Moise Lohombo

My first cunting of an individual. Spoiler ; it’s a Congolese based ‘integrater’ which is a new sleight-of-hand misleading term I picked up being used by one of the duplicitous cunts that champion this frankly retarded ongoing action of burying your head in the sand & welcoming-in the thing(s) that will cumulatively but without-a-single-doubt inevitably destroy ‘decent'(ish) civilization. Sounds like hyperbole but it really isn’t. It’s simply sheer numbers and basic economics. And ingrained feral characteristics.

moise lohombo. No capitals. Filth doesn’t deserve them.

Selected by some bunch of bleeding-heart cunts in Germany to be a shining example and (be)promoted as a showcase for how immigration is a plus for the countries on the receiving end of this farcial situation. Oh, sure, he had a couple of crimes(unspecified, but ‘violent’) on his jacket already since arriving IN Krautland aged 8 but hey! that was before. We all make ‘mistakes’. Look at him now. Amateur boxer. Shiny new tracksuits. High end mobile phone. Steady income (at the taxpayers expense type income I surmise – otherwise any job would have been mentioned nay heralded by his defence).

Anyways. This cunt was set up for life by these cretins, if he kept his big wide nose clean going forward, then they would still be banging on about him as if/like one ‘success’ story proves their deluded agenda. The simple minded really are something else.

Well, he didn’t do anything of merit or positive for society, despite the fanfare around him so the story fizzled out. His mother had ‘integrated’ as well, but I see nothing about jobs being gotten, no cake-sales for local orphanges were undertaken. And the promoters must have realised “well, moise hasn’t commited crime in a while so that’s excellent, eh?” is a tad low-bar for the argument that integration is a real positive. So they moved on to find their next poster boy of the month. You can only drum up so much fucking praise based around not being a criminal anymore. Anyways the cunt DID go back to (other) crime, incidentally.

Then, one night, after the spotlight moved on, moise aged 30, severely beat and raped his own mother(who was twelve when she HAD the cunt by the way so not her first raping, presumably), at knifepoint. She was terrified he had impregnated her, ffs. She sustained serious injuries while being forcibly fucked by her brute of a son. A brain-bleed from the beating, notably. The apartment was covered in blood spatter. When she knew what was about to happen, she offered him money to go get a prostitute instead. He declined that option.

A deathly silence from his old fanclub on the matter, of course. Looking for a link, not ONE msm is carrying the story. If he’d rescued a puppy, though, (but not raped his mum), .. headline fucking news, I’m sure.

Some ‘shining example’, though, what what?

Info Wars.

Nominated by : CuntemAll

77 thoughts on “Moise Lohombo

  1. Happy Juneteenth fellow cunters, 159 years freed and still making a huge contribution to society..

    Not in any good way as moose spruce has shown in this nomination..

  2. Moise Lohombo. Beautiful German name, that.

    Means “Fucked His Own Mum” in Hoch Deutsch, apparently.

  3. Morning cunters,

    On this fine summer morning, a wimmins on the radio has just informed me that today is ‘world refugee day’

    Well fuck my old boots. I thought every day in Blighty was ‘world refugee day’

    I turned the wireless to another station so have no idea what we should be doing on ‘world refugee day’

    That is all.

  4. Before I go to town on this savage, I have to ask if we have a better source than Info Wars?

    • Come now, CP…next you’ll be insinuating that Alex Jones is an unhinged, ranting looney!

      • Unfortunately he came off as an obnoxious bore on the Joe Rogan show, and wasn’t reliable when Rogan pressed him on several of his claims. He used to at least make me laugh when goading Piers Morgan about flying his Jolly Roger and asking him how many Chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin.

    • This news is being reported on various alt sites but not so much in the MSM. So you can believe it never happened or you can believe that the alt news sites have picked up on fake news or you can believe that the MSM suppressed the story because it showed a poster boy migrant in a bad light.

      • I was hoping for Wikipedia to have something on the subject…

        As if!

        That site is pure fuckery nowadays.

      • Thanks Zuckercunt. That,”s the definitive truth. The great oracle of online news reporting.

    • Thanks Zuckercunt. That,”s the definitive truth. The great oracle of online news reporting.

  5. The judge thought he had misread it, then gave him 9 fucking years….

  6. Just like the n*****s of the dog world (xl bullies) they will attack anyone ans anything unprovoked.

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