The BBC (121) and Doctor Whoke (12)

The hated BBC are now openly marketing Doctor Who as a gay programme. They have made a 60 year old science fiction show and a national institution into a blatant gay propaganda vehicle.

That depraved cunt, Russell .T. Deviant is blabbering on about why Doctor Who has so many LGBT fans. Well, maybe it’s because they have a screaming black poof (the now ubiquitous Ncunti Gayblack) in the title role, tonguing a new male villain known as the Maestro. The fact that kids are even allowed to watch this muck should have the BBC in very hot water (but it won’t). Also, he is fooling nobody with his ‘LGBT’ card carrying crap. The L and the B don’t figure and they never have. Davies and the BBC only care about peddling gays and trannies.

Why can’t a sci-fi series be just that? Why does it have to be gay? Davies tries to justify it by bleating it about how Doctor Who is ‘historically’ gay and that a ‘gay Asian man’ was it s first director. So fucking what? Brian Epstein was a raging poof, but it didn’t mean the Beatles were (or had to be) gay). People’s private lives had nothing to do with their work, and that is how it should be. But now these dirty cunts want to put what they do in everyone’s faces and into everything. Since when was sodomy anything to be proud of? And since when did it become part of mainstream entertainment?

People are sick of these bastards at the BBC telling them they are racist, sexist, and homo/transphobic. When they are just normal people who want to be entertained like they used to be. No, Doctor Who hasn’t ‘always’ been LGBT. It was just a science fiction show that was much loved in its prime. That cunt Davies – with full BBC backing – is rewriting history to spread his and their depraved tendencies.


Nominated by Norman.

132 thoughts on “The BBC (121) and Doctor Whoke (12)

  1. My generation caught Dr Who at the worst time. This was after Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, and the same era as Red Dwarf.
    A strange Scottish bloke dressed like The Riddler at a regatta with his street tough from Surrey wasnt exactly ‘metal’.

    I think the 60s Batman series had more respect.

    • Loved Batman when I was a little lad.
      Julie Newmar as the Catwoman.

      And that Batmobile was fucking ace.

  2. Only in the shit stained paki loving cabal that is the utterly unaccountable and widely reviled pile of shit that is the BBCistan could grooming children in the guise of “family entertainment” be lauded and whole heartedly approved of.

    The entire fucking rabble should be gassed at once.


  3. The British Buĝğering Cunts are obsessed with The Gayness, look at what they class as entertainment; Rue Paul’s Drag Race, Glo Up,
    Sewing Bee (lots od effeminate blokes sewing)
    Lost Boys and Fairies, Celebrity Come Dancing, fáģğõț Graham Norton, to name a few.

    • you only have to pass a TV showing a BBC programme by accident and you’ll get a whiff of The Message;

      ‘something something diversity.. something something climate… something LGBTQ.. Reform- something- istaphobes…’

    • That bloke Patrick on sewing bee snogged my niece so I doubt if he is gay. She tells me that he got the horn.

  4. Dr. Who?

    Dr. Whore more like. Shilling for a minority, as if it’s going to save them.

    The BBC is dead, but the corpse won’t lie down, even though it’s stinking.

  5. Have the beeb managed to sell the series to the Saudi’s?
    Bloody sure there were few references to puddle jumping in the early series
    If you want a laugh search for gay Darleks on you tube. Their Turdis often investigates Saturns rings and checks Uranus

  6. I can’t be arsed to vent my contempt for the BBC(unt) but suffice to say that it is absolute.
    Eruditely worded nom, Norm.

  7. It’s the BB fucking C again….

    I’ve just switched wireless 5 live on, and my ears have been assaulted by a gobby wimmins commentating on a mens kickball game. It goes by the name of Viki Sparks, have a listen to yourself love, for fucks sake…

    give me old Ken Wholstenhome or whatever his name was, with his clipped pronunciation rather than this bag of spanners droning on and on…..

    As for Dr Who, used to avidly watch Tom Baker and even Peter Davidson. In the modern era Eccelstone was ok, but now… well it needs to materialise in another dimension and take the rest of the BBC with it.

  8. And people thought the Whittaker/Chibnall era was bad….

    Granted it was (it really was). But this latest shit is the very (cough) bottom of the barrel. That woke lackey Tennant’s last appearance was vomit inducing. And Tate was annoying and minging as usual, and the trans freak ‘kid’ was absolutely groteaue.

    The ‘Bi-Generation; was also sickening. Tennant split into two Doctors, Just so he could marvel and gush about his new self being black, And, when he regenerated, why did Ncunti Gayblack have no trousers on? There’s never been a trouserless Doctor before. Dirty dirty bastards.

    • I do wonder about what children think when they see this shit on TV.
      I bet they have a lot of confusion and awkward questions afterwards.

    • His next regeneration will be into a 6 foot long black dick with eyes. Let’s just cut to the chase, so much easier.

  9. O/T, Princess Anne has been kicked by a horse…

    Top news item on the BB fucking c.

    Who the fuck cares that one horse face kicks another horse face..

    I despair at the priority these grifting cunts get…

    Fuck em…!

  10. Let’s face it , the Beeb think we’ve forgotten about their state sponsoring of Savile rampaging through the last 40 years of the last century , up to and including finger blasting dead folk.

    These are the people trusted with programming for the nation

    Can’t say I trust them , hence I don’t watch TV

    Much like football, it’s for cunts

  11. It’s not Doctor Who is it? Doctor Who originally was the age old battle of good against evil. There was lore and rules that set the parameters the character operated in.

    They’ve had to tear all that up to make it into something else but kept the name and some basics but now it’s no longer entertaining because it has to be written to fit an agenda not to entertain.

    Still if you can fit some gayness, trans characters and race messages into a program that’s all that matters.

    Can’t wait for the Pride of the Daleks…..

    • Therecwas one episode that undid all the old series, giving an origin to the Doctor. no surprise for guessing the skin tone and gender of the new ‘original’ doctor.

  12. F*ggots, n*nces, rug munchers, parking stanleys, s*mbo’s and n*gongs are all the same! Once again I am very very happy to live in a country where they loath and despise these cunts with such a passion that they fucking burn or stone them to death! Harsh? I don’t care. Nothing smells better than a crispy fried marmite badger roasting slowly over a pile of burning Firestones! Kill them all!

    • I dont have a problem with most of the gays. A lot of them are the only ones in public life turning out to defend freedom of speech.

      Don’t throw the (gay) baby out with the bath water.

      It’s the woke apologists for depravity and professional gays like James Barr and Same Smith zi csn’t stand.

      And man-child Owen Jones.

    • Disgraceful flabbottus could of hired 140 million police officers with money..

    • 1.4 billion could do a lot, but fuck it, it’s only tax payers money that’s been used to make one lucky couple billionaires.

      • But the buttfucking HMRC arseholes will pursue you for the last penny in tax whilst wasting it like this example shows.

        Either that or showering the unwashed with munificent benefits in exchange for fuck all.


      • I should have written whilst the gubbiment wastes it, not HMRC.

        Fucking arseholes.

    • Every penny spent on covids was a waste.

      Good morning, everyone.

  13. Why not a Doctor Arsesholes. That’s where this ones been going for decades.

  14. The bbc’s biggest gilt, in wiping decent material in the early days to save money.

  15. Have we ever had a announcement from admin as to why the noms are all over the place now? I miss the 7/11 am’s and the 3pm schedule☹️

  16. Someone should ask T Davies why so much of his writing includes under age of consent boys in sexual situations and dialogue.

  17. You’ve got to laugh at the yanks. They think the World Cup slog is proper cricket.

  18. I think admin are being held a gun point by a black yank and will only release them when the abuse stops.

  19. Has Mr Khan moved on from banning England flags, to banning isac?

  20. I’ll give up trying to post the link as wordfuck doesn’t like the word that rhymes with Beer.

    Dr Poo Pusher.

    Bollocks and bah.

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