Rupert Murdoch (5)

Not just a mega-cunt, but a pathetic joke into the bargain.

The 93 year old “grandpa out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre lookalike” has married a 67 year old Russian gold digger.

What’s his game?


No chance of getting it up without a skip full of viagra.

Be dead next week, if not already.

Guess he goes by the Oscar Wilde maxim:

“There’s only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

Or in Rupert’s case: “there’s no fool like an old fool.”

What a silly bunt.


Nominated by Mingejuice Bottler.

64 thoughts on “Rupert Murdoch (5)

  1. All I can think of regarding this Nom is Gunnery Sargent Hartman, “You climb obstacles like old people fuck”.

    • I suppose when you get to his age, sixty seven year old birds look like teenagers. It may give him some kind of illicit thrill, imagining he’s getting away with legalized paedophilia. Although come to think of it, with his money he ought to be able to bag himself a real teenager. Or two.

  2. These Ivan/Dooshka slags…
    They can sniff money like a bloodhound.

    Funny, how a lot of famous old codgers have ended up wih Iron Curtain trollops half their age. Talk about mail order brides…

    And I thought that cunt Murdoch was married to that arch-starfucker, Jerry Hall.

  3. He doesn’t look a day over 113.
    Good looking new wife though. Probably a sexless marriage. As I get older I can see a day coming where I don’t care about sex anymore. I already like to just piddle around in the garage and grumble about these young punks that don’t know shit about shit.
    At 52 I’m feeling ok but feel what’s coming.
    Rupert probably just doesn’t want to die alone. I get that.
    She’s set for life most likely. Not a bad deal for either.

  4. It’s about time this saggy old wanker stops breathing, I hope she jumps on his chest until he’s crushed, I would imagine it would feel like stamping on a bag of crisps, take him for what you can love or mate, you might be a bloke for all we know.!!

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