Annette Bond


Cheat and cunt.

This woman has MS, which is awful. However, she had been getting enhanced disability benefits for 10 years, claiming that she could barely stand or get out of bed.

However, Ms. Bond was put under surveillance ( presumably because of “information received”, and lo, and behold, she was going out on a regular basis to run a sub 30 minute 5km route.

Hardly unable to stand, maybe she meant to say hardly able to stand still.

I have no doubt she has MS , but to claim a further £7k a year, that she didn’t actually need is reprehensible, and she deserved everything she got.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

68 thoughts on “Annette Bond

  1. Cunts like this really piss me off.

    We had a lad working for us a while ago who was busily and repeatedly impregnating his dumb girlfriend whilst she was claiming countless thousands in housing benefits, single parents benefits and whatever the fuck else she could get her free loading grasping hands on.

    All the while he was “living at mam and dad’s”

    “Easy to turf kids out when you don’t have to pay for them” I once told him.

    Safe to say the little twat’s stay with us was very short lived.

    You’re on a roll today JP,

    Are we to see a hat trick come 3pm ?

    • I’m as surprised as you at having two on the bounce, HJ.

      I’ve got a doozy to write up later , which I’m sure most will enjoy, including a challenging wank for the more (ahem) discerning reader.

  2. Is it possible she could have a rare disease of having to be on the move constantly. Similar to some who orgasm nonstop. If she’s got both, I wouldn’t begrudge the poor lass getting all that money.

  3. Despicable. Deserves the sentence. Also leads to cynicism and suspicion of the disabled amongst the general public.

  4. Something wonky on here today. Stuff going into moderation for no reason and posts being delayed for a while.

  5. I’ll try again…

    Cunts like this woman really piss me off.

    We had a lad working for us a while ago who was busily and repeatedly impregnating his lazy numb in the head girlfriend.

    She was claiming countless thousands in housing benefits, single parent benefits and every other taxpayer funded benefit that she could get her hands on.

    All the while, this little cunt is “living with mam and dad”

    “Easy to knock kid after kid out if when it’s some other cunt paying for them isn’t it” I once told him.

    Safe to say that his stay with us was short lived.

    2 consecutive noms JP.

    Wonder if we’ll see the hat-trick come 3pm?

  6. Straight into moderation again.

    Fuck knows what word I’ve used to upset the oracle.

    I give up.

    • Its possible they might be able to read your mind, to what you really think.

  7. 80 years ago in Poland she would have been turned to soap.

    These days she gets showered in money.

    Gotta be a reasonable centre ground in there somewhere.

  8. She looks like Candice Marie from Nuts in May!

    ” Do you want to see some pebbles I found on the beach Ray?”

    What a fuckin Rotter.
    That’s why I don’t have any sympathy for mitmots .
    Take your money soon as you turn your back the cunts are running a half marathon.

  9. 27 minutes for a 5k.

    27 minutes to complete a form entitling her to another £5’000 more like.

    • That’s 27 minutes on her top of the range mobility scooter ?

      Maybe she has good days and bad days, it comes and goes unlike her fucking benefits


  10. A mere drop in the ocean,no real consequences to face..
    Why don’t we all have a go,this country is finished..
    Worst haiku ever..

  11. Compared to M.Ps she barely registers as an unprincipled sack of shit..

    But to be fair gas her along with the other grasping cunts.

    Good show.

  12. Think I’m the sucker for going to fucking work everyday. Wait till Labour get in next month. They will literally be seeing cash cows when us workers walk by. For them to spaff on the detritus both at home and abroad,

  13. CUNT.

  14. Running is bad for your knees.
    Fucks them right up.

    Also it carries a social stigma.

    Not as bad as cycling but in the same area.

    Try talking to a runner, ..boring cunts and health nuts.
    Type found lurking in Holland and Barrett.

    A bit obsessive.

    I wouldn’t let my daughter marry one.

    • They forget to mention that none of them are owned or staffed by English people.

    • A new one opened up in my small market town just recently. That’s two barbershops owned by surly dusky chaps always on their phones outside their properties. I’m pretty sure the council know exactly what is going on, but being made up of spineless cunts they look the other way out of fear of being labelled racist. lots of lib dem councillors now so best not upset the enrichers.
      Don’t expect the local rag to report on it either; owned by Reach PLC and only cover the most inane fluff.

    • It’s on LBC’s youtube channel so lots of lefties making excuses for the presence of these shops in the comments,
      ‘duh, it’s like capitalism, boomer!’

      Capitalism without customers?

  15. Nigel Farage just got a free drink in Clacton

    Some little skank shared her banana milkshake.

  16. As somebody with a perfect right to claim disabity benefits (mind your own business …), and have had too much self respect and work ethic, I’ve always found work within my commute (OK, I claimed a free bus pass), I cannot adequately express my total contempt for this human scum.

    Fire up the wood chipper and tell her to take her slippers off if she doesn’t want them ruining first.

  17. Good for her I say. The three biggest parasite households in the UK, as ever and always:
    Some Bulgarian mong and her gang made off with an estimated 54 million, which was only detected by a Bulgarian copper, not DWP who are too busy noshing gimmigrant cock (along with Saddlebags Rayner) and demanding weekly sessions for dutiful grovelling from many who just got caught in the crunch (caused by blatant greed and price gouging).
    12 billion for a coke addict homo in Ukraine.
    The Royal Navy to the Red Sea
    Fuck all for our sovereignty but a hotel bill.

    Fuck them all, we should all of us be doing it, grab the money, buy land or gold , the system’s failed, get what you can while you can.
    (I hope the Tories cease to exist after all this and as for that boss-eyed corner shop Pajeet, scuttling off to California, with any luck the pendulum will have swung back, a right wing government is formed and he gets deported. The skinny wretch.

    • Good morning cunters, it’s a splendid sunrise here in my shockingly white part of the country.

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