Eurovision Song Contest (7)

Not so long ago, you could have a good snigger and, dare I say, chortle at this feast of ridiculousness over a glass of absinthe and a magma of a vindaloo. But now, like virtually everything else, it has been usurped by the sickeningly debauched dregs of humanity.

Nostalgic days they were, with our host (Terry Wigon) slowly slurping his way through several bottles of Baileys® and us, laughing and crying in incredulity and haughty smugness at our European neighbours attempts at tunes – whilst simultaneously awarding them null points for their efforts.

Then they let Turdistan in together with the other forty or fifty other East European `countries` and it all went sideways. My, how the tables have turned.

Yes. It is, was and always will be, a steaming pile of utter excrement; but at least it was without the contribution of the LBQWERTY…s.

Is there nothing sacred?

BBC News

Nominated by: Sam Beau

Seconded by the ever flamboyant Cuntamus Prime:

I stopped watching this celebration of mediocrity many years ago when the Sausage Quare got the vote over the popular winner (the big boobed slavic girls from Poland).before that was also intermittent: no Eurovision parties thanks. Those are the preserve of women and gays, and I dare not poison the atmosphere with proletarian toxic masculinity. It went from being a bit camp tio full-on mince and glitter, and is unwatchable.
Speaking of which, this year Britain’s candidate will be professionsl bender Olly Alexander, a box-ticking, mincing gremlin seemingly on retainer at the Beeb, where his bland Pet Shop Boys rip-off is played every hour by the Hen Party station, formerly Radio 2.
Olly has reservations about flying the ‘divisive’ union jack (of course) and plans to fly it in the gayest manner possible. Well done to you, Olly. It will teach all the old cunts who have nothing better to do that they’re wasting what little of their lives remain by watching hours of this sequin-spaffing AIDS-infested shite. What will it take for the doddering bastards who STILL tune in to see their nation humiliated to switch off and cancel the licence?

Given the Euro-premise, it’s also a chance for the snarky shits presenting and commentating to get in a few anti-Brexit jibes.

Still, it’s in Malmo so who knows what local enrichment might occur.

Telegraph Link.

93 thoughts on “Eurovision Song Contest (7)

  1. This is what passes for ” family” entertainment today.
    One big celebration of ungodly depravity.

    Then society is concerned about mental health issues in the young…!

    No wonder the poor cunts don’t know what sex they are…. these chickens will definitely come home to roost…

    As will all this taking the knee and kowtowing to the Muslims…

    Civil war is inevitable…?

    • Trannies and bumboys count as family entertainment yet Tom &Jerry is banned and Wurzel Gummidge carries a PG warning.

      Welcome to Hell

  2. The nob jockeys at the BBC will be spunking away at the filth they have co-produced with the peeedooohs from around Euroland. Vile cunts.

    • Thanks for the link Arch. That is one of the most disturbing articles I have ever read. Germany today, us tomorrow?

      • Germany in the late 1930s as well.

        Those eho don’t learn from history…

    • The judge talks about “attacking human dignity…”
      Isn’t rape an attack on human dignity.
      As the figures quoted were GOVERNMENT statistics, it beggars belief that the case wasn’t thrown out immediately.
      Meanwhile, in GB, Linekunt is snivelling about Gaza. If I had the power, I would send him back to the 2nd WW, S. Germany, and transport him to Oswieczum to await his final shower. Pointless, odious arsebiscuit.

  3. Watch that wank…??

    I’d rather nail my scrotum to the kitchen table.

  4. Been watching this year’s Eurovision and almost drifted off partway through after a generous helping of Henry Weston’s cider.

    Latvia’s offering was good. The rest has been mediocre and unashamedly gay. Turned the box off at 21:45 in disgust. Olly Alexander is a talentless fudgepacker. The last good entry we offered was Sam Ryder in 2022. He certainly upped the game.

  5. Fucking load of shite crap telly for fucking women and shitstabbers end of

  6. Rather than euro shite I’ve been out watching the northern lights.

    Any southern cunters see em?

    Well if you did you owe me £2.50p
    Pay per view.

    • The judge talks about “attacking human dignity…”
      Isn’t rape an attack on human dignity.
      As the figures quoted were GOVERNMENT statistics, it beggars belief that the case wasn’t thrown out immediately.
      Meanwhile, in GB, Linekunt is snivelling about Gaza. If I had the power, I would send him back to the 2nd WW, S. Germany, and transport him to Oswieczum to await his final shower. Pointless, odious arsebiscuit.

    • I was in Watwrstone’s last week, saw a book (!!) ” Why the public hate poliyics/politicians etc., lying, untrustworthy bastards blablabla”
      Authored by Alki Ali Campbellend, who brought us the sexed-up dossier on WMD, plagiarised from someone’s BA thesis (not even PhD, iirc…), campbellend Chief Pornographer and Minister for Propaganda to B Liar the Fuhrer.
      Brass neck.

  7. Pretty obvious what the public think of the Gaza “genocide”.
    Pity the filth didn’t break the mongoidal freaks arms off.

  8. The Eurovision Song Contest – poofs football (wimminz football, of course)

  9. Was Olly too gay or not gay enough, as he certainly lacks talent?

    Still, another BBC-sponsored notch on his CV.

    Almost worth the licence fee.

  10. Im pitching a new contest to the bbc; the neuro-vision wrong’un contest.

    They broadcast the televised dreams of potential groomers on their payroll to the public, and the public get to pick the sickest deviant.

    That could be a good way for the arrogant cunts to atone for employing the likes of Savile.

  11. Radio 2 is fucking doomed, hen party drivel, Trevor Nelson for God’s sake move to another network your better than these fatuous cunts

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