Time was when local elections were about ‘bread and butter’ issues of import to residents and council tax payers; schools and housing, bin collections, litter, stuff like that.
Not so much these days, at least if the example of a certain Mothin ‘The Mouth’ Ali is anything to go by. After winning a seat on the council in Leeds, the Green Goblin went off on one, yelling ‘Alluah Akbar’ and gobbing off about his win being ‘a victory for Palestine, a victory for Gaza’ etc and so forth. I’m sure that will be reassuring for those of his constituents concerned about potholes and keeping the library open.
Islamification. Coming soon to a local authority caliphate near you.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Maybe mothra can donate the vegetables from his allotment to gaza..
But I imagine it’s already overflowing with inbred peacefuls…
Vote for me and I pledge to legalise shitting in urinals.
Hello please!
Peace, Allaäh Save The King, Death to all infidels, especially white ones, etc.
You forgot the free goat and seventy virgins Cap.
Pledge them, and you’ve got my vote, but the virgins have all got to look like this;
Not too bothered about the goat, but something like this would do;
This 70 virgins thing,
Does it actually promise this in the Koran?
I was a muz I’d have some stipulations.
All.70.are female.
All 70.are over 18yrs of age
None are windowlickers or wheelchair bound.
Oh.and none are family.
Sounds to open to.interpretation.
Always read the small print!
Oh and why are they still virgins?
What’s wrong with them?
Fine looking goat Ron?
I wouldn’t kick it out of bed
Winner of Miss Saudi Arabia, 2022
Ron, I’d definitely have a go at those initial pictures, but not the ones that are too covered uo. They might be fellas with little arab winkies dressed as women. You know, like half the ones walking round Britain in bin liners.
Green policies are as popular as Marburg virus.
The greens need a new angle, one where they can keep the gullible middle-class gay vegan student vote but also bring in a new demographic.
Add a white crescent and star to that green flag.
Inshallah, brothers.
Who the f picks these goat and camel fuckers as councilore,they deserve all they get.
The whole of Britain will be an Islamic State in 30 years. Unless people fight back and stop it.
The next government will ONLY help Islam, and bring that 30 years to about 20 unless we’re careful.