Meghan [21], Harry [22] & The BBC [120]

Further proof, not that it’s needed, that our once admired national broadcaster is turning itself into a laughable parody of a news outlet:

BBC News Link.

The Countess Montecito has decided she’s Nigerian and so deigned to bestow upon that great country her charm, grace and majesty (for 3 whole days) with her poodle ‘Ginge’. Hence the BBC report that Ginge played a ball game with some other doggies while his mistress looked on approvingly. Apparently this is what constitutes ‘News’ in Savile House.

One would have thought a few photo ops with some black faces could be arranged just as easily by spending half an hour in Brixton. Instead of the little girl giving flowers we could have Diane Abbott presenting the Countess with a bucket of chiggun.


Nominated by : Geordie Twatt

57 thoughts on “Meghan [21], Harry [22] & The BBC [120]

  1. I believe they also saved the environment while there by flying around in a large jet.

    Chiggun, innit.

  2. Wow a 3-fer! Cunt overload!
    As someone who was born into white privilege (so I’m told. Still waiting for it to kick in) I don’t feel qualified to comment.
    Good Afternoon all.

  3. Probably delivering credit card numbers, to prop up their dwindling finances..

  4. Meghan claims to be Nigerian? Do us all a favour and stay there then.
    Has anyone ever asked her father what he thinks of all this “I’m black” stupidity?
    Of course not, it wouldn’t do to have a white father, it doesn’t fit with Meagain’s poor downtrodden way of life. She must be the girl in the advert that has to walk six miles for a cup of bison piss.
    The bitch wants for nothing, and still tries to find reasons why she’s hard done to.
    Hang on a minute, she married Hewitt, so maybe she has a point.
    Savile house can just get fucked.

    • Always amazed that poor little Mwangu has walk all that way to the river.

      Why don’t they just contact a plumber, or move house?

      Are they thick?

  5. You left out the black cunts to make it a quartet, or were they ignored on the grounds of being the number one nonentities ? I think I can go along with that.

  6. The scam queen returns to her people. They will see Harry and send her straight back to the states.

    “Dis is what you managed to get for free on da facebook marketplace? Look it melts in d sun!”

  7. OT, they’re showing the 1955 film “The Dambusters” on the telly at the moment. They have dubbed over the name of Guy Gibson’s dog. It’s now called “Trigger”. I suppose we should not be surprised.

    • Blazing saddles is on BBC 4 on Thursday, I imagine the run time is half a hour now..

    • Should’ve called the black dog wolligogg, which would’ve seemed more appropriate.

      • And probably they’ll be farting about with “Blazing Saddles” also.

      • I was 11 years old when “The Dam Busters” came out and every black dog got called Ner-ner-na-ner-ner, what the fucks gone wrong with my iPad. Sorry, but I’m allowed to swear now I’m older.

    • Pointless censorship everyone knows the dogs real name so why change it.
      Made up history will never change the true version of events BTW the epic zulu is being shown across a few channels.

  8. So it’s safe to say the poisonous cunt has demolished her mansion and gardens and built a mud hut to live in together with a well with a dead cow in it.

    The other cunt spends all day on a laptop he pinched from a charity setting up romantic lady frauds.

    Fully traditional,you have to hand it to them.

    Have they won the Nigerian lottery yet?….or rolled up at Gatwick to claim the asylum?


  9. I would appear all you cunts watch the BBC, never watch it and don’t believe a singlea word that spouts out of the anus of broadcasting House.

    • Not me I get all my info from a shamen..
      News just in, Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode..

    • I get my information from Prof. Sir David Icke FRCN (Fellow of the Royal College of Nutjobs) and his apprentice/successor, Terrence ‘two Rs’ Howard, conjugator of the spheres.

  10. Hang on. The stupid bitch is stating she is 43% Nigerian.

    If her Dad is white and her Mum is Black, where the hell does that calculation come from?

    One assumes the missing 7% of blackness comes from a black labrador or an African migratory swallow going by its legs.

    • Plus the modern state of Nigeria was only founded in 1963 and has over 350 tribes so being 43% ‘Nigerian’ is pretty ambiguous.

      100% cunt though.

    • As she has inherited only 50% of her mother’s genes, it would require her mother to be at least 86% Nigerian for her to be 43%, which she is not and doesn’t claim to be.

      So, yet again, another lie.

      BTW, most American ‘blacks’ are noticeably lighter skinned than African blacks, because they have varying amounts of white dna, which results in lighter skin and higher IQ, hence the most successful and least chippy ‘blacks’ are lighter skinned than their truly feral compadres.

      • As does anyone who believes that the £500million Rwanda nonsense could ever deter the 25 year old child migrants from crossing the channel.

      • James Cleverly looks like he sleeps in bus shelters.

        The spineless tory fucks are already backpedaling on their National Service wet dream being mandatory.


    • The bitch is black, but mostly white

      Whatever the case, she talks such shite

      Talks such shii-iiy-iite.

      • That goes with the tune to Greyhound’s 1971 hit ‘Black and White’, Cuntamus.

  11. MM has NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.
    The only things that matter to her are money and fame.
    She cries racism, yet has done everything possible to appear white.
    Keratin straightened hair and bleached skin.
    Foundations an inch thick on her never ending phoney smile when cameras are present.
    She’s a walking cliche spouting platitudes and plagiarised thoughts.
    And Halfwit’s no better, he’s equally despicable.
    I’d love to see her run for president though.
    Just what America needs, another narcissistic sociopath in the White House.
    Fuck them.

  12. At this point it might be worth reposting the Jeremy Clarkson column that got him into all sorts of bother:

    We all know in our heart of hearts that Harold Markle is a slightly dim but fun-loving chin who flew Apache helicopter gunships in Afghanistan and cavorted around Las Vegas hotel rooms with naked h00kers.
    But then along came Meghan, who obviously used some vivid bedroom promises to turn him into a warrior of woke.
    And now it seems that she has her arm so far up his bottom, she can use her fingers to alter his facial expressions.
    I actually feel rather sorry for him because today he’s just a glove puppet with no more control over what he says or does than Basil Brush.
    Meghan, though, is a different story. I hate her.
    Not like I hate Nicola Sturgeon or Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level.
    At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, “Shame!” and throw lumps of excrement at her.
    Everyone who’s my age thinks the same way.
    But what makes me despair is that younger people, especially girls, think she’s pretty cool.
    They think she was a prisoner of Buckingham Palace, forced to talk about nothing but embroidery and kittens.
    That makes me even angrier. Can’t they see everything that’s happening is so very obviously pre-planned?
    Leave the UK. Blame the royals. Do an interview with Oprah.
    Get Basil Brush to write a book. Do a Netflix series — which should have been called ‘A Woman Talking Bollocks’.
    I can see it clearly. The studied pauses. The mock incredulity.
    And the B-movie, soap-actress, quivery-voiced, more-in-sorrow-than-anger stories that are so obviously claptrap.
    Do you really think she would have entertained a move to New Zealand? That’s 13 hours away from everything.
    The spotlight of fame she craves so desperately would have been a 40-watt bulb, and no one would have seen it.
    Nah. She was always going to end up in California.
    And I can tell you, with absolute certainty, what’s coming next.
    Harold’s Spare book will be released.
    Then she’ll do one called ‘I Think I May Be God’. And then she’ll have exhausted the whole royal thing — so will be off.
    We will see Diana-style photographs of her, all on her own, outside the Taj Mahal.
    And then she will be pictured gazing into the middle distance, on the back of a playboy’s superyacht and will marry a tech billionaire and they’ll have a child called something vomitty like Peace. Or Truth. Or Love.
    Harold, meanwhile, will be stuck in California with no friends, either there or here, no family to support him and an army of young girls who’ll believe Meghan’s story that the marriage break-up was all his fault because he’s, like, you know, sooooo a man.

    • He didn’t fly Apaches, he consistently and repeatedly failed his pilot’s exams.

      He was the the plank that sat behind the pilot, randomly mashing buttons and yanking on the joystick thinking he was playing Xbox.

      • Yes, we know that.
        But clearly Jeremy Clarkson didn’t know it when he wrote his column.

  13. I’m a Republican so don’t give two shits about the Royal Family, but why are these two clowns still doing “royal duties” while being referred to as “Duke” and “Duchess”? I thought they’d been stripped of their royal titles and exiled…. or did I miss something?

    • Stipped of HRH. H apparently can’t be stripped of his remaining titles because he is the son of the King.

    • They weren’t doing “royal duties”.
      It was a private visit
      Made by them and their Nigerian government lackeys to look like a royal visit.
      Much to Jug-Ears and Baldilocks’s irritation.
      And every TV news channel – not just the BBC – played along with it.

  14. I just saw the BBC headline..

    Sit down volleyball.. I always knew africunts were lazy..but that takes the bison piss..

    Always waiting for the white man to dig them a well.

  15. Ive given up on getting any information from the BBC. It’s misleading, infantile guff or human interest fluff.

    I see how BBC Breakfast is useful though. it gets anyone with a functioning brain out of the house a lot earlier through its sheet awfulness

  16. I wonder what these two cretins talk about when they’re not in the media spotlight?

    I mean, to a glamour puss like Meghan, Harry must be as dull as ditch water.

    I bet she lectures him incessantly about woke issues, whilst trying to ascertain exactly how much dough he’s going to inherit… right down to the last penny.

    I fully expect (and hope) these shits end up in Hollywood Boulevard, posing for photos with tourists at $10 a pop, while their tranny brats turn tricks in downtown Watts sucking off Hugh Grant.

    • She is definitely going to divorce him.

      Dat be-atch nuddin bud a low down stinky hoe, in her parlance.

  17. Like the fucking BBC, house of lords, time to be rid of the whole lot of the cunts.

    They serve no useful purpose…just a drain on on the hard working taxpayer…☠️

  18. Megain Mantis should go to New Moston.

    Because now it’s a dead ringer for Nigeria.

    The place where I lived as a kid is long gone.

  19. Harry needs to shave his head. He’s starting to look like a creepy old cunt with that wispy ginger halo hovering above an obvious pale dome.

    Shave or comb-over, you scruffy cunt. You look you pick chewing gum off railings on the bus.

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