Actor David Harewood has said white actors using make-up to play black characters is “a grotesque distortion of race and should always be condemned”.
The star put out a statement after he sparked debate with an interview where he appeared to take the opposite position, saying actors “should be able to do anything” – including use blackface.
So, whiteface is OK is it, David ?
Nominated by Sam Beau.
Errrrr, who?
Same here, never heard of the cunt.
Who is this cunt and who gives a flying fuck what he says about anything?
Get back on that jar of Golden Shred where you belong, you boring nonentity.
No way would I want a picture of this entitled, racist cunt on something I enjoy.
Think he’s in a advert for chiggun nuggets?
Anyway here’s Pam You’ve
Smart arse autocorrect
He’s only got his knickers in a twist after being rejected for the part of the maid in Tom & Jerry.
Sorry maaaate,we can’t help the fact that you’re a fucking boring Cunt.
In the first interview was he playing the part of a stupid dàrkie?
Then in the second was he playing himself as a stupid dàrkie?
Another one, like Idris Elba, who is currently afforded Gielgud/Olivier status in the acting world because of the colour of his skin. Which when you think about it, is pathetically patronising.
‘Ooh look Jemima! There’s a black man who’s pretending to be someone else on the telly. Isn’t it wonderful. He should be the next James Bond’
And when he speaks, the world listens.
Or at least the world the BBC and the Guardian live in.
Us normal people know the truth.
He’s little more than a black fella with a posh voice. A modern day Philip from Rising Damp.
We don’t give a fuck what he thinks.
You may know the truth, I’ve never heard of him. What’s more, tomorrow I won’t even remember his name, perhaps later today.
Good Morning
Why is it that so many of the non-indigenous population don’t see racism as a two way street? There seem to be sections of society, Jews, white males and a few others where it seems there is a free ticket to be openly racist.
While I am at it, just because the twat is an actor, a job just like any other job, does his opinion count more than anyone else’s? I am reading Gary Sheffield’s excellent “Short History of WW1” at the moment and it starts with an excoriation of a letter, written in 2013, by a group of actors including Jude Law, saying how unnecessary WW1 was. As Gary says, was their next letter going to be about Leukaemia, it’s causes and cures?
There’s no bigger insult to the memory of those who fought and died in WW1, than claiming it was a pointless waste of time.
That’s not how many saw it back then, they were fighting for their country, for freedom.
Both concepts that modern bedwetters cannot understand.
He’s a far lefty. The usual ‘rules’ don’t apply to the lefftwaffe.
A very excellent point sir.
Actors are Cunts.
With few exceptions, níg nógs are terrible actors.
There’s a new Planet Of The Apes out. Should people be allowed to do Apeface?
Another day another nom regarding a racist of whom I had never heard of until this point.
Everyday is an education on ISAC.
As for this fucker, he’d be best taking his blackface off to Africa and learn a new skill like fetching water for little N’tembea.
Bernie Hamilton (Capt Dobey) and Antonio Fargas (Huggy) – two proper black men.
Is Blackface still an issue?
Not seen any white actors use it for decades.
What’s he worried about?
Might as well complain about TB.
Funny you should mention TB Cuntamus. In quite recent times the lamp posts on Stuart Street in Luton were adorned with posters advising; “Don’t die of TB and pass it on to your family and friends. We can cure it!” I can’t imagine at which section of the local population this advice must have been aimed.
Probably the ones that can’t fucking read it in the first place.
The last time I saw him was whan I was playing Call of Duty Infinate Warfare. ( Yes I know).
His character was an argumentative arsehole in that. He got blown up later in the game. ?
Another race-baiter grifting for a headline. A bit rich from this cunt,not a fucking squeak about “whiting up” for Operation Black Vote”.
Another looooook-at-meeeee self-important divisive cunt, stirring up divisions, unless of course, that’s the real aim of “diversity”, division.
All actors whether black or white are overrated pretend lefty cunts.
I thang u.
So Haitians who whiten their faces for voodoo purposes are in order then eh? Fuck me, if ever there was an example of the tail wagging the dog it’s cunts like him trying to tell whites, or anybody else for that matter, what to do. What’s his take on Dickensian chimney sweeps, I wonder. Fuck off David, I couldn’t give a shit.
Is it acceptable to offer a banana to a sooty, or just have a selection in a fruit bowl to save any embarrassment.
Putting on make up for a film, at what point does a fake tan become Waaaaaacist.
I don’t watch anything with soots, unless they are there as background cabbages.
And the view you express in your last sentence Soi, is becoming ever more prevalent.
Harewood appeared in a NHS Public Information film trying to coerce the bredren into getting jabbed. In light of the number of ‘advrrse events’ reported, wonder what the ‘community’ think of him these days.
What’s worse, white persons blacking up because they are a better actors, or a black person blatantly playing themselves in a historical part when they didn’t exist and were still running round the jungle, until the white Man helped them to live into a more civilised society ? I’ve always thought we should’ve let them rot in the wild.
They ought to be glad they aren’t chosen to play thieving, raping, murdering bastards which the majority naturally still are. They’ve shot themselves in the foot with that one. Now the only parts left open to them are the none existent positions that historically don’t exist. The only way back is to return to their natural selves and keep their mouths shut.
I remember TV programmes back in the nineties and noughties when black , female and gay characters were allowed to have flaws.
There’s now far less diversity of characters in television and film
It’s that “I don’t have a monumental inferiority complex and am haunted 25/8/366 by the fact that we never even manged to invent the wheel” look.
What sort of cunt would fall for it?
(Alas we all know)
You can white face all you want, the gene genie I’m afraid you’re stuck with (or rather we are)
Homeland? Supergirl? Uuh? I’ve never seen them. I’ve not noticed them listed on Freeview either. Anyone know if they’re worth a look or are they crap like most television programmes?
The first season of homeland was good, but it could of been fantastic, if they had ended it properly.. but the writers bottled it..
Spot on BZ never bothered with it after the giant bottle out.Spooks did a similar thing in the first series but it did pick up the lovely Lisa into a chip frier.
Agreed, a great original idea for a show that didn’t realise its full potential. The Shield was a great police drama about corrupt cops much grittier than the BBC’s overhyped Line of Duty shite.
Even the shield bottled it later on, never put cops on the back door so the perps escaped 3 seasons to nick the money then they burn it. The tall cat killing detective was supposed to be the serial killer but they bottled it. I thought the series with Glen Close was fantastic.
I really enjoyed the first couple of series of ‘Line of Duty’ then it began to sink into a pit of ludicrous melodrama, until it disappeared up its own tailpipe.
I stuck with it and thought the ending and build up to exposing ‘H’ was a big letdown. I have been meaning to do a nom on disappointing TV series endings having re-watched ‘Lost’ in the gardening off-season.
Did you ever see ‘Under the Dome’? Great idea, worked well, 3 series and an ending never came. It just fizzled out. Waste of fucking time.
More pointless ramblings from yet another wooden who no one gives a fuck about
Keep your sooty opinions to yourself, we don’t fucking care!
I hate the thought of a black actress playing a Tudor queen, doesn’t seem right to me.
Must be a bit of that unconscious racism creeping in.
Morning all.
Makes sense to me:*jEPQcoegJ9qB_4eL.jpg
Why aren’t the few reasonable normal blacks persons, protest in public to try and get the majority of themselves to stop giving them a bad name, with their law breaking thieving, raping, murdering and other naughty stuff, which will stop the police harassing them continuously, then this silliness will stop over night and would welcome them into the community, that it was supposed to have been in the first place, when bringing them from that nasty jungle.
You black moaning bastards should help us out here, instead of sitting on your big fat black arses, why not play the black parts in the minstrel shows as they were originally intended.
Michael Jackson never had any issues becoming a whitey?
Is the cunts ghost still walking backwards for Christmas ?
Kiss my WHITE arse….!
In the words of the dearly departed Bernard Manning to Esther Rantzen “You’re breaking my fucking heart here”.
Who the mother of fuck is this self important cunt, never heard of him, don’t want to hear of him again and that goes for any fucker who is of the dusky persuasion unless they are trying to mend race relations and not using it as a weapon to further their whining divisive poor me mantra, you ain’t white stop blaming us and prove your equal by your achievements and not your constant carping on about slavery, you aren’t slaves now so fuck off moaning like you still get the lash every fucking day.
David Harewood was in Spooks
Ideal placement C.P and no acting required.