Harry Hewitt [21]

Harry Fucking Hewitt and his preposterous medals are a bit of a cunt, eh?

Seeing that illegitimate bloodnut prick wearing his unearned medals must surely rankle any man who has served his country in a military capacity.
The medals he wears with undeserved pride include:

Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan presented in 2008 (after his service in Helmand Province, presumably playing Xbox safely on the base with his bored bodyguards)
Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal

So basically medals for turning up to his non-blood relation grandmother’s ceremonies. Duracell cuckold wanker. I wish cancer upon what remains of his ginger bollocks.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Thomas the Cunt Engine

71 thoughts on “Harry Hewitt [21]

  1. The prick looks like a cross between the Falklands’ War 1982 Argie music-hall general Galtieri, and that famous Scotsman Idi Amin.
    I was at a charity event where the ginger twat stood up and expected to be applauded, fuck that, half crowd didn’t even leave the bar…..knobend.

    • I completely despise these royal cunts who take credit for doing completely fuck all, when everyday squaddies would have to work their arses off to achieve the same level. Class privilege at it’s worst; plus the nepostism of wearing medals created by your own step-grandmother is the icing on the cake.

      His step-uncle Andrew is worse though, he wears two crosses and even more shiny spherical discs with ribbons attached to them. I am guessing one of these medals is for his Esteemed Long Service Contribution to the Order of Sweaty Nonces.

  2. Medals for wiping his own arse or tying his shoe laces, worthless medals for a worthless cunt…

  3. Anyone remember that video where he was interviewed on the base in Afghanistan?

    At exactly the same time there was some gunfire elsewhere so he could be seen running towards danger , even though the gunfire was off base somewhere and nobody required the of a useless ginger cunt who knew full well as he was running that he would not be allowed anywhere near the danger , which was likely set up anyway .


    • A former colleague of mine was same regiment as this worthless fucking Walt. He told me that it took 12 retakes before he got the look he wanted. I’ve posted on here a number of times the real reason he was sent home. Although I wasn’t there, I have some former oppo’s who were, and clued me in to that cunt and his antics. Like I’ve said before, if the MoD lift the D Notices surrounding the ginger turd, he’s fucked, good and proper. Even that slag he married will drop him like hot dog shit!!

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