Georgie Palmer

Yeah me neither..
Well she is a little nuts…

This ex BBC weather presenter ” there’s a surprise” was asked to leave a flight with her family. After boarding the flight she announces to the crew that her daughter has a nut allergy and can they put a announcement out..

Crew explain that’s not possible, she then decides to approach other passengers to explain the situation..

Captain is informed and they are asked to leave..

Now this is were the stories differ..
She says the Captain was screaming from the cockpit.

But it seems husband started banging on the cockpit door..

At the end of the day the airline is responsible for anything that happens to the passengers, so we’re in their rights to ask them to leave..

Obviously being a big celeb patsy palmer doesn’t feel it’s necessary to inform the airline about the situation..

When you get to Turkey, might I suggest you try a big slice of Baklava, you rude entitled cunt…

Daily Fail

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

81 thoughts on “Georgie Palmer

  1. I can’t stand busybodies who bother the rest of the world. They think they are the axis of the universe. Her daughter’s therapist will pay off his mortgage with her.

    • Had to deal with an arsehole who seemed to think he was important.
      When he started raising his voice, I pointed out that the earth rotates around its centre and that’s about 4000 miles away from you.
      Sudden silence while he tried to process the idea.
      Walked away mumbling.

      Fuck, I hate self important bastards

  2. Flying is miserable enough without some TV weather twat stopping you eating a bag of salted peanuts.

    How is her daughters genetic weakness other passengers problem?

    And maybe she was lying?
    Claiming a allergy to seem glamorous?

    Stab her with a snickers bar.

    • If it was Alex Beresford with the allergy i’d place a very precariously sealed baggie of Sun-Pat on the underside of his arm rest and write ‘P. Morgan woz ere’.

  3. I’ve heard of people who’ve died as a result of a food allergy, but I hadn’t heard of one of them demanding all the others on board be prepared to alter their eating habits simply because she has graciously agreed to travel with them.
    The fact that in the pictures she looks like an entitled little twat doesn’t help her case. If travelling by plane is a problem, maybe her family should think about making do with a car ride to the coast. I’m told Margate is nice this time of year.

      • It was ace in the 80’s.

        Bunking off school for the day. a train and entrance ticket to Dreamland for £10 and as many rides as you could fit in until you had to get back in your school uniform and plan exactly when to get back home at normal time.

        It was probably shit then. We just didn’t care.

  4. Let’s hope that being told to fuck off a few more times will help her and her family realise that they are not the centre of the universe.

  5. Working for the BBC I’m surprised she went cattle class, sort of money these pointless morons are paid I thought she would have hired a private jet to ferry around her little princess… arsehole…!

  6. Can’t seem to post a link to this clip, but if you look at ‘Louis CK nut allergy’ on Youtube, he nails it!

  7. Simply stick a note on her daughter’s forehead. THIS NUT’S GOT A NUT ALLERGY.

  8. Everyone associated with ‘The Acolyte’ has got both a nut and a cock allergy.

    • I’d already forgotten about that, despite half of youtube taking a dump fon it from a great height.

      it’s a race between Doctor Who-mo and Star Bores as to which finds itself cancelled first.

      I find it hard to believe i liked Star Wars – well, the original films anyway.

  9. When I was kid, no allergies. Every cunt scoffed peanuts, eggs of all description.
    So what the fuck as happened?
    Still the pilot was right, if you have one on board and suddenly goes blue you have to make an emergency landing.
    Sorry but the majority must take president over the entitled ones.

  10. Next it will be Jeremy Corbyn or a mudslime claiming they have an alcohol allergy and demanding no one touches a drop on the plane

  11. Unless the fucking parents of any child can absolutely 100% guarantee their brat will not cause any noise, disruption or annoyance to any other passenger, then no seat for you! If they do, $1,000 fine for each occurrence of noise, disruption or annoyance. It’s not like there aren’t alternative modes of transport. Need to go see grandma who lives a weely weely long way away? Get your fucking parents to rent a fucking car. Cunts.

    Together we can price these cunts off planes so the rest of us can go about our business in peace.

    As for this peanut crap, FFS. Am so sick and tired of the LCD mantra. One person has an allergy, so everyone has to act like they have an allergy. One person misses an appointment because they’re ignorant, disorganised or just plain forgetful. Everyone has to endure multiple reminder calls, emails and text messages. Notice how this shit never works for good things or things that would make your life better. One person is a millionaire, everyone gets to be a millionaire.

    Modern life is rubbish because the world is full of cunts like this.

  12. Her kid is 12 year’s old so I doubt that this is the first time she has been on a plane.

    I wonder how many times she has inconvenienced other passengers and got away with it.

  13. This happened to me once,naturally I had fuck all idea what was going on as I had my noise cancelling earphones in so as to be immune to the brainless prattle of those around me..anyhow Mrs Terry taps me and says there’s been an announcement about some cunt with a serious life threatening peanut allergy being on board and can nobody eat them at all…

    As I’m the kindest gentleman in England I was polite enough to finish my XL bag of chilli peanuts to myself without offering any of them to anyone.

    Safety First.

    Fuck them all,the little bastards.

  14. How has this child survived?

    If they go to the cinema, or anywhere with air conditioning, do the staff have to tell everyone there that they cannot eat nuts?

    A plane isn’t the only place that has circulated air. Why doesn’t she buy the child a hermatically sealed body suit with an independent air supply?

    Problem solved! Pass me the nuts, please.

    • Cancel live aid!
      Courtney has a nut allergy.

      Woodstock? Sorry Randy heard someone was carrying peanut butter.

      DDay landing?
      Otto has a peanut allergy
      Your putting him in danger!!!

  15. I’m sorry but I don’t believe in peanut allergies.

    Those who claim to have them are out to cause trouble.

    Airlines should state these awkward bastards are not welcome,
    And be put on a ‘ no fly ‘ list.

    If one of my kids slandered the humble peanut as a dangerous killer I’d put them up for adoption.

    The mental cunts

  16. She probably thought the captain would fall into line like some BBC bootlicker.

    Maybe a bit star struck because she presents the weather?

    Fred Talbot didn’t kick up this much fuss over their no non*ing policy.

  17. Sounds the sort of thing a BBC presenter would do.

    These people think they are fucking royalty.

    • You can only imagine the amount of arse crawling that goes on in first class when BA or Virgin get Gary Lineker on one of their flights.

      • Bet Gary’s got allergies.

        Peanuts but not crisps.

        Allergic to hard work, being white, being faithful,
        But not money.

        He’s fine with money.

      • I wish he had a peanut allergy.

        I’d pelt the twat with them, every time he appeared in public.

      • Lineker Airlines, aka Cunt Air, aeroplane ears.

        Flights from Rwanda to Heathrow only, no returns.

      • I went to college with a bird who became a stewardess for Virgin.

        Her tits were about an H cup so in the event of a water landing nobody would have died.

      • Other favourites include

        Life in an old peoples home
        the 1940s song
        Baked Potato

  18. Same at my kids school, no one’s allowed to take nuts in their packed lunch because someone there is allergic. Fact that my kid wouldn’t share the fat off a bacon sandwich is by the by. Entitled patronising witch, needs a peshwari naan up the chuff.

  19. personally, I would get her to shit on a glass coffee table whilst I’m laying underneath wanking.

    all totally normal..

  20. Turkey is the last place I’d take a child with a nut allergy. They live on fucking nuts.
    Every restaurant and bazaar would be a no go zone.
    These are the sort of entitled imbeciles who’d take paraplegic to the foothills of the Himalayas just so they can kick off about the lack of disabled access.
    Being connected to the BBC does make you invincible ( unless you’re Linekunt ), just an entitled retard.

    • Just read this in the pub this evening. Nearly spat out my beer!

  21. Her husband looks like Andy Bell from Erasure.

    He certainly doesn’t have a nut allergy – the more wrinkly nuts he can cram in his mouth the better!

  22. Next week she’ll be taking her kid to the Florida Everglades and demanding they remove all the alligators and cotton mouths for the duration of their stay.


  23. Sounds like a right Karen.

    “Do you know who I am?”

    “I demand to see the captain!”

    Imagine being married to this nutter.

    • That’s my favourite!

      ” Do you know who I am?”

      Security, we’ve got a person here who doesn’t know who they are “

    • BBC is Karen central now. Run by Karens for Karens.

      Look up how many senior positions are held by women.

  24. Sadly Mrs Palmers daughter has passed away after a violent allergic reaction..

    Police want to talk to a suspect fleeing the scene in a top hat and monocle..

  25. It’s actually the kid I feel sorry for.

    Probably just a mild allergy if she scoffs a family bag of dry roasted and comes up in a few hives. But no. The uppity shit cunt of a mother has to make demands…Because she worked for the BBC.

    You can imagine the way this unfolded.

    A mortified 12 year old desperately pleading with her mother not to make a fucking scene again.

    “Mum! Mum! Just fucking leave it for fuck sake! You do this every fucking time and ruin everyone’s buzz! I have my EpiPen, I’ll be fine!

    Oh for fuck sake! Now the mental bitch is trying to break into the cockpit!

    Please tell me I’m adopted!?”

  26. Where does all this allergy shite come from. It must be due to parents being over protective of their children. Mollycoddling the little brats. I didn’t know what a nut was, besides other things that weren’t mentioned in the Ration Books.

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