baseball caps was a predictable response – including the vernacular of high value knobbery and daft acronyms – to twitter/consumer feminism, an exploitative ideology in itself that has only led to more female misery,

The truth is I pity the young men who put stock in these oafish scammers, pimps and frauds, I really do.


Upon further research It appears -not unusually for this sort of prick – that he has vastly over estimated his wealth. Despite ownng a fleet of expensive cars, he is still worth less than one of my own relatives, who lives in a potato shed and drives a Ford pick-up…
(albeit in Surrey).

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

75 thoughts on “Wes Watson and the ‘Red Pill’ Movement

  1. Definitely suffers from roid rage and small winky syndrome..

    Bragging endless about his wealth will only get him a vist from a porch monkey or wetback with a large caliber gun..

  2. Pride comes before a fall. Hopefully this muscle bound loony will stumble over a cliff.

  3. Looks like a cunt that’s pumped himself full of anabolic steroids. Be dead from a heart attack by the age of 40. Good fucking riddance

  4. Shouldve mentioned; the chap he is attempting to bully is Andrew Wilson. Shouldve made that clearer in the nom.

  5. Never heard of him, googled him but all I read is he spent 10 years in a US prison so he’s likely to be protective of his masculinity. Hopefully he succeeded and wasn’t made into a prison bitch.

    Toxic masculinity? Is that a thing? Maybe some feel threatened by men that can open a jar of pickle by themselves?

    Oh well, none of really matters to me, the less media i consume the less cunts I see.

  6. Never heard of him and can’t be bothered with the link.
    ‘Red Pill’ Movement? What’s that?
    I’ll stick with the blue pills thanks very much.

  7. He thinks that he impresses millions of women but it’s only the likes of Julian Clary and Rylan Clark that get moist for his sort, thick fucker that he is.

  8. “Feminists have a point about toxic masculinity…” get a grip, you poof. Never heard of this bellend and don’t care. Wouldn’t know if you hadn’t mentioned.

    • @ monsieur cnut

      What I actually wrote:

      ‘Watching this makes you wonder if the feminists had a point about toxic masculinity,although...

      You failed to understand what I said and jumped to the wrong conclusion, probably out of crippling insecurity.

      Do you wear a back-to-front baseball cap I wonder?

  9. That’d be funny if, despite his silly muscles, he was only 5’1″.

  10. I knew a couple of blokes in my trade all big and butch gym rats, couldn’t work for toffee and on the other extreme I knew a couple of titchy old fuckers all woodbines and beer who could graft all day shoeing cart horses a proper fucking mans job would slaughter people like the nom subject, muscles and bulk look good but amount to shite.

    • Nail hit firmly on the head there Civvydog!

      Worked in the building trade all my life and always found these cunts rock up on site with huge muscles and they are fucked by lunchtime. Can’t keep up. Yet you get some cunts that are 9 stone wet through and can graft all day

      • They can only lift dumbells and gym equipment in air conditioned environments, nothing awkward on awkward ground, or anthing off centre or with a smooth surface like granite worktops..My uncle too the piss out of one of yhese prats becsuse he had to keep putting the worktop down as the edge was digging into his hands.

        Kept telling him, ‘you have a woman’s hands!’ a laTom Baker as Captain Rum.

        He lasted a week.

  11. Cunts like this are normally mental weaklings and prima donna vacuous shite.

    Anabolic heart explosion shortly.

    Jolly good.

  12. Wes looks like a 250lb lump of Stilton cheese.
    Probably has the same mentality.

  13. I know a guy like him, got absolutely hammered by a skinny amateur boxer after showing off in a pub.

    • Never heard of him,
      But if he’s been in a yank prison he’s a bumboy.

      Told this on here before,
      When my dad was still working
      We picked up this new labourer.

      He was jacked up ,like a condom filled with walnuts.

      MNC ” who’s this cunt?”

      MNC SNR ” size of the cunt!
      He’ll be good!”

      The bodybuilder had bags of confidence,
      Thought he was Billy Big bollocks.

      Hour in he’s not looking so grand.
      2hrs in he’s slowed right down,
      Spewed up ?

      Couldn’t carry on.
      My dad
      ” You alright son?
      Here pass it here , I’ll run it up”.

      My dad was 65yr, slim, but not even sweating.
      It’s different pumping iron in a gym
      And carrying a washing machine up three flights of stairs.

      The cunt was crestfallen hehehe ?

      • Indeed, Mis.

        Us whippet types go for hours, because we’re not dragging unnecessary bodyweight around with us.

        Beef and muscle is necessary sometimes, like lifting a car/truck up to rescue a trapped idiot amateur mechanic.

        But in general, I’d rather be able to run fast and hide in very small places.

  14. There’s nowt wrong with going a gym like.

    Lots of old boys in a gym.
    Some had health scares and there on medical advice.

    I go the gym.
    Feel great afterwards ?
    Sleep well too.

    Apparently exercising releases ‘feel good endorphins ‘?

    Helps people who suffer depression and that,
    You know,..nutters.

    I’m all for it!

    • Each to their own and I absolutely am not knocking you Mis, but I wouldn’t be found dead in a gym.

      • Evening Arfur ?

        I’m often found half dead in a gym.

        But feel ace for days afterward

      • I’d probably be found dead in a gym.

        I walk, with the dog, without the dog.

        I like walking.

  15. I’ll bet he’s a virgin.

    Not a botty virgin, obviously.

    Probably why he’s so angry and shouty.

  16. OT but along the lines of a fantasist.

    Rischi Rich says the racial slut by the reform candidate has hurt his feelings. As he’s been called a lot of things such as scum, murderer, and worse by the rabid left and not given a fuck, you have to wonder if names can only hurt you when they come from the direction of a party taking chunks out of your ever diminishing voter base.

    What a blatant use of the race card for political gain by Sunak.

    Put me right of having a curry tonight it has.

    Take some roids and man up ffs!

  17. Rather than his biceps and pectoral muscles he should concentrate on his fuckin Barnet.

    He’s gone bald on top and his solution is brylcreem?!

    Looks like fuckin Rigsby.

    Get yer nut shaved you silly yank cunt.

    • Also I like at the end of the nom how CP casually brags that one of his relatives lives in a potato shed.


      • Needless to say his relationship with the Golden Youth was clearly not ‘just mates’

      • Evening Harold…one wonders if the arseless chaps Vernon Wells is wearing was George Miller’s idea…or Vern suggested, nay demanded it!
        I’ll bet looking back at it now, he’s quite annoyed at what a tit he looks!
        Hey, don’t get angry, Vernon…
        “Let off some steam, Bennett!”

      • Hehehehe

        I knew this would summon you Thomas.
        Like summoning Beetlejuice

        Are you well.

        Watching him as Bennett in Commando as an adult he always wanted Arnold to stab him with his pipe.

      • Vernon Wells was good in Inner Space (despite having no lines) and makes an appearance as leader of a feral biker gang in Weird Science..

        His performance as Bennett was Oscar-worthy.

  18. Is it a former potato shed, now converted beyond all recognition?

    Three downstairs reception rooms, a snug and wine cellar.

    Five upstairs bedrooms, all en-suite, with the master bedroom also enjoying a jacuzzi bath, and outdoor balcony with hot tub.

    That kind of potato shed?

  19. Nope.
    Still full of spuds.
    But when the Chips are down it’s somewhere to go.

    Go round pull up a sack and watch a episode of M*A*S*H

  20. If you have to brag about how big your …. ahem… bank balance is…. it’s probably not that impressive.

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