The BBC (121) and Doctor Whoke (12)

The hated BBC are now openly marketing Doctor Who as a gay programme. They have made a 60 year old science fiction show and a national institution into a blatant gay propaganda vehicle.

That depraved cunt, Russell .T. Deviant is blabbering on about why Doctor Who has so many LGBT fans. Well, maybe it’s because they have a screaming black poof (the now ubiquitous Ncunti Gayblack) in the title role, tonguing a new male villain known as the Maestro. The fact that kids are even allowed to watch this muck should have the BBC in very hot water (but it won’t). Also, he is fooling nobody with his ‘LGBT’ card carrying crap. The L and the B don’t figure and they never have. Davies and the BBC only care about peddling gays and trannies.

Why can’t a sci-fi series be just that? Why does it have to be gay? Davies tries to justify it by bleating it about how Doctor Who is ‘historically’ gay and that a ‘gay Asian man’ was it s first director. So fucking what? Brian Epstein was a raging poof, but it didn’t mean the Beatles were (or had to be) gay). People’s private lives had nothing to do with their work, and that is how it should be. But now these dirty cunts want to put what they do in everyone’s faces and into everything. Since when was sodomy anything to be proud of? And since when did it become part of mainstream entertainment?

People are sick of these bastards at the BBC telling them they are racist, sexist, and homo/transphobic. When they are just normal people who want to be entertained like they used to be. No, Doctor Who hasn’t ‘always’ been LGBT. It was just a science fiction show that was much loved in its prime. That cunt Davies – with full BBC backing – is rewriting history to spread his and their depraved tendencies.


Nominated by Norman.

132 thoughts on “The BBC (121) and Doctor Whoke (12)

  1. All contributors to ISaC have been ensnared by Sunak and Kweer’s hurty words trap. A knock at the door from the thought police can be expected at any moment…

  2. If the cunts at the BBC were going to fuck with the format to such a degree they could at least have had the decency to change the name of the show to something more fitting.

    Darker Hue, for instance.

  3. Re the betting election nonsense. As soon as a ram jam gets power, the blatant corruption begins.

    Diversity is our strength? Hairy fucking arseholes is it.

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