Barbara Furlow-Smiles, former Facebook Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ( DEI) manager, used her position from January 2017 to September 2021 to defraud Facebook, to the tune of $5m+.
She faked events, business deals and invoices using fraudulent vendors, faked invoices and cash kickbacks. Friends and relatives, as well as Ms. Furlow-Smiles benefited.
She also ran a similar scheme while working for Nike in a similar DEI role, though only managed to scam a paltry $120k from them.
Miss Furlow-Smiles is now enjoying the hospitality of the prison system, and will be doing so for the next 5 years. She’s also been ordered to repay both Facebook and Nike (good luck with that!).
I now invite my fellow cunters to guess Miss Furlow-Smiles ethnicity without reading the article. (I guessed correctly – NA)
Nominated by : Jeezum Priest
It’s not even her fault.
If you’re a zookeeper and you leave a chimp alone with a tray of bananas, telling the chimp “only eat two of those bananas”, then it’s both your fault and the fault of the zoo’s feeding policies when you come back 20 minutes later and the chimp has gone, leaving you with a chimp turd sitting proudly on the otherwise empty tray.
It looks like babs, is taking her name literally and is having a furlow from society..
Just can’t keep their paws to themselves..
I’m surprised Facebook and Nike, two of the wokest companies in the U.S, didn’t write it off as some form of reparations.
Cunts all.
A leave of absence, with a smile. Will she be able to wear the wig whilst doing porridge ?
No, nor all the make-up and bling. In fact, the only ring she’ll have dazzled is her own fudge-hole being smashed in the showers by strap-on bull-dýkes and tranníe “women”.
Ow,ow and ow again ha ha ha.
I think this nom is racist, she is obviously a victim of a malicious conspiracy because she is
A Sooty!
Cunts like her get a fucking plum job because of the skin colour and then think they can get away with anything because no one will dare to question them.
No wonder she’s called Smiles.
She wanted to buy Ffyes?
She wanted to buy Ffyes ?
What the whole fucking company ?
Well look on the bright side she has five years on the tyre swing, fried chiggun and watermelon. What’s not to like?
Also, at what point is enough enough?
If it took $5M before being twigged, .. one surmises that if she cut and run at ONE million and kept her head down, she might have gotten away with it. Lived comfortably off it on the down low.
Unthinking greed all the way to eleven, … rational thinking : nil.
it all would have been pissed up on hair extensions and expensive cars. They really are the most useless cunts.
And weaves!
Has the thieving cunt been having maths lessons from Diane Flabbot?
It’s obviously collusion.
Hang them both.
Facebook? In her case it’s hard Facebook. It might also have been black Facebook at one time but doing that’s beyond the pale these days.
These companies wanted diversity, equity and inclusion and that is exactly what they got.
Diversity: A different way of balancing the books.
Equity: She wanted the same benefits as the company directors.
Inclusion: She included herself in the benefits.
Go woke, go broke. If you must employ someone in a made up job because of their skin colour, expect to be shafted.
It’s like putting an Albanian in charge of a pharmacy.
Morning all.
The thing I noticed is that friends and relatives all partook in the thieving. This seems to be a common pastime amongst the sooties. I came across several such cases in various businesses and institutions in my decades in field service. One was at the National Audit Office on Buckingham Palace Road where a young black guy who worked there was caught thieving IT kit. He was a member of one of these happy-clappy Christian churches patronised by the blacks south of the river. The police collected loads of IT hardware from members of the congregation including laptops bought by the taxpayer, this at a time when laptops cost upwards of £2,000. Last I heard he had gone to work for Mohamed Al-Fayed at Harrods.
Diversity is our strength, apparently, according, to old Suckdick.
I think that is what the surviving partner of the Bournemouth stabbing said. Can you imagine if it was a white bloke – never hear the end of it. I’m assuming the mozzer involved (or “man from Croydon in MSM) is also a recent immigrant.
Sadfuq says we are enriched by the likes of Dua Lipa, whose parents are kosovan immigrants.
Trouble is she was born here.
So, she’s not an immigrant then, sadfuq?
DEI is all about stealing money from Whitey!. Its called Race Grifting, using race to con money out of ppl/companies etc. It started with affirmative action (which has now been found to be discriminative against non blacks and scrapped) and now we have DEI, Critical Race Theory and Black Studies, calls for Reparation and many other names for the same thing. Its all a way for boons to moan that they deserve money because they have been mistreated in some imaginary way. You’ll notice that when ever any other peoples plight is mentioned i.e. The Native Americans Genocide or The Holocaust these parasites will straight away say ” that’s nothing compared to the African slave trade yada yada”. They must be the eternal and ONLY victim and want your money to help ease that pain. Dear Gods the Colonies Act 1948 was a huge mistake.
To be honest, the Native American ‘genocide’ was not an intentional act, and occured over centuries, mainly due to imported diseases from Europe.
By the same logic, the Black Death could be called the White European genocide, as it was imported from Asia.
We had one working in our place. Promoted all the time coz she wuz blik. Then found to be fiddling the timesheets. Did any heads roll? Nope. They are fucking useless.
A situation familiar to many of us Lord C. Had one at a place I worked. Recruited same time as me in 1996, very soon apparent that he was fucking useless and had been recruited to make up the quota. Promoted in order to remove him from a customer facing role. In back office very soon gave up turning in on a Friday and did fuck all when he was in. This went on for years because management were afraid to sack him. He left of his own volition eventually presumably to move to a more lucrative sinecure.
We actually had a young useless smoke once outright say “you lot are racist and are picking on me coz I’m black”, when he was finally pulled up. The little turd had turned up late everyday for a month, and this isn’t 2-5 min late, this was turning up hours after starting time and then sitting around on his phone all day. Fortunately my boss at the time had some balls and said “nope it’s coz you are a lazy bastard.”. Today he (the boss) would be pulled in front of a tribunal for it. Utter shit.
They just can’t help themselves can they.
It’s the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex that does it.
No comprehension of delayed gratification or impulse control.
See shiny thing, steal shiny thing.
Shine on you crazy…er…Shine
As it involves facefuck, I suppose they can afford it..
Does that cold plate of cat sick, “I agree with nick” clegg still work there?
What a useless prick he turned out to be..
He probably hired the sticky fingered bitch..
Fuck me they’ve moved on from when you could get their whole country for some glass beads and a blunt axe, they really are becoming overbearing and above their station. Bet she didn’t send a brass farthing to Umbopo in Afica for a new pair of boots to walk to the waterhole.
With all that money you’d have thought she would have her teeth done. Like a vandalised graveyard.
Seagull Managers; they fly in, shit on everything, then fuck off.
I’m happy to see that this gull got caught by the beak.
Wrecking balls! Any real company worth its salt should NEVER hire one of these ‘people’.
I say give them reparations on the condition that they go back to Africa/west indies etc. This offer is to include all ragheads too lol.
Islamosexuals of the magreb should pay us reparations for their trade to the Ottoman empire.
I say force them to go back and give them fuck all!
A black chinawoman?
DEI is part of the Greivance Industrial Complex, which also includes Critical race and gender bollocks being pushed in education, pretending anti-white, misandrist rhetoric is ‘challenging power structures’, feminist campaigns for equal pay for working fewer hours, all LGBTQ whinging about having less rights, and the BLM pyramid scheme, as well as woke corporations promoting tokens beyond their ability out of fear of losing their ESG rating and being called racist bigots.
Western corporations and institutions are being destroyed by this crap.
But then, that is part of the plan.
I thought books were like kriptonite to niggaz. Paraphrasing Chris Rock.
Chimps gonna chimp. Surprised she didn’t play the race card when caught out.
Noticed that the judge cited her for not having feelings. Should have known better. Gorillas only act on instinct.
I’d be very surprised if she got the job to begin with for any other reason than her skin colour.
It’s in their DNApe.
Nog nig.!