Yes – it’s HIM again. Fancy nancy would-be “Labour” politician, comedian and now “serious actor Laddie”, Eddie “Whoops-duckie” Izzard. Obviously realising that even Dame Kweer wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole (the only time the old fool has shown a bit of savvy), the old pantomime dame has taken to the theatre again, in an effort to be legitimate. Sadly for him, even the critics have not been taken in:

This MAN, who likes to don plastic breasts, bright lippy and Tena-Ladies and frequent women’s public lavatories, is really a raddled washed up old has-been, who just enjoys making a cunt of himself. There must be a nice padded cell waiting for him, after daring to make a circus out of William Shakespeare. No doubt Channel 4 or the BBC will bust a gut to get HIS performance on videotape to reserve for posterity. As the Bard so truly pointed out “The evil that men do live after them” (as Blair proved). He also said (in Othello) “put out the light, then – put out the light”. Time the spotlight was taken off this narcissistic old poofter.


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

77 thoughts on “EDDIE IZZARD (10)

  1. I remember the good old days, when someone like this would just be called a fucking Nonce

  2. This freak thought he was shock value 20 years ago,now he is nothing but a wanker.

  3. Born in Yemen.

    I bet he isn’t so keen on going back dressed as ‘Suzy.

  4. OT but related:

    Unnoticed by us non EU types the rest of Europe are busy electing MEP’s.

    Seems that things are not going swimmingly well for the left or greens with France and Germany both electing right (Far right according to the media) candidates.


    One piece of ironic statistical data gathered shows that the 16 and 17 year olds they Germans gave the vote too are voting for the right.

    I wonder how many remainers will be keen for re entry into the Reich now?

  5. I saw this pedarast (I have no evidence, but all men who wear women’s clothing are potential SO’s and well, just look at him) in St Pancras station in London. He kept staring at me, so I asked wtf he was looking at. He didn’t have any pithy quips. He shit himself.

    Oh, he’s also a borderline midget.

  6. I like old Eddie. Every time he appears on the telly or in the newspapers he lose the Labour Party votes.

    • In that case I think it should make a stand for party leadership.

  7. It isn’t natural for men to dress as women. If they want to, it must be kept out of public sight, as all the rest of their disgusting behaviour that was hidden by law since I was a child of the 1940s.

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