Gary Lineker, Male Model (30)


Hands up if you hate Gary Lineker, the smug, overpaid gobshite who, like death and taxes, seems to be a permanent and unwelcome feature of life. Mmm… that’s everyone then.

Like others of his ilk (ref. for example Ant and Dec, Carol Vorderman, Katie Price), Linekunt has found the way to make an atom-sized amount of talent go an extremely long way.

He’s now ventured into the field of modelling, and is fronting up the ‘Gary Lineker Men’s Clothing’ range for Next UK, no doubt for a very fat fee.

Hasn’t this money-grubbing twat got enough in the bank already? What a loathsome cunt he is. And Next UK is almost as bad, for having the very poor taste to thrust his ugly mug and slimy personna into the public eye again.

Fuck off Linekunt, and take your clothing collection with you. You’ve got all the appeal of a septic toe.

Nominated by Ron Knee.

86 thoughts on “Gary Lineker, Male Model (30)

    • O/T, this just hit my inbox..

      Absolutely Brilliant one of the best e-mails in ages! Nigel Farage UKIP

      This is what he said:

      “I am the Tory Party’s Worst Nightmare. I am a White, Tax-Paying, God fearing English man. I am a hard working Brit and I work long hours to earn a living.

      I believe in God and the freedom of religion, But I don’t push it on others.

      I believe in British products And buy them whenever I can.

      I believe the money I make belongs to me And not to some governmental functionary, To share with others who don’t work!

      I think owning a home doesn’t make you a capitalist; It makes you a smart Brit.

      I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized,

      And does not entitle you to anything. Get over it. Join in with the majority!

      I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, You should do it in English. I believe there should be no other language option.

      I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God When and where they want to.

      My heroes are fellow Brits like Freddy Flintoff And Winston Churchill And I know I’ve missed a few thousand!!!!!

      I don’t hate the rich. What I hate is the way they always manage to avoid paying proper taxes. I don’t pity the poor, I just hate the way they are always moaning that they are hard done by!!

      I know wrestling is fake And I don’t waste my time watching or arguing about it.

      I believe if you don’t like the way things are here, Go back to where you came from And change your own country!

      This is ENGLAND …..

      We like it the way it is and even more so the way it was So stop trying to change it to look like some other socialist country!

      If you were born or legally migrated here And don’t like it… You are free to move To any Socialist country that will have you. I believe it is time to really clean house, Starting with the House of Commons, The seat of our biggest problems.

      I want to know where the “Do Gooders” get their money from, And why are they always part of the problem and not the solution? Can I get an AMEN on that one?

      I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you’re breaking the law, Regardless of what race, colour or creed you are. And, no, I don’t mind having my face shown on my driving licence. I think it’s good….

      I dislike those people trying to guilt me into making ‘donations’ to their cause. Get a job and support yourself and your family!

      I believe ‘illegal’ is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

      I believe the Union Jack flag should be allowed to be flown Anywhere in the United Kingdom !

      If this makes me a BAD Brit, Then yes, I’m a BAD Brit. If you are a BAD Brit too, Please forward this to everyone you know….

      We want our country back! My Country…..

      I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

      My great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Boer War. My grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in World Wars 1&2. I watched as my friends died in Sierra Leone Bosnia , & Desert Storm. Our sons and daughters watched & bled as their friends Died in Afghanistan and Iraq . None of them died for the Afghanistan and Iraq Flag. Every Briton died for the British flag.

      At one high school, Foreign students raised a Middle East flag on a school flag pole. British students took it down. Guess who was expelled. The students who took it down .

      West London high school students were sent home, Because they wore T-shirts with the Union Jack flag printed on them.

      What is going on?? What idiots do we have in authority?? Enough is enough.

      This message needs to be viewed by every Brit; And every Briton needs to stand up for Britain . We’ve bent over to appease the Brit-haters long enough. I’m taking a stand.

      I’m standing up because of the millions Who died fighting in wars for this country,

      And for the British flag.

      And shame on anyone who tries to Make this a racist message. IT IS NOT ! Britons, stop giving away Your RIGHTS !


      This statement DOES NOT mean I’m against immigration !

      YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, Welcome to come legally:

      1. Get a sponsor !
      2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past!
      3. Live by OUR rules ! Dress as we Britons Do
      4. Get a job !
      5. Pay YOUR Taxes !
      6. No Social Security until you have earned it and paid for it !
      7. Find a place to lay your head !

      If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone, then YOU’RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !

      We’ve gone so far the other way. bent over backwards not to offend anyone.

      WAKE UP BRITAIN ! ! !

      If you do not Pass this on, may your fingers cramp !

      Made in BRITAIN & DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!!”


      • Nothing to dislike in that text Arch,

        I’m not sure to the phrase re ‘praying to whatever Dog…. ‘

        That would encourage the mud slimes to carry on with the Friday disruptions…. however I guess it they’ve already failed on the other points, then in theory they’d not be here to practice it anyhow, and be in their own flyblown shitholes…

  1. Sure they’ll fly off the shelves?

    Who doesn’t want to look like a middle aged , virtue signalling , goal hanging cunt?

    Anyone wearing this shite in the pub would be ribbed mercilessly.

    Fuck off Gary.
    Your rich enough

  2. Lets hope none of you favourite pet victims, the most vulnerable people in the world who have no voice, are not making any of this beige overpriced shite in a third world toilet.

    Anyway, I thought Gary was black? Not durag in sight!

  3. Cunt should be in Ollie Alexander’s next video judging by the header pic both a pair of limp wristwatch cunts

  4. Cunt should be in Ollie Alexander’s next video judging by the header pic both a pair of limp wristed cunts

    • Have the BBC reeled that professional gaylord back in?

      Send him round to see Hugh.

  5. What, no keffiyeh or undercrackers adorned with the Pally flag?

    Call yourself an SJW?

    Fuck off.

  6. Well, that’s this evening’s wank sorted.
    He’s beautiful.

  7. The only time I want to hear, Gary Lineker and the word next is when he is in line for the gallows..

  8. When this flops will it be the fault of the Far Right, Israel, or Brexit?

  9. If Heer Leikner is a male model, how come if he brings a jumper over his head that can get past his ears, falls on the floor.

  10. If Gary stuck to football I’d possibly even like him, even flogging crisps wouldn’t have bothered me.

    The ultra woke virtue signalling makes me dislike him.

    Remember when Gary thought he experienced racism due to having a suntan?

    What a plonker!

    • I did like him! Ok he was always seen as a goody goody and wasn’t the most talented or got stuck in (never booked I think) but it was just about the football and that was fine with me. Social Media and working for the BBC whilst moonlighting as a political mouthpiece changed all that. Still, its because of him I found IsAC so not all bad.

      • Yes just about Miserable, always looked like he had just got back from a fortnight in Tenerife whatever time of the year.

      • I think the tipping point for Gary was when he acquired a taste for James O’Brien’s cock.

    • He did get exposed as a plank back in the early noughties when was caught talking non(ce)- sense.

      Stay away from the guy with the funny eye/
      Stay away from the funny-eyed guy

    • Vaughan who?

      Oh right, the First Nobody in the Pontypandy Parliament.

      Earth shattering news. Hold the front page.

      • There’s a nom just been drafted by OpinionatedCunt re this nodule of excrement. My leeks are already trembling at the voracious future eruditious cuntings of this pure Welsh firebrand.

      • Turned 65 in February, GT.
        Compared to some on here I’m a Spring chicken!

      • I saw a clip on the telly where one of the noddy MPs asked why he had accepted a donation from a criminal. I admit my immediate thought was; because he’s black.

        Also showed the big fairy weeping, what in my circle we now call, “Throwing a Paula” and went on to say the confidence motion was a gimmick. Irony or what?

      • Pontypandy?

        Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.

        A long time.

  11. I don’t, in general, loath public figures.

    Katie Price used to amuse me, what a fucking slapper! But, she knows she is, and is unapologetic about it.
    Though lately, she’s started to bore me.

    I make an exception for Gary Lineker.
    Whenever I see his face, I want to slap it, preferably while holding a half brick.
    His “touch of the tarbrush” claim was so cringeworthy, I felt embarrassed for him.

    He’s an utter wanker, cunt and lying little shit.

    I hope he chokes on a crisp.

    • Oh, I hate a good few of them. For their arrogant smuness and the shit they afflict on people.

      Ed Sheercunt, Lily Mong, Sam Smith, David Tennant, Steve Coogan and, of course, Gary Lineker.

      I wouldn’t say that I hated Taylpr Swift, but I do hate the ubiquity, the hype and the arselicking.

    • Poor Katie Price. She hasn’ really been right since dating Dane Bowers, when apparently she and Dane got into a drunken fight in a kebab shop and the patrons started shouting ‘who let the dogs out’.

      So I read somewhere.

  12. The shamelss poofery and ‘open’ blubbing when Uncle Tom Ian Wright left Match of the Day. Hard to imagine Derek Dougan or Paddy Crerand doing that.

    And Lineker modelling? The stupid old sod is nearly 65 years old.
    What a load of bollocks.

  13. Being wholly disinterested in football,
    And the BBC,
    I only get exposed to this smug, illegal loving, dark-key terrorist apologist when he pops up here.
    Jeremy Vine too.
    Same rules apply.
    Are they by chance related?
    Fuck them.

    • Probably, MJB.

      Or at least within the 6 degrees of seperation, like Kevin Bacon.

      Easy with the crisp eating twat. Bacon flavour crisps. There you go!

      JV, is tough. I’ll try, but any help would be useful.

  14. The Gary Lineker collection?

    So overpriced, bland and all buttons and zips are positioned to the far left..

    Probably made in a pàķi sweatshop in Leicester..

  15. I always get Gary Lineker and Will Smith confused.

    Both big eared sooties.

    Then I remember
    Smith is the arse bandit.

    Lineker the one who cheats on his wife and kids.

    • Evening BZ…how much ginger hair do you reckon surrounds Angela Rayner’s ringpiece?

      • Evening thomas, I imagine it looks like Mick Hucknall trying to climb out of a manhole..

      • A marvellous mental image!
        ? Angie’s too tight to mention?
        Just my little joke, of course.
        Angie’s about as tight as Katie Price who, worthless slut though she is, at least doesn’t suck pakı* cock, unlike Ange.

        * although Peter Andre looks like he has a slight touch of the tar brush

      • Gas them both.

        Safety first,loose morals amongst the ladies leads to an untidy mess.

        Although forcing them into a lesbianism fisting session might bolster the election campaign.

        Then definitely gas them.

      • Like a heaving, steaming ginger Sarlacc Pit.

        I bet it kicks up a bit.

      • Peter Andre always used to remind me of the Predator aftrr it jumps into the water.

        As Danny Dyer said, ‘Right ugly fucker, brick shit’ouse!’

  16. What about Gary Linker underpants, with his face on the arse part. Someone should design those, will be a bestseller.

  17. The lefty wanker that he is, the clothes will be made of bamboo from Papua New Guinea, beads and accessories from Chile and shoes from fucking Botswana. Loathsome smug prick.

  18. Gary Linecunt?
    A new gay icon, hopefully.
    The jug eared cunt of a man.
    A wanker.
    A Parking Stanley?
    Fuck Off.
    Ya cunt.

  19. The name of the brand;
    Gary Lineker’s Clothes Your Mum Buys For You.

  20. Gary Linecunt?
    A new gay icon, hopefully.
    The jug eared cunt of a man.
    A wanker.
    A Leicester Parking Stanley?
    Fuck Off.
    Ya cunt.

  21. Next.

    Fuck me. I thought they disappeared from the ‘high street’ years ago. Everyday a school day on ISAC.

    Anyhow, let’s hope with the hiring of the very black, jug eared, autocue reading crisp salesman that their merchandising profits slump in the same manners as Ben and Jerrys and Gillette…….

    • I definatly see a Bud Light reaction coming on.

      And fuck me, Next? A high priced, High Street chain store trying to give off a high priced exclusive vibe?

      You are fooling no one, and now you have a universally loathed, greasy fingered twat promoting your wares?

  22. no ear muffs in his sartorial collection, probably cost to much in labour and material to produce, blokes a cunt.

  23. The bow tie one is how he dresses on cuckold night where the gimp watches his wife take “de big bamboo” as he takes the knee naked waiting to sup the man batter from his wife’s clopper after Winston does his bag.

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