Sly News (15) and the Beeb’s (120) reporting of the stabbing in Hainault


is a cunt.

There is footage of a white guy with a sword and the above mentioned channels cannot get enough of it. It it were a knee grow one of Allan’s Snackbar’s friends, the story would have been buried. But not with this one.


I want to screenshot the above link because the picture of the white person responsible is only available for a split second.

I’m a dark key and I hate this shit.

I will leave you with this:
South Asian student (who I don’t know): Where are you from, Sir?
Me: What do you mean? (Thought processes were which bit of the Indian sub-continent).
Him: You have a very strong accent.
Me: (Realising why he’d asked) I’m from Norf Lahndan, sahn.

He’s also a cunt.

He is a fucking Spanish Brazilian cunt apparently C.A.


Nominated by Dark Key Cunt.

60 thoughts on “Sly News (15) and the Beeb’s (120) reporting of the stabbing in Hainault

      • Of course he does, Ron!

        No sane person would run amok with a lethal blade, kill a child and mutilate other people, unless they were completely loony tunes.

        There is, however, a simple, cheap and permanent cure.

        Lead aspirin, delivered where it will do most good.

  1. ‘I am absolutely devastated by the news. Vote for me’.

    Sadiq Khunt
    Mayor of Londinistan

    • I’m off to vote for Susan Hall.

      1. Because I hate that little Joe Daki Khunt and..

      2. Because I’ve got £100 on Susan Hall to win at 20/1 odds.

      • Betting on Tottenham Hotspur to lose has been making me a few quid lately.

        The useless cunts.

      • I’ve been to vote today.

        Local elections.

        New mayor – SDP, only candidate saying what I want to hear.

        Council member – Reform, don’t trust any of them as far as I could throw them, but Reform seems to be closer to my thinking.

  2. What was it that Martin Luther King said about content of character not colour of skin?

    He’d be called an Uncle Tom these days by the grifters who make a living out of an accident of birth.

    These fuckers also make life extremely fucking difficult for those members of ethnic minorities who want race and skin colour to be taken out of the equation and to be allowed to be judged on their individual merits.

    All of this bullshit is damaging any progress that has been made with race relations in recent decades, and is setting us back to an era of apartheid where we are all collectivised by our skin colour and made to go to war with each other. More Marxist evil masquerading as moral and human superiority.

  3. If we had anything approaching justice in this country then this savage would swing on the end of a rope.

    The racial profiles of the victims and perpetrator are irrelevant.

    • Agree.

      And this murderous attack would have been front and centre on all news channels and newspapers regardless of skin colour, ethnicity or religion.

      • In fairness, the Daily Supress has reported it fairly extensively, with an Editors comment, a double page spread as well as front page.

    • The racial profile should be irrelevant, but of course it isn’t.

      The MSM are wanking themselves silly over the fact that this guy is white.
      They wouldn’t even mention his colour if he was not white, and the hundreds of stabbings and deaths that occur all over the country, but especially in and around London receive little or no publicity if the perpetrator is not white.

      This is just a feeble attempt to demonstrate that not all nutters that go out to stab people are black and Asian.

      But we already knew that.

      1 in about 100 will be carried out by home grown, white lunatics.

    • The begging letters have taken up more and more space on the online version.

      • Will they stop putting tampons in the gender neutral bathroom for Owen Jones?

    • The beautiful irony of this is that the unions are holding them to ransom for increased pay when their income stream is going down the shitter.

      The cultural Marxist fuckwits are the turkeys voting for Christmas.


    • This was in WordPress limbo for a while, is dark key a ‘wrong’ word ?

  4. Another quality import, diversity makes us stronger and all that.

    There was some cunt on the radio today, a Scottish cunt who wants to be in charge, no idea who he is but the three things he banged on about were Climate Change, Diversity and Scottish independence….all sure fire winners if you;re struggling to pay bills etc. It’s like they have been programmed.

    The world is top to bottom, side to side full of absolute cunts.

    • I heard that bell end earlier as well.

      “A diverse Scotland”

      FUCK OFF!

      • What about help for hard working Scots?

        What about looking after your own and not focusing on dodgy greasy imports?

        What the fuck is Scotland giving money to Gaza for?

        These people have been wired up to some machine that implants pure cuntness into their brains.

      • They haven’t got brains, their heads are injected with shit at an early age.

    • They have been programmed as well.

      That’s the biggest problem facing Western civilization.

      Our so called leaders, political class or whatever the fuck you want to call them, are as utterly corrupt as they are hopeless.

      They don’t give a single fuck about the people they claim to represent.

      For example, the 2019 Migration Pact, signed by none other than Theresa Hunchback May, signalled the beginning of the end of the West as we knew it.

      All of these politicians are on board with the Great Replacement.

      Might sound depressing or conspiratorial but then again, just look for yourself and tell me we aren’t being fucked over.

      • Poltical-media class (complete with PPE or similar Oxbridge degree)
        Neo-feudal clerical class
        Managerial elite
        Traitor class.

    • Obviously a fit up, he is Asian radicalised in the West Yorkshire police ?

    • Oh so close, a white (ish) man chopping down a little sooty, but not English (anyone English is far right), not even British.

      All that jiz that could have been spaffed on BLM, racist Britain, Far right, better luck next time

  5. Looks like the media got all excitied, with their “whitey did it” narrative…

    Only to discover that he was, nevertheless, an immigrant.

  6. It’s an outrage that the skin colour of the perp and his victim are not mentioned anywhere in the Grauniad report above.
    Or any Sky/BBC reports.
    They clearly think we were all born yesterday.
    Fuck them.

      • Indeed.
        And the white racists will suggest he was a drug dealer who bullied his fellow pupils and stole their lunch money.
        Evening HJ. ?

  7. At least the cunts can’t pull the ‘far right’ hysterics over this one.

    Mind you, they probably will…

    • Of course, we’re all far right, even the ones that so obviously aren’t. Especially them, they need the moniker to stick.

  8. And I fully expect cunts like Gary Lineker, David Lammy, Doreen Lawrence and Megain Mantis to cash in on that murdered little lad and his ‘heritage’.

    Megain will no doubt be comparing herself and the ‘racism’ she goes through to what Daniel Anjorin suffered.

  9. Have they mentioned Tommy Robinson Real Name Stephen Yaxley Lennon Who Is A Far Right Activist Who Is Known For Being An Islamaphobic Far Right Activist yet?

    As sad as this lad’s death is, I reckon the Beeb and the like rubbed their hands with glee when they thought a nasty white man had done it.

  10. I watched some of the BBC coverage of the incident. They interviewed two people, one was a dark skinned chap, the other was a eastern European bint who could hardly string a sentence together. BBC can fuck off. Yes, it’s another fucking import we never asked for. I wonder when the revolution will be, or are we now a nation of wimps.

  11. Has the full story come out yet?

    All I know is that the puddled cunt crashed into a house then went Kill Bill with a samurai on the occupants.
    On a 14yr old kid.

    Seems a bit weird?
    But then the whole world seems a bit fuckin weird to me.

    • It’ll be mental elf of course, normally the Met don’t have an issue with shooting dead Brazilians. Maybe they were confused because he wasn’t unarmed using the tube?

  12. You’re right mis, the world has become a weird fucked up version of itself and Britain has become a fucked up anti White version of itself at least according to most of tv and media which as we know are unable or unwilling to give us truthful unbiased reporting.

  13. The Police should be able to terminate machete wielding nutters in the street with firearms and no questions asked after.

    Imagine the headline – “Man with machete attacking innocent members of public was cut down in a hail of copper’s bullets”.

    Splendid solution – most right thinking people would share this opinion. I would then be assured that the police deal with these cunts in the correct manner so that the risk of harm to innocent members of the public is reduced considerably.

    • Peaceful terrorists=innocent members of the public. Normal, white, British (especially men)=far right thugs. Which of these do you think the police will protect?

    • Kindly also consider the Enquiry after Enquiry should such a thing ever happen… q.v. the driving Audi(?) cunt in Streatham.

  14. “Samurai swords, machetes in London! You’ve been watching too many episodes of the wire”
    Paraphrase S. Khan
    Utter, utter CUNT!

  15. Taxi drivers, bus drivers, shop keepers, self detonating concert goers and tube passengers and now a stabby cunt who’s managed to lay a golden egg for the BBC by terminating a young black kids life.

    Chances are one of his brethren would have stabbed him if he’d lived much longer but killing kids of any colour makes you a cunt no matter who you are.

    This cunt will go to prison and probably convert to Islam because from what I hear Muslim gangs run most British prisons these days and lots of convicts are converting for a peaceful life in prison (see what I did there?)

    I think it’s time we renamed the country to Katie Price, we let any cunt in, any race, creed or colour and we don’t give two fucks if they are decent people or vile lowlife cunts, oh and we’re bankrupt just like Katie.

  16. East London is riddled with ninjas,
    Gingers , whingers ,
    Zorros, sorrows and no tomorrows.
    Errol Flynns, an swarthy skins.

    You shouldn’t be swanning about with a sword unless you’re king Arthur.

    It’ll escalate.
    Not long now and they’ll move on to trebuchet and siege engines.

    • Only if they find somewhere to steal them, sure as hell won’t build them for themselves.

    • You turned into some sort of Northern rapper?


      Instead of slim shady is your rapper name is tall beardy?

      You’re right about the world being weird. I feel like I’ve fallen into a parallel universe sometimes.
      Bit like a cross between black mirror and escape from new york.

      • Straight outta Stockport.

        His gold chain is in hock at Ca$h Converters.

  17. I guess the press were a bit quick to publish the photo, then realised where he was from.

    Another own goal.

  18. Amazing how these cunts with mental health issues manage to find their way over here if he tried this shit in Brazil they would string him up by the bollocks he will no dought get a council flat ,benefits and a pink haired case worker over here sub speices cunt

    • I can remember when it was popular to be a Brazilian. Steteotypes of knockout beauties, beaches, Ipamema jazz, and sublime football. Now the only Brazilians you meet are devious, swarthy drug-dealer types or chubby, angry mingers dripping with cheap jewellery.

      Import the Favellas, become the favellas.

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