Rufus Wainwright

Another Brexit claim. This time a luvvie one, courtesy of the Guardian. (Of course)

”Rufus Wainwright blames UK’s ‘narrow outlook’ after Brexit for Opening Night’s flop”

Yes, this tremendously talented luvvie (never heard of the cunt) put the failure of whatever pile of wank he created , down to Brexit.
Yes, West End audiences ‘lack curiosity’ due to Brexit. And this is fucking London, the Remoaner’s heartland.

It takes a special talent to configure shite musicals with Brexit but by god this fucker has imagination.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

93 thoughts on “Rufus Wainwright

  1. The show was probably crap.
    Brexit? Nah!
    Forking out a fortune for seats (your knees forced under your chin type) in some ancient Victorian West End theatre could be a factor. ?

    • Knee forced under chin is just what happens in the dressing rooms during the interval.

      Bunch of brown hatters, the lot of ’em.

  2. Yeah you go for it rufus, I blame brexit for not meeting and charming the pants off Margot Robbie.

    I blame santa for not getting me a big trak when I was 10 for Christmas..

    Take some blame rufus, you cast Sheridan Smith for gods sake..
    English rose my arse..
    A piss stained nettle more like.

    • ?
      Sheridan is in my Deadpool.

      She’s the west Ends answer to Oliver Reed.

      • Indeed he was.
        Also Sheridan Morely, the film critic and son of great actor Robert Morely.

      • Knew who you meant Minge.

        Sheridan smith is a bit bi polar I think.
        She has ups and downs.

        As a kid she danced on the Rochdale country and western circuit.

        But I’d advise keeping her away from the whisky.and lassoes…

  3. Rufus.
    A poem.
    By me.

    He always had a toothbrush.
    Even if it was useless.
    The toothbrush, not Rufus.

    But he never got Lupus.
    Didn’t Rufus.

    His surname was Wainwright.
    Not Wheelwright

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