Auriol Grey

Auriol Grey: to blame or not to blame?

BBC News Link.

I honestly don’t know what to make of this. On the one hand, the woman in question, being partially sighted, is naturally going to feel more intimidated by cyclists than the average Joe (or Jane in this instance). She also couldn’t have foreseen that her comment would’ve left to the cyclist’s death.

On the other hand, the cyclist was an old lady who, understandably, was going to feel intimidated by riding on the road, and she veered into the road when she did as a direct result of Ms Grey’s actions. Ms Grey also showed very little, if any, remorse throughout the trial or maybe it’s the fault of the authorities for failing to provide safe cycling spaces.

What do my fellow cunters think?

Nominated by : OpinionatedCunt

58 thoughts on “Auriol Grey

  1. We had a cunting last week, for the complete opposite with a old lady getting pancaked by a peloton cunt.

    Personally unless your a small child,stay off the pavements..

    Though she would of done well to get past Enola Gay as she is the size of a Superfortress…

    • If you get to 77 years of age without realising that coming of a bike at that age will likely kill you, no matter how minor the mishap, then you’re a cunt.

      Also a cunt for cycling on a pavement.

      Also a cunt for cycling, full stop.

      The judge is also a cunt for imprisoning a mental defective for telling a woman, in the act of committing an offense, to fuck off.

  2. Not to blame. The fucking old trout shouldn’t have been cycling on the pavement. Full stop.

    Lawless fucking vermin.

  3. I often think a physical ;punishment would be better in some cases than a prison sentence – the latter can be challenged but a good whipping can’t be (and don’t allow appeals or “compensation”). Animal cruelty, low level vandalism, that little bastard that went round breaking into people’s houses for his You Tube video’s, MP’s caught out in expensen scandals, – six strokes of the whip. It’s a punishment they would remember.

    • Would have been a youtube sensation if the little spook had broken into my house when I was there.

      That’s if Nobby* didn’t get there first.

      *The oversexed, extremely terrortorial Rottweiler that hates spooks.

  4. I don’t understand why she was charged in the first place.
    It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can’t go riding a bike on the pavement.

    The woman that died got herself killed by not being able to control her bike.
    If she panicked and veered into the road just because she was shouted and waved at then you have to wonder how she would cope if she was riding on the road and got overtaken by a lorry.

    Yet more evidence that flimsy bicycles which have had no road worthy test, which cannot be identified by a number plate, which are uninsured and not taxed and can by used by anyone of any age without that person having to take any sort of test, should not be allowed on the roads or the pavements.

    I often wave and shout at cyclists.
    Usually after finally overtaking them on narrow, steep roads.

    That’s because they are all inconsiderate cunts.
    Just like the woman who got herself killed.

  5. “Safe cycling spaces”

    that’s the fucking park. Ffs it’s a child’s toy, not transport for a fucking adult. Buy a car when you’re old enough to grow hairs around your tackle.

    But yes, this old trout should be jail. What happened was entirely foreseeable and entirely her fault.

  6. I was amazed when she was convicted last year as I felt that the her actions were not wilful but similar to what many people would have done. The old lady on the bicycle should not have been riding on the pavement ; feeling anxious about riding on the road is not an excuse to do so.
    Bearing in mind the not guilty verdicts for the Colston statue gang and eco twats it appears that the jury system is a lottery.

    • It’s an unfortunate case all round.

      The old dear lost control of the bike when Auriol Grey waved at her.

      Auriol Grey, who isn’t the full ticket goes to prison on the technicality that the pavement was a shared space.

      Nobody wins here. It was a tragic accident.

    • The jury system becoming a lottery is a result from the softening of society from the trigger warnings before films and old television shows, the race relations industry and all the other crap we have to put up with. Having sat on two juries I think it is an almost perfect system, honed over nearly 800 years but you do wonder about modern society. Maybe they shouldn’t let anyone younger than 40 sit on a jury.

      • No unemployed, single parents (except widows/ers), no one with a degree in philosophy or psychology, no foreigners, no religious fruitcake, no ass-bandits, no scissor sisters, no one with stupid coloured hair, facial tattoos or face piercings, no one under 40, no one over 65, no one with adhd, tourettes or aspergers or any other form of ‘specialness’, no men without a driving license and no women who think being a whorebon O.F. is a job.

        So, basically, no one.

  7. What’s not being reported is that the cyclist initially survived but the car driver saw the bike and reversed back over her just to make sure.

  8. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the detail of these things.

    One dead cyclist, the world’s a wanker short – that’s all that matters to me.

    Morning all.

  9. I think cycling on the public highway is a high risk pastime. Only place I would cycle is on the comprehensive network of cycleways in Milton Keynes. When I was working in Broadcasting House I used to pick up an Evening Standard as I walked back to the car. The reports of squashed cyclists didn’t even make the front page. I’m sure they just filled in the street name on a standard template for each new one as they came in. Hopefully they’ll be featuring Jeremy Vine one day.

    Anyway, what mother names their sprog after the ring around their nipple? Personally I like them a little larger and a little darker. Just got to go to look up something, back in a few minutes.

  10. I thought for a second Diane Abbot had gone ‘whiteface’ but realised that would be way-cist and cultural appropriation.

    Can’t really find a fuck to give on this one, I drove 50 miles yesterday and saw many examples of cuntitude from all road user in that short trip, so many cunts, so little time.

    Anyhow, Only another few weeks and the new labour administration will pass ULEZ legislation right acoss the land and soon enough cunters we’ll all be on push bikes.

    • Morning LDC…I’ll be taking the number plates off my motorbikes and riding with impunity.
      It’ll be fantastic!

      • Morning Thomas….

        I bet you ‘ride with impunity’ already don’t you…. Some frisky young filly trapped in your cellar or perhaps if you are feeling specially deviant a Katie Price wannabe or whatever else you lured home….. number plates or not…. You naughty boy.

      • Katie Prices wannabes are alredy damaged goods. There’s not a lot you you can do to fuck them up even more.

        I’m sure Mr Cunt Engine would enjoy trying though.

    • And we’ll be paying fucking road tax for them as well. And anything else Dame Kweer can think of to tax.

  11. “I was not to blame for the driver of the articulated lorry losing control and smashing into a bus stop, killing 12 people”.

    “The reason that I was walking down the middle of the road is that I feel intimidated by old age pensioners riding their bikes along the pavement”.

  12. She should have been given a medal.

    The judge and the “legal system” are a set of cunts.

    Good morning.

    • Funny old fing Unkle Tel, and straying off topic but,

      the BBC bashing their gums today about the ‘government’ passing legislation to overturn the wrongful convictions of the sub post masters…. And in essence saying how the government should not encroach into the legal system – according to the cunts at the beeb.

      Funny how when judges intervene with every other thing the current ‘government’ have tried (Rwanda flights spring to mind as most recent) then that’s all right then…. The bbc are all for that approach.

      The far left BBC, Judges, Legal System and ‘Government’ are indeed a bunch of cunts.

      That is all. Happy bank holiday cunters.

  13. Definitely not a cunt.

    Many cyclist’s are a fucking nuisance, true, it’s a tragic outcome, but the silly old cunt shouldn’t have been cycling on the pavement.

    Me and Ethel had a bit of a situation with a moron on a bike, the other day, in the Peak District.

    We were walking up a steep, deeply rutted path when this stupid fat cunt came hurtling down towards us.

    I’m amazed he managed to stay on the bike as he braked to a shuddering halt, tutting and shaking his head.

    He was festooned with cameras, like Jeremy Vine on steroids.

    I regret not twatting the cunt ?

    He should have some lovely footage to watch.

    Hehehehehe ?

    Gas them all ?

    And give Auriol a medal ?

    Good morning ??

    • I think Aerosol Grey should be employed to scare cyclists into traffic at the Tour de France and other cycling events.

      For minimum wage obviously,
      Supply her with a airhorn and a starting pistols and a Frankenstein mask.


  14. It seems to me that the governments wish to get us on push bikes for short journeys is doomed to failure. Cycling in the public perception at least, has been taken over by sanctimonious twats with whom normal people don’t want to be associated. A good case can be made for compulsory number plates and insurance but that would knock on the head the whole idea of cycling for most people. There was a short-lived campaign a few years ago to make crash helmets compulsory but this died the death when it was realised that in countries where such legislation had been enacted bicycle use collapsed. Also if bikes had number plates some rapacious bastard in local authority would work out a method of taxing them. No, I think cycling as everyday practical transport will go the way of the electric motor car.

  15. As I don’t drive I cycle to get around, public transport being crap where I live, but the old trout riding on the pavement was causing an offence.
    If she was worried about the traffic, (1) she should of got off yhe bike and pushed it or (2) don’t ride at all.
    I have had many a row with cunts cycling on the footpath which is adjacent to a cycle lane.
    If you are frightened of traffic, you should not be on a bike.

      • The wheels are already here. The overweight pretending to be invalids, causing other accidents to pedestrians.

      • Your belief or non belief in God does neither prove nor disprove His existence Mr Lugs.

    • We had one cycling spastic ringing his bell, three pedestrians and one cyclist who thought he had right of way. I asked him if he would like the handlebars inserted up his anus.
      Fucking idiot did he expect all three pedestrians to line up and salute?
      Mrs CuntyMort was not impressed with yours truly. My second nearest watering hole is now off limits because of fucking cyclists.

  16. Good cunting.

    Personally, I am sick to death of having to watch out for shit birds on their velocipedes. When they were first invented bikes were a tall and elegant alternative to taking a hansom cab. Jack the Ripper used the latter as a matter of convenience, but much preferred to use the penny farthing on his days off.

    According to the Victorian Office of National Statistics only three fatalities were ever recorded involving such conveyances and hapless pedestrians (all vicars), That is because they were easy to see and comparatively slow moving. Bring back the penny farthing and the problem would solve itself overnight.

    Good morning, everyone.

  17. I don’t see the need for bicycles anymore, just buy a fucking peloton thing and be a cunt in your bedroom, do they do the them for old ladies, tenaton?

  18. Footpaths are for people on “foot” / wheelchairs/ prams.

    Roads are for people / animals on “wheels / hoofs”.

    If you are on a wheeled vehicle and not confident using it on the road don’t. Walk, taxi, bus.

    Common sense and good manners really..!

  19. I think it was an unfortunate accident and the fitter older cyclist shouldn’t have taken notice of an over weight younger person at that precise moment and made herself safe before confronting the obese lady. I’ve told you before about my cycling on the seafront. There are areas where white lines are in place with a painted cycle for one lane and the other for all shapes and sizes to cavort in.

  20. If the old girl on the bike was incapable of riding in the road due to feeling intimidated, then she shouldn’t be fucking riding. No defence to bend the rules to ride on the pavement just cos she’s old. Don’t feel sorry for her the old cunt. And it’s good that common sense has come to the fore for this lady who was convicted. No doubt she ended up feeling more intimidated by her ordeal that the old girl on the bike with the traffic. I rest my case m’lud

    • She don’t give a shit now because she’s brown bread. All cyclists should be put out of their misery by shooting. With the exception of Sammy.

  21. I’ve tried to see both sides of this incident, but for me it comes down to the fact that anyone over the age of three and not on a tricycle should not be on the pavement to start with.

    Throw in my visceral loathing of all cunts on bikes, most of whom seem to be a law unto themselves, and you’ll see that I’ve made my choice.

    Morning all.

  22. Cycling on the pavement .

    1. Most likely against the law
    2. Makes you a cunt anyway

    I’d have said the same to her.

    Another case of GB and it’s believe that hurty words make you crash into shit

    Just fuck off

  23. pros; she killed a cyclist.

    cerebral palsy
    partially blind.
    a bit fat.

    IsAC verdict.


    Send her to the Phantom Zone with General Zod.

    • I already gave my view on this in another nom. When I was a kid we knew not to ride our bikes on the pavement, if we did we’d get told off by the nearest adult. These days they’re all doing it, not just kids but people who are old enough to know better. Nobody gives a fuck any more.

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