‘Tempest’; Pronoun Nutter

There I was, not long out of hospital, sore waterworks, feet up on the settee, feeling sorry for myself.

Then my day was brightened when I came across ‘Tempest’ (pronouns ‘xe/xem, they/them’), all blue hair and narcissistic attitude. ‘My name is Tempest’ it smirks, ‘and if you don’t want me to step on your toes, move your fucking feet’.

Holy shit. To quote John Wayne in ‘Big Jake’; ‘ya got me scared!’. Just what this ludicrous twat, and thousands of others like it, hope to gain by posting this silly passive/aggressive nonsense all over soshull meeja is anybody’s guess. They just make themselves look ridiculous, the up-their-own-arses idiots.

Still, at least they give the rest of us the chance to take the piss and have a laugh. Go on; it made me feel better, it’ll do the same for you.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

91 thoughts on “‘Tempest’; Pronoun Nutter

  1. Also what the fuck is xemself? Even my iPhone didn’t try to auto correct this ‘term’. I have no idea what it even means. Guess I’m not down with the kids!

  2. I would suggest gassing them but people would compare me to Hitler or Farage, probably.

    • Fuckin ell, can’t she get glasses any bigger?

      Proper Elton Johns them.
      Like two van windscreens.

      What’s up with her?
      Step on my feet?

      No problem luv.
      I’m wearing steel toe caps.

      Crack on.

      • All the better!

        You know what to do when confronted with an 8 stone whannabe tough gal/guy/whatever?

        Slap their stupid face, open handed!

        I guarantee they will burst into tears.
        Film it, and post it on TikTwat.

        There you go, just a tempest in a teapot.

  3. Note the use of oversized glasses to attempt the illusion of intelligence.

    Nope, didn’t work. Still a clueless cunt.

    • No way Tempest is her real name.
      Probably karen or Susan.

      It’s a fantasy name .
      Like those keyboard warrior types who call themselves ‘Lone Wolf ‘
      And wear leather fingerless gloves an sunglasses.

      Complete fantasist.
      Worlds full of em.

      • ‘Like those keyboard warrior types who call themselves ‘Lone Wolf ‘
        And wear leather fingerless gloves an sunglasses’.

        Add to those the Fedora and Katana from Toys ‘R’ Us.

        You’ll be shitposting on Mumsnet in no time.

  4. ‘Move your fuckin feet’?

    I’m sure this little shit is used to people being intimidated by her psycho routine. I bet she/he/it teis to stare people out too.

    But one punch would put it down. Just one beautiful punch in that fizzog…

  5. This Tempest abomnation reminds me of the weirdo wannabe magician, Dean Tavaloures from the League of Gentlemen

    I can just see her/him/it/them expoding and shouting ‘Wot is wong wi da people round ere?! WOH IS WONG WI DA PEOPLE!!1’

    • “come see my show in the Fall”…
      Dean Tavares

      That line made me laugh ?

  6. This Tempest abomnation reminds me of the weirdo wannabe magician, Dean Tavaloures from the League of Gentlemen

    I can just see her/him/it/them expoding and shouting ‘Wot is wong wi da people round ere?! WOH IS WONG WI DA PEOPLE!!1’

  7. I can imagine it in Mr. Cunt Engines dungeon.

    ” It puts the lotion on its back”

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