Voiceless Students

If only!

It seems the government are going to be desperately beastly to student creatures if they call an election in October. It will only be a few weeks after “Freshers week” so they will be too pissed, er, sorry, I mean the “authorities” will not have enough time to collate all the addresses for these young idiots to put their cross on the form to elect that nice Sir Starmer, the multimillionaire who likes to pretend he knows all about poverty and not being able to pay the bills (his dad was a toolmaker, you know).

AOL News

Interesting to note no one of the three leading students in the foreground are white. One is Chinky the other two looked mixed race (or half castes as we were once allowed to describe them).

When should elections be called? August is out because they will all be on holiday, ditto September, October will upset the students, apparently, November they will be getting ready for Xmas, January and February is too cold, March and April is Easter time, and May June and July it will be too hot.

When will be the right time for Abdul senior to vote on behalf of his household of fifteen to ensure a Labour government – and if they call a postal strike, they’re fucked.

It’s such a hard life being a student.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

56 thoughts on “Voiceless Students

  1. I sold my vote for a pint when I was a student, I figured I may as well move my useless paper currency into tangible assets.

    • A pity they are both posting about what they had for their breakfast though.

      • Not necessarily LL.

        They might be sending pictures of their lady gardens to their Tutor in order to get top marks for their latest essays.

      • Did you know, LL, that Mis has blamed you for all his recent misdeeds??

        Including putting red sauce on a corned beef toasty, the swine!

  2. One thing we know, is all the colours of the halfwits world, are staring at the ground with extra large thumbs and I’m just waiting for that articulated lorry to come along.

    • Damn near had one such yesterday Sammy. Stepped out from behind a Transit, wearing those tiny earphones and staring down at his phone, his thumbs wiggling furiously. Twat nearly jumped out of his shoes when my front bumper appeared in his field of view. Fortunately for him a Mondeo has a shorter stopping distance than a thirty-tonner.

  3. The average student’s understanding of politics can be summed up as
    ‘Ooooh Jeremy Corbyn’.

      • That thing (no idea) who was interviewed was definitely a foreign cunt or alien, fucking cunt should be deported to its country or planet and it can protest there.

      • Does anyone know where the life form was whelped? It has already done jail time but vows to carry on being a pain in the arse. I can only echo Soi’s sentiment therefore; deport it.

      • Six strokes of a birch (kept dampened for 12 hours before the punishment is administered, to make them more “whippy”) across their backsides would sort them out followed by Boris’ water cannon (which that idiot Kunt sold off) up their arses with freezing cold water would help them see the error of their ways.

  4. Students shouldn’t be allowed to vote anyway, fucking useless cunts.

    Didn’t one cunt post something about voting twice, says it all really.

    It matters not, we are going to get labour who will be just as useless as team Rishi.

    I just hope there will be enough space on my ballot paper to give my balanced opinion ?

  5. Even when I was a student I disagreed with the idea of students being allowed to vote in their university town. If you’re a temporary resident you shouldn’t get a say in decisions that could affect the local community long-term.

    • Some cunt from the Tory Party has just sent me an email urging me to apply for a postal vote.


      I’ll be spoiling my ballot paper in person at the polling station as usual, thank you very fucking much.

  6. There concentration span is that low, they won’t remember who they’d voted for, the moment that ballot paper landed in the box.

  7. Voting age should start at 30.

    Students are entitled blowhard socialist cunts

    So Fuck Off.

  8. Re : ‘half caste’ .. ‘mulatto’ has never failed to get the job done for me .. whether to describe what it describes, or to offend the offendables. The small percentage of them that ‘know’ it’s ‘offensive’, that is. As a group, they’re not the brightest, those mixed ‘heritage’ lot and their groupies..


    .. and if I may take this opportunity to just close my ‘cuntley trilogy’ with a rhetorical question ..

    … Is a gaelic an Irish lesbian?

    • Mudskipper; try that.

      ‘Breed’ is another.

      Completely innocent terms.

  9. Their lives are so difficult and trying these days.
    Will they need to check out a YouTube video on how to put an X in a box, primarily because it involves unknown technology called a pencil and a piece of paper!

    No doubt they’ll get stressed out trying to work out who to vote for and end up having a mental breakdown!

    This is the future, and gawd help us/them!

  10. About every item discussed on here, will have every person who decided to go in for the costly suspended animation lark, will repeatedly say in unison on waking, what a waste of money.

  11. Having been a bone idle, long haired feckless drug addled student in my time, I’d say the world would be a better place if they were all put in chains and walked slowly across Cambodian minefields to clear them for planting.

    At least I outgrew being a w-nk-r …

    • we didn’t breed these generations of woke brain dead retarded cunts, the school systems breed them, years ago a woman wrote a book on the dumbing down of the American education system, she was once an adviser to Ronald Reagan and told how even then the agenda was to NOT educate kids to think for themselves but to have a hivemind mentality.
      The core is: They don’t need to learn to read & write to follow VERBAL orders. We will see schools close in our lifetime and be replaced by child camps….Socialist Hitler’s youth

  12. So what?

    It just stops the clueless cunts from voting twice for an evening bigger bunch of useless cunts than we already have.

  13. Students?

    Hate the cunts.

    China had the right idea.

    Crush em with a tank.

    • Same with suicides on the underground Mis, just keep the service running, the mess will clear itself.

      • rats will eat it, tracks are swarming with them, watched a vid of a rent’o’kill bloke saying he gets death threats from woketards for killing the rats….the planet is totally fucked up

  14. They’ll inherit the world they protested for, I can’t think of anything more just.

    I hope I’m around to see it.

  15. Young people rarely vote anyway, that’s not Cunty’s opinion it’s a hard fact.

    As is the fact that most activists don’t vote either as they don’t believe it works and only direct action does.

    We had this same shit with Brexit and the 2018 election or when ever it was there seems to be so much of it recently.

    Students on the whole don’t give a dogs fuck about politics but a small very vocal minority do, as is the case with everything.

    I don’t think a Labour shoe in is guaranteed yet we have to see what George Galloway will do and he could be the King Maker but what is for certain is this bunch of corrupt cunts masquerading as Conservatives will get wiped out.

    And if it is how times have changed, a Labour leader called Sir Kier just a hundred or so years on from the original Kier who founded the Labour Movement. He would be horrified I’m sure.

    It doesn’t really matter anyway because they probably will get in and all it will be is one set of Blairites handing over power to another set of Blairites.

    We have sleep walked into this fucking nightmare but that’s what happens when all democracies are crushed.

    • Spot on sir..

      I think the next election will have the lowest turnout ever.

      Voter apathy is at a all time high..

      • agreed, same corrupt face on the local ballots, i can never be arsed.
        After watching countless secret spycam videos of the rigged Scottish vote it just confirmed to me its all a scam, i’m not Scottish but to see millions turned out and voted to leave and all their votes were spoiled and removed and shuffled into the very few remainers pile it was heartbreaking.

  16. on the plus side all these sh!tskins are paying for a degree in gender arse picking that will leave them totally qualified to clean the toilets at Lidls, everytime i leave a skid mark in a public loo knowing some wolligog will have to clean it up…lick my shit raghead

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