16 and 17 year olds to be given the vote

Just when you think this country couldn’t get more batshit crazy. Come on down sir kweer and his commi party, I mean labour.

This idea is so absurd and dangerous, it will hand labour the keys to power almost indefinitely. Kweer and the gand know that a generation of brainwashed kids will vote only one way. The argument about being able to join the army is null and void. Yes you can join at 16, but you can’t fight till you’re 18. Simply put this is election rigging till well into the 2030s and beyond. It’s blatantly obvious this will be used as a backdoor (pun intended in kweers case) to rejoin the EU. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he even offered this in the manifesto!

Unfortunately at the age they are suggesting, most can’t even read, write or think for themselves. And here lies the danger to our future.
Most are to wrapped up in TV, games, celeb culture to give a shit. The ones that do, only do so because they think it’s trendy. Well a country full of boat invaders and filth, will be their doing.

At least when everything has gone to shit, the next generation can blame them, like they blame the older generations for our current shit shower. In the long run it will likely either lead to civil unrest, or a seriously far right government. Then they will have something to cry about. This is so short sighted, just like the people they intend to give the vote to. I suggest if this comes to pass, make them pay taxes, make them go to adult prison, and make them legally liable for the things they do. If you want to act like an adult, you get the consequences of being one.

We are proposing laws on smart phones, internet ids etc to protect these people. But somehow they can be trusted with making choices that effect everyone. I lament our poor island, we are truly screwed.

GB news

Nominated by Country cunt.

93 thoughts on “16 and 17 year olds to be given the vote

    • Jesus wept, that was dire and boring, eh GT?
      All players should be given a couple of fat lines of uncut speed five minutes before the start of each half; that’d liven things up.

    • Score a goal, fall back, wait for opposition to score.

      classic In-ger-land tactics, not just under Southgate. Premiership-style football becomes a distant memory during the summers of even-numbered years.

    • Evening Thomas, I still adhere to the great slogan of Alan Beresford B’stard:

      “No representation without taxation!”

      That would be a sure fire why of obliterating the Labour vote.

      • Evening BD, fucking right.
        Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote.
        One of Alan’s best ideas:
        But not taking the vote from most working class folk, of course.
        Just the sort of people who find ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ funny and order sausage and chips and a pint of lager at 9am whilst on holiday in Spain, wearing a scavvy tracksuit and accompanied by a loud, fat woman with equal sartorial elegance.

      • Lol Thomas, I still think Alan’s shrewdest political doctrine was “The New Economic Miracle; the case for slavery”

        Reduces unemployment, slashes the welfare budget, turbocharges a budget surplus, cuts NHS waiting lists – in fact I’m calling Nigel now…

      • You missed out the badly executed, poorly spelt tattoos, Homes.

        Tut, tut.

      • That was actually meant to say Thomas, not Homes.

        I checked, and Thomas isn’t autocorrecting to Homes.

        I suspect someone is tampering?

  1. I was reading an article about Grimsby being a dying town.

    What industry they have, no one wants to work there.

    What really struck me was this, and I’m paraphrasing.

    ” There are hardly any immigrants in Grimsby. They only settle where there is the potential for jobs.”

    So there you go. If your City/Town is thronging with immigrants, it’s because you have a thriving economy.

    • Its more likely there is shortage of native white English girls to groom.

      • Yes, LL, because as soon as they can, they fuck off.

        Working in the frozen food factories is somehow not at all appealing.

  2. There seems to be nothing that these wankers won’t change for their own advantage and the detriment of the country. What next? Votes for dogs?

  3. Most kids of that age these days that I know of can’t even tie their own fucking shoelaces, let alone decide on who to vote for.

    I was watching a news piece yesterday on soggy biscuit town, AKA Cambridge where students are camping outside in protest at various atrocities that are happening in parts of the world at the moment – woppy doo.

    I am pleased that they feel that entitled that their parents are spunking fortunes sending their kids there only to be protesting and most, when being interviewed talk as though they have a pair of horses bollocks in their mouths. No fucking clue about the real world at all, as long as they have their ipads, iphones, latest headphones and soy frappe vegan plant lattes.

    These are the typical; leftie cunts that vote for Labour so Kweer knows his audience well.

    It is also a known fact that for many they start of leftie and as the world starts to fuck them over, the become more right wing.

    Dame Kweer will soon be seen on Kings Road in London, selecting his new frocks for parliament.

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