Rupert Murdoch (5)

Not just a mega-cunt, but a pathetic joke into the bargain.

The 93 year old “grandpa out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre lookalike” has married a 67 year old Russian gold digger.

What’s his game?


No chance of getting it up without a skip full of viagra.

Be dead next week, if not already.

Guess he goes by the Oscar Wilde maxim:

“There’s only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

Or in Rupert’s case: “there’s no fool like an old fool.”

What a silly bunt.


Nominated by Mingejuice Bottler.

64 thoughts on “Rupert Murdoch (5)

  1. At first glance I thought ‘Yes, I definitely would’.
    But on reflection…..
    Tutankhamun’s will be so brittle and desiccated it’s probably snapped off and is floating about somewhere inside her cavernous interior.

    No thanks.

    • It’s 7.30 and this is still the only comment.

      Are you lot all wanking yourselves off or something?

      • Thanks geordie you put me off my stroke,the bus passenger’s are looking now..

    • I’m happy for them.

      Nice looking couple.

      Often find glamorous women are driven wild with lust for wizened old men.
      And as luck would have it they’re often worth millions.

      He’s meant to be a bit of a ruthless cunt isn’t he?
      Old Rupert.
      A bit of a Mr Burns type?

      Good for him ?

  2. Still got more get up and go, than the 650 cunts squabbling over who wants control over this third world shit-hole of a country.

  3. Bet his kids are thrilled to have a new stepmum?

    And a russian!
    Probably the warmest race on earth!

    Known for their humour the russians

      • Bless the Gopniks. They’re probably on fire now, either by Ukranian action or attempting to drink something they shouldn’t – coolant from a MiG 25 Foxbat or something.

  4. ‘Like a tortoise without its shell on’ was how Karl Pilkington memorably imagined a naked Rupert Murdoch would look like.
    Makes you wonder what the Aussie billionaire has that we haven’t.

  5. Putin is a crafty cunt, the surgeon must have been a good one. ‘Rupert, fuck me up the arse and call me Vladdie Baby!’

    After we go look at those tanks?

  6. His names really Keith.
    Keith Rupert Murdoch.

    Wonder why he dropped the Keith?

    Been some great Keiths


    Nowt wrong with Keith’s

      • Look at all this rubbish Keith.

        Keith : What?

        Candice Marie : Isn’t it awful, look at all those tin cans.

        Keith : [disinterested]  Yes…

        Candice Marie : Just imagine Keith, if all the people who lived here could come back… to all these crisp bags and sweet papers, they’d be horrified wouldn’t they?

        Keith : They’d find it difficult to comprehend all the changes that have taken place in the world.

        Candice Marie : Do you think they do come back Keith?

        Keith : What?

        Candice Marie : Their ghosts.

        Keith : No

  7. I know these Russian birds look fucking fit when they’re younger, but they always end up looking ‘agricultural’ if you get my meaning.
    The sort that’s good with a plough, could fix a tractor in the middle of nowhere and cooks a perpetual diet of potato stew.
    She may have scrubbed up well for the wedding photos, but I fear Rupert is in for a disappointment.

    • That’s nowt compared to the disappointment she’s in for when she discovers she can’t get her mitts on any of his loot.

    • Theres a special hollday for Russian Women thats mandatory over 30s. They go on holiday to Brick N bat island. Go looking fit come back from a hammering with bricks and bats. Never to recover.

      Or they have had so much Arab seaman flushed over their faces oand skin. Same reasons birkas exist to cover it up, but the Russians go commando.

  8. An old chap of 90 got married to a 25 year old woman. They went to bed that night, and at midnight he had a stroke………. at 3 a.m. she let him have another one.

    I’ll get my coat…..

  9. If i had his money, and knew younger women would be happy to constantly empty my ballsack in the hope they get some of my dollar when i pop my clogs any time soon, then I would do the same as murdoch.


  10. I misread that as’ married for fith time in a Californinan graveyard’.

    Wedding and funeral in one.

    I’m not sure Murdoch is a cunt, just because he drew so much ire from lefties I knew in the nineties and noughties, as if was single-handedly responsible for all corruption in the world. He was a poster boy for blind left wing hate, slmost as much as Ronald McDonald, and The Donald is now.

    Other media barons are available.

    • I’m inclined to agree. He makes lefties all verklempt and that’s a good thing.

      As for his marriage…he’s already a 4 time loser so what’s one more?

      She may or may not be a gold digger, but at 67 she’s a retired molecular biologist so hardly the brainless Bimbo.

      In the greater scope of things…I just don’t care.

  11. According to the reporter, Rupert will bear all and tie his own cock In a knot. Not until he’s spermed his umpteenth child and called Dandylion and Burdock Murdoch, he won’t.

  12. His security will be on strict instructions to kick shit out of anybody coming near who looks a bit like the slippery prick Tony Blair. She’d have been safe enough with Lionel but not with the other fucker.

    • Murdoch, via his Sun newspaper, campaigned for Blair and Labour to win in 1997, and continued to support the Blair regime, notoriously urging him to join forces with George Dubbya “Saddam said nasty things about bout my daddy” Bush to invade Iraq.

      • SCG, rumours still abound over the nature of the ‘close relationship’ between Blair and Murdoch’s ex-wife Wendi Deng and it was not long after those whispers became widely known that Murdoch and Deng parted ways. Deng was well worth the helmet and probably still is.

  13. Thinking about this the conclusion I came to was if I had half the money he has. The whole World could line up and call me a cunt and I would calmly give them the finger. Before flying zillions of miles in my private jet to attend important meetings about climate change and labour legislation and lots of shagging younger ladies.

    • Or just fly zillions of miles to land where you took off just because you can.

      Fuck you, Greta.

  14. In that pic, he looks like a cross between Malcolm Muggeridge and Lord Longford.

    A dreadful combination.

    Good morning ??

  15. I suspect he lives like Caligula.

    If he doesn’t then he is a Cunt.

    Good morning.

  16. I wonder if she might have fellow Antipodean Frank Ifields famous song playing at his funeral, what was it called again ?

  17. Don’t they make a lovely pair.

    But that’s enough about Rupert’s flaccid jowls.

  18. The first thing that strikes me, is how low people will stoop for money. Some might say they deserve it. There’s a laughable song by Kunt and the Gang, called, “For a Million Pounds”.

  19. No, I think this time she loves him and it’s not about the wealth etc.etc.

    • She has the sexual condition known as ” wrinkle winkle”.

      The older the knob the more she’s game.

      If it’s like a 2week old Greggs sausage roll with a vague tang of piss?

      Gushes like a water feature.

  20. A retired biologist.
    She’s doing research into the various mosses and lichen infesting the fossilised old bastard.
    He’s a different colour on the windward side to the leeward side apparently.
    Not obvious to the average layman because it’s usually covered by clothing, the head having been sandblasted to remove pigeon shit and offer a more pleasing facade.
    He’ll be the effigy on his own grave eventually.

  21. His face looks like a 20 year old shammy I have just throw out, the wedding tackle must be a sight to behold ?


  22. Bit of a Bond villain is Rupert, gets the libs going by backing Trump so I can’t really fault old Skeletor on that front.

    Considering his Mrs was married to a Russian oil billionaire and must be a multimillionaire in her own right then it must be true love!

    The black sheep of the family, Howling Mad Murdock sends his regards.

  23. It seems Elena is trying to get enough money together and go for the ultimate marriage of the ages and that’s to the one and only, Tutankhamun.

  24. Go on son I say, as long as he’s aware this Russian whore is going to rinse his family dry when he’s dead, so be it.

    It that were me I’d have gone 20 years younger ???.

    Money = tasty pussy on your cock.

  25. He played a blinder selling off his entertainment chunk of his business (Fox network and 20/21stth century Fox studios, stakes in Hulu and Nat Geographic) for $70 billion to focus on news services, which was always his main game..

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