America isn’t my country and I won’t be voting in their election but I find it fascinating, listening to all the propaganda and the divisive rhetoric, particularly since there’s only one presidential candidate who’s remotely interested in making any attempt to unite the American people. Why would anyone want to criticize Biden when it’s so much easier to criticize Trump? It’s an interesting question. All we ever hear about Biden on ISAC is that he’s old, he’s sleepy, he’s useless, he sniffs kids’ hair. And that’s it. It’s either a case of making something up or resorting to insults. He’s a politician after all, why can’t the ‘right-wingers’ do better than this?
The Republicans in congress also have difficulty in finding fault with Biden. Since the 2020 election they’ve been desperately looking for an excuse to impeach him. Why? Because Trump was impeached and they’d like to even the score. They have nothing better to do. They’ve had three committees working on it but they couldn’t find any dirt on him, so they investigated his son instead, hoping to imply guilt by association. Earlier this year, accompanied by a triumphant fanfare, they announced they finally had irrefutable proof of Biden Junior’s dodgy business dealings in Ukraine and Biden Senior’s share of the profits. Unfortunately it turned out it was their irrefutable proof that was dodgy. It was bogus information that had been fed to them by a Russian intelligence agent!
Now when it comes to criticizing Trump we’re spoiled for choice. Where should we start? Sexual assault, fraud, lying, election interference, theft of secret documents, more lying, obstruction of justice, admiration for Putin……..the list goes on. Of course some will close their minds to all this and act like it doesn’t exist. The alternative is to face reality and for some, this reality is just too uncomfortable. Ultimately when all’s said and done, it isn’t even Donald Trump who will be fooling them. They’ll be fooling themselves.
Nominated by Allan.
I’m sure Allan has seen the clip where VP Kiddiesniffer threatens to withhold the 1 billion dollar loan to Ukraine unless they drop the state investigation into Burisma Holdings Inc. that had crackhead cradle snatcher Cunter under investigation.
Result = State Prosecutor sacked. Kerching.
What say you Al ?
Donald Trump supporters, known as his ‘base’, are estimated to account for around 37% of republicans and around 12% of the electorate as a whole. Their votes are guaranteed, just as there are people who will always vote for the democrats. The rest, by far the largest group, are the swing voters or independents who are not permanently affiliated to any particular party. Leaving aside such matters as who we’d like to win or who the polls predict will win, let’s take a look at voting trends over the last few years.
Trump made various promises leading up to the 2016 election which persuaded enough people to vote him into office. The overwhelming majority of American presidents serve two terms back to back yet he was voted out four years later. The midterm elections are regarded as opportunities for voters to register their dissatisfaction with the government, just as by-elections are in the UK. In 2022 the Republicans were predicting a landslide victory. It didn’t happen.
All the disgraced ex-president’s rhetoric – ‘crooked Joe Biden, witch hunt, election interference’ etc – is aimed at his base to assist his fundraising efforts, but the people he needs to persuade are the independents, and I can’t think of one thing he’s said or done in the last four years that would win back their support. The Republican party itself has done no better, causing turmoil in the House of Representatives with their constant squabbling.
All things considered and going off previous results I predict that Biden will win with an increased majority. I could be wrong and in a two horse race you can never be sure. We’ll see.
Currently in moderation is a comment with four links to MSM or official reports and articles on Joe and his family.
My issue with your post is that Joe is as bad or worse than Trump and all the information is out there but because you don’t like Trump or his politics you’ll side with the devil.
America is in deep shit, both sides have chosen division as a tool of politics and they are risking unleashing a fury that they can’t control.
He’s on his usual wind up mate and that last post has got to be plagiarised, most cunters here have better cognitive abilities than the true author of that risible attempt at political acumen.
Luckily we live in Britain then eh?
Bet that nice kier starmer doesn’t shag porn stars!
He’s got his babes, Angie and Di
The gruesome twosome.
Kiers Angels?
Angie reckons she’d push the button in a nuclear war.
Despite campaigning for nuclear disarmament?
Sort of like a vegan butcher.
Sir Keir is an impotent.
It’s a well known fact.
Besides, he hates Di, and there’s no love lost between him and granny Rayner.
It’s just possible Sue Gary occasionally sucks his tiny knob.
But that’s as far as it goes.
* Sue Gray
Trump never shagged Stormy.
Her attorney released a statement on her behalf that said in part:
“I recently became aware that certain news outlets are alleging that I had a sexual and/or romantic affair…I am staying with complete clarity that this is absolutely false.”
She also claimed Trump never paid her to be quiet:
“Rumors that I received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false.”
So much for the alleged shagging and the alleged “criminal” payoff.
Oh…and this:
“It wasn’t hush money and it wasn’t a payoff. It was consideration of a civil settlement agreement.”
Nothing illegal about that…unless you’re Donald Trump.
I think his problem is he doesn’t like socialists.
@ SV
He hates himself. Can’t say I blame him.
Turdfence doesn’t like multiple links Sixdog. I agree, it’s ridiculous.
The Base in Arabic – alqaeida
Donalds Snackbar.
I would like to take a moment and respond to allegations made earlier in this thread about personal attacks on Allan.
As the person who has been on the receiving end of more personal attacks than anyone on this August body, let me say my intention is not to attack Allan personally.
To be blunt my intention is to discredit what I perceived to be his non-factual, hyperbolic, partisan attacks on Donald Trump.
1. To put forth the notion that there is nothing wrong with Joe Biden is disingenuous at best and delusion at it’s very core. Not even Joe’s most ardent supporters argue that.
Put another way. It’s just plain silly to say that.
If people perceived that as a personal attack so be it.
2. To support his disingenuous/delusional positions, Allan frequently resorts to using sources that are not only out of the mainstream but are not recognized News outlets.
If people perceive the calling out of his sources as a personal attack…so be it
Today’s nomination is supported by an Gay activist website that puts forth propaganda…NOT news…to support their radical agenda.
In the past he had used the Internet Movie Databas (IMDb) which is an internet catalog for Amazon home video sales and again NOT a news source.
Even Vanity Fair, which is regularly published, is NOT a news source but rather a magazine dedicated to covering cultural issues.
As a news source they are not credible. Who can forget this hard hitting piece of journalism regarding Meghan Markle:
One can credibly argue that Donald Trump is a cunt. I wouldn’t necessarily dispute that. Winston Churchill was a cunt and I’m a fan of him and his policies…as I am of Donald Trump and his policies.
But there is an unreasoning hatred of Donald Trump that causes many otherwise reasonable and rational people to lose all sense of reason and rationality.
It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS.
I see this every time Allan posts a rant about Donald Trump.
If this is viewed as a personal attack…so be it.
I see it as simply calling a spade a spade.
I never like to disparage any contributor to our discussions but having said that I must say you have nailed right there General.
We all rely to some degree on media,quality notwithstanding,but the visceral hatred by international media for Donald Trump means that he’s onto something,they fear him and are deeply upset by the masses who support him and those around the world like him.
Amen to that UT
If I want to read propaganda I’ll go to the BBC site and fill my boots. I don’t have a problem with as a cunter but the anti Trump – Pro Biden stuff he posts is just blatantly taken from left wing echo chambers.
Trump wouldn’t be my first choice as president but the way the machinery of state and the media has been used against him since he first ran for president is the green shoots of a burgeoning tyranny.
Joe Biden is a piss poor human being but Joe isn’t the problem. It’s the fact Joe is being managed by hidden hands and the worlds media are ignoring the fact Joe isn’t fit or capable of being president.
Democracy is openly being exposed as a sham and you’ve got to be totally devoid of vision or thought to believe that things in the US are anywhere near where a real democracy should be.
My issue with Allan is he’s posting propaganda motivated by his dislike of Trump but totally ignoring the elephant in the room.
Allan was an advocate of identity tags for people who refused the Covid vaccine.
That didn’t end well then. The only ‘tag’ required is the lack of dying suddenly.
Biden’s a pedo and Trump isn’t. Pretty easy choice really.
The only question that matters for non-Yanks is: Who of the two old cunts is more likely to let Putin fuck up Europe? The answer is clear. If Trump is elected again, then byebye old continent, and zdrastvyi Ivan. That fucking simple.
Trump is too full of himself which lets him down. That’s his only crime. Biden on the other hand fiddles kids for the world to see and still walks free. Any other opinion is wrong and stupid.
Thank you.