The Met Office [8]

The loons at The Met Office claim Spring 2024 was the hottest on record with a mean temp of 9.37c.

9.37c is cold. This spring was wet and cold, are they fecking mad?What kind of number wang is this?!

And drum roll…they blame climate change.

Daily Fail.

Nominated by : Cuntologist

76 thoughts on “The Met Office [8]

  1. Halfway through June and the windows are barely open and i’m in a zip up fleece hoody. 16 Celsius here in Sussex.


    • CP, I got mocked for mentioning that I was still wearing winter clothes.

      Some folk on here are cruel, and won’t be invited to my” Davis/Dinklage hunt” After Hunt Ball.

    • Lot of cloud-seeding going down recently.Part no doubt at attacking the food chain to ramp up the impending famines’ being planned.

  2. Some fucker’s been messing about with a cloudbuster* in our neck of the woods this afternoon.

    * ® 1953 Wilhelm Reich

  3. When C02 was at 7% we had a planet covered in lush forest thick enough to feed huge fucking dinosaurs. We had new life evolving everywhere.
    Tax revenues were shit though.

  4. Well, it’s thundering right now in Sheffield, but is there a yellow warning for thunder on the Met site?

    Is there buggery.

    Cue major pearl clutching and fainting by the snowflakes!

    • I told my wife that it would stop pissing it down shortly, the sun would come out and it would snow. I reckon my forecast was just as likely as the BBC one.

      • Can I hang my washing out tomorrow, Moggie?

        We used to have a brilliant site that was actually called
        “Can I hang my washing out?”

        If you asked the question at, say 9 at night, you’d get a message along the lines of
        ” No, you daft bugger, it neet time”

      • It was unbelievably accurate.

        Don’t know what happened to it. Met Office ninjas probably murdered him, because he was making them look like the total arsehole they are.

  5. Enough already of this Climate alarmist Lies !
    Hottest May since records began in 1884 ? …. Horse Shit

    May 2024 was one of the coldest, damp, wet, miserable UK months I can remember (of over 50+ years)
    I spent most of it wearing woolen items and a coat.

    These tosspotts that want ‘Net Zero’ should go to China and stand in front of a tank.

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