My fellow cunters, I refer you to a report in the Guardian and its broadcast subsidiary, the BBC:


A quick-thinking police officer has prevented a major plot to disrupt London’s weekly Peace March. One openly Jewish person was spotted by the officer in the vicinity of 100,000 people protesting against Israel’s genocide of Hamas, Palestine’s harmless peace-and-love organisation. Sensing a threat to public order posed by one person, the officer brought the situation smartly under control by threatening to arrest the miscreant.

The officer’s actions were backed up by the Head of the Metropolitan Gestapo, Herr Heinrich Rowley, who has announced that in order to maintain public safety, henceforth all Jewish people entering London must wear a yellow Star of David armband embossed with the word ‘Jude’. This will allow his officers to spot potential troublemakers and deal with them in advance.

London Fuehrer und Reichskauzler Adolf Khan commented ‘Arbeit macht frei’.


The Met’s “Soft Option” Policing (Revisited)

“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Home Affairs Correspondent Ron Knee speaking. Today I’m in London to report on another ‘pro Palestine’ march…”

” ‘Allo ‘allo ‘allo, what’s all this then?”

“Ah officer, I’m just here to report on the march for our followers…”

“Oh dear oh dear; you’re being openly English in the presence of these peaceful demonstrators. We can’t be ‘avin’ any of that now can we? Move along sir, or I’ll ‘ave to place you under arrest”

“Being ‘openly English’ in England? What on earth are you talking about?”

“Now don’t you get stroppy with me my lad, or I’ll ‘ave you. It’s owt uv hawdur. You’re a blond, blue-eyed white male. You’ve made no attempt to blend in by puttin’ a Yassah Arafat scarf around your face to conceal your hidentity. You’ve not got a SWP placard wiv a pro-Hamas slogan on it, and you’re not chantin’ ‘frum the river to the sea’. Your presence here is hostile, and likely to provoke a breach of the peace, so ‘op it”

“No way Pedro! I’ve got a right to be here *ducks swiftly as a can whistles past head* Look! that person with the green hair and smelly looking clothes just threw a can at me! They’re chanting ‘Nazi scum’ and spitting in my direction. Don’t just stand there, do something!”

“Right sunshine, you’ve been warned. Your presence ‘ere watchin’ is an open act of provocation. You’re under arrest for being openly English in a public place. You do not ‘ave to say anythin’…”

“Oh fuck. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio. Don’t shove your knee in my back. Don’t hit me again officer, I’m not resisting… Help!”

The Standard

Nominated by 1 Geordie Twatt, 2 Ron Knee.

98 thoughts on “THE METROPOLITAN POLICE (6)

  1. Some college has cancelled St George’s day celebrations but carried on with some Eid shite.

    So it goes.

  2. It seems these Keystone flops will do anything except uphold the law.
    I’ve lost all respect for these Muslim loving failures.
    Yet again they kowtow to the people who would cause us harm, and ignore the plight of those who are happy to be in the UK.
    The Met are are bunch of cowards, and are rapidly becoming as anti British as the fucking bastards they support.

  3. Tommy Robinson (real name Steven Yaxley-Lennon) is often contained thus, for the same reason-‘keeping the peace. It was likely to kick off with the nut-nuts if matey had stayed there.
    There’s a whiff of agent provocateur about this very well publicised ‘incident’.

  4. No wonder most people have as much respect for the police as a sun dried dog turd.

    • In the popularity stakes, the Met would be a long way behind a pile of runny dog shit, freshly deposited on your living room carpet.

    • That’s grossly offensive to sun dried dog turds. I demand you withdraw that comment.

      • As a sun dried dog turd I agree – you should be ashamed of yourself BB! #TurdLivesMatter

  5. The met plod are fucking useless unfit ass holes led by lefty ass holes.
    London is doomed. Doomed I tell you.

  6. Never has the label “filth” been more aptly applied than to the Metropolitan Peaceful Pacifiers.

    I look forward to a good number of them being blown to kingdom come when the fluffy bearded ones turn on them and give them a fucking martyring to remember.

  7. Religion, in general, is a cunt. Some more than others, but all cunts.
    If you want to waste time talking yo invisible men in the sky, go for it, not my business.
    It’s when large numbers of similarly deluded cunts get together and start imposing their bullshit on others that the whole thing turns to cuntery.
    The Tiny Hatter was given good advice. He was obviously there to stir up shit.
    People should be protesting the true criminals, those initiating all the problems, governments, who’ve used religion as a tool since the inception of religion.
    I despise all politicians equally

      • I must admit TTCUS, I thought Judaism IS a religion rather than a race. If you’re reading this Jeezum, be a good chap and tell us who is right!

      • It’s more of a culture, a way of life, than a race or religion.

        There are people who consider theirselves to be Jewish, like Sammy Davies Jr, for example, who are not “of obvious Jewish ethnicity”.

        Some observe certain dietary rules, like no pork, and observe certain religious dates.

        I’m not a practising Jew, I like a bacon sarnie as much as anyone. I celebrate Christmas, etc.

        Sorry, it’s a personal choice, like describing yourself as a Christian, but never going to church.

        I bet that’s made it all as clear as mud.

    • The Jewish guy would have to be brave or stupid or both combined to want to put his life on the line amongst that crowd of tossers………..

  8. I love the Keystone Cop’s comments, to paraphrase;

    ‘your presence could antagonise the the protestors’; but, aren’t these protests peaceful?

    ‘I may have to arrest you’; protective custody, for your own good.

    The Met’s policy; don’t deal with those making the threat, arrest those being threatened.

    Remember this?

    The Met’s own special brand of two tier, soft option policing.

    • Attacked by peaceful protesters, it was his own fault for being openly truthful and antagonising the obviously well informed pair of P*ki cunts (probably fucking illegals)

  9. Being openly Jewish in a public place is now an arrestable offence? Bit worrying.

    Perhaps if the police were doing their job, they would have offered to escort the bloke and ensure safe passage through the area.

    • Cop saved his arse and probably a lot of others by preventing an obvious trouble-maker getting his way

  10. I wonder if that anti semitic nazi pigs forebears fought against Hitler in WW2. If they did, bet they are really pround what a total cunt he as turned into.
    Remember boys, Hitler was democratically elected.

    • The rise of Adolf was a fine example of how to take control of a country, a minor party with a lot of muscle.
      The party of Islam is coming!

    • The Jewish blokes name is Gideon Falter.

      He’s a journalist and chief executive for Action against Antisemitism.

      He wasn’t just a random bloke who run into a Palestine demo,
      But still it was brave of him.
      And at the end of the day he’s committed no crime,
      He should be allowed to go anywhere he wants unhindered.

      The coppers words sounded chilling , but I think he was clumsily saying Gideon was putting himself in danger.

      On the news it said Gideon was crossing the road on his way home from synagogue.
      But I don’t believe that.

      I think he went over to show that the nuts on the march would verbally maybe physically attack him.

      Gideon has the balls of a elephant.
      And he got his point across.

      • And it was interesting, enlightening, and rather worrying to hear the copper say that they wouldn’t be able to deal with the marchers if Falter’s presence ‘anatagonised’ them, and they kicked off.

        It’s like an indirect admission that the kind of intolerant and intimidating behaviour that we’ve been seeing on these marches for weeks now is allowed to pass, because it’s easier for the plod to do that than challenge it.

  11. Did he have his winky hanging out with no helmet cover ?

    I see the Y*ds had a little demo yesterday, enough is enough already, I think some were selling Palestinian flags at 10% off, never let it be said that the Jesus murdering bastards would miss an opportunity to make a few shekels

    Miles Plastic RIP.

    • Kinda miss Miles, except for the anti-Jewish stuff.
      He was bizarre as fuck; never knew what was going through his mind.
      The sort of bloke who’d go all Michael Ryan because a ladybird landed on his shoulder.

      • He was a little odd and sometimes entertaining if you could understand what the fuck he was on about ?

      • I liked Miles Thomas.
        He could be very funny.

        His anti-Semitism didn’t offend me seeing as I’m not Jewish.
        But it definitely puzzled me!

        As a Christian you’d think he’d be more inclined to like Jews what with Jesus being a Jew.

      • A supposedly devout Catholic without an ounce of Christianity in him.
        Must have knocked him sideways when the Pope came out and said antisemitism were a sin. ?

      • I am neither a Christian nor a Jew.
        Not one who easily forgives or forgets.
        I’m more a ‘Process Church of the Final Judgment’ man, me. ?

  12. Thank you very much Ron. I see Admin are really on the ball today as we only posted these nominations yesterday.

    Actually I do have some sympathy with the police on the ground dealing with these marches. They’re massively outnumbered by the protestors, so trying to arrest any of them would probably lead to a riot and many casualties. Calling someone ‘openly Jewish’ when they wouldn’t dare use the term ‘openly Muslim’ is beyond the pale though.

    My disgust is really with those in charge. I don’t care if its Rowley, Khan or whoever was Home Secretary at the time (they change so often), someone should have shown some backbone on 7th October and banned all pro-Hamas demonstrations forthwith. That was done in France, Germany and many other European countries, and consequently they haven’t had to put up with any of this shit.

    As usual, a complete abrogation of responsibility by our gutless ‘leaders’.

    • It’s come to something when the French are braver than our cunts. As to numbers, bring the fucking army in to police these marches or ban the bastards altogether. I’m guessing that there are some soldiers who aren’t woke or female or peacefuls.

  13. Fucking fatsos spending their days persecuting Jews, murdering and chopping up women, sharing misogynist rapee shit on Whatsapp, throwing old ladies into the back of the van, dancing with trannies, and stuffing bacon sarnies down their oversized gobs. Of course, this counts as doing their best in difficult circumstances.Cunts.

  14. Jews, natives waving English & Union flags, Christians routinely being threatened with arrest ‘for their own safety’, or for the dubious stance of believing they should be able to stand on a London street in a (just about) free democracy in two thousand and fucking 24 without it being incitement or a public order offence.
    No wonder islam is feeling so emboldened when it is being enabled by every fucker who cow tows to it by holding the easy targets down. For fucks sake get the Law in there next Saturday with tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets if need be. This shite needs to be stopped and a message rammed firmly home. This country will not willing become the western caliphate of Islam and good on the fella for having the balls to stand his ground ?????

    • Fuck rubber, live ammo all round. The peacefuls don’t use rubber bullets or Lego bombs that just go ‘BANG’.

  15. We are reaching a point where the Met should be put under some sort of martial control.
    They clearly can’t and/or won’t deal with muzzie protesters, so I cannot think if any other solution.
    Currently, they are doing nothing but claiming they are mostly peaceful protests, which they aren’t, or trying to deflect responsibility for any disturbance on the ‘far right’, which doesn’t really exist.
    And now this. An open admission of failure. Choosing the easy target and being caught in the act.
    If we could send the military into Northern Ireland, why not our own capital?

  16. Where is JP sticking the boot in to plod?

    In Sainsburys complaining about their meal deals?

    • I think the officer who approached the gentleman in question was trying, in a very clumsy way, to warn him that his safety was at risk,

      I mean, wearing a yamulke! Like a red rag to a bull!

  17. At least the met scum have finally stopped pretending and even their most ardent supporter can see them for the anti-democratic, muzzıe pyjama-kissing cowards most of us always knew they were.
    All other pigs around the country will soon march in lockstep with their met scum mates.

  18. Let the misguided cunts protest if that’s what they want to do, if they think that it will make the slightest difference.
    But give them somewhere to protest and not let them march on public streets.

    Cordon off a section of Hyde Park for instance.

    They can shout, wave their flags, hold up their banners and sing their fucking songs there.

    Make it an offence for them to start their protesting on the way to the park, or continue their protest on their way back.

    Because it is provocative to normal people in London to have to put up with their shit.

    • “Cordon off a section of Hyde Park for instance.
      They can shout, wave their flags, hold up their banners and sing their fucking songs there…”
      Then napalm the cunts! ??

  19. I keep hearing on the news and in the paper’s about the “far Right” .

    Does anyone know where I can join this political party..?

      • I saw that somewhere recently moggie;

        Q; what’s the difference between the A Team and the far right?

        A; you’ve got a chance of finding the A Team.

      • I wonder how people found the A Team when the US Military had such a hard time.
        ‘I know a guy who knows a guy who knows an orderly at the hospital where they kept Murdoch’.

  20. Jahowl Mein Fuhrer.Zeig heil!A comedy of errors.They are first out when the Water Rats take over.?

  21. As a fellow cunter pointed out earlier, the Met Police are nothing but yellow bellied cowards, the old bill giving the Jewish geezer grief would be the first on his knees at a BLM ‘protest’. They are scared shitless of the effnicks……….The Government here and most of Europe have given away our heritage to the Islamists, I know not why or what the agenda is. I,m glad I’m getting older , I don’t want to be around in the next ten years, the prospect of living life in a fuckin caliphate is not a good one. Unless something really fuckin radical happens, like a full on revolution, we are doomed.

  22. I conclude that the police in London are no longer fit for purpose.

    Riddled with Islamic fanatics and far left ideology,they do not represent law and order,they are a politically motivated anti British shower of cunts.

    If we had a functioning Britain First govt they’d clean these cunts out,mass sackings and prison time for the evil fucking swine that have subverted law and order to serve Islam not us.

    I’d go further,the “protest” marches are an affront to our way of life,ban them and send an entire division of the army in to enforce it.

    Anyone involved in anti Israeli violence or promotion of any sort of Islamic extremism,Hamas support or the slightest resistance should be shot on sight.

    Shithouse lawyers,appeasers and cowards that are trying to turn us into a de facto caliphate should all be gassed.

    Crack some fucking fifth column skulls.

    • Evening Unkle, evening all.
      I will never understand why after 9/11 Moslems got a free ride in The West and to carry on with their muderous shenanigans.
      I think they should all be registetered and where possible put in Ghettos and kept away from the indiginous population.
      Sounds extreme? Prevention is better than the cure.
      I am being made more and more right wing every day!

  23. The Met have been treating white people like shit forever in London. Sure having some ethnic variation brightened up their miserable lives up for a while. When I was growing up in west London we got regular shit from the police.

    This time it’s a pedestrian and I’m supposed to be outraged because someone said boo to him?

    As always if these cunts want to protest for or against either side, please fuck off to Israel or Gaza and fill your boots.

    If your British, real British not the imported still loyal to another nation or faith type, please shut the fuck up or start protesting against the shit we have to put up with in this broken down old whore of a nation.

    All this passion for the rest of the world but none for their own country.

  24. Everything is recorded now.

    It must take the fun out of being a copper?

    No.more ‘accidently’ falling down flights of stairs.

    No more ‘ he reached for his gun’.

    No more finding drugs on people that miraculously appear..

    The world is watching..’

    Our old community copper in the 80s wouldn’t of taken any lip off Gideon.

    ” Shift you cunt!”

    Gideons beak would of been around the back of his head,

  25. I’m now doing my Frankie Vaughan impression..

    ‘Give me the Ten Hag.
    Gimme the axe.
    And leave the rest to me…’

      • You’re right Ron.
        But it’s just prolonging the agony.
        Manchester City will be pissing their sides.Coventry would have given them a better game in the final.

    • Wait until the final, his egg ? head will fit in that cup a treat. Is he the most delusional cunt in football? Even Brendan Rodgers would be hard pressed to out delude him.

      Hmmmm BR Manchester United manager?

  26. These useless inept filth are more interested in arresting Joey Barton for ‘upsetting’ that uppity treeswinger Eni Aluko than they are in catching rapists, murderers or robbers.

    And don’t upset their precious pet Palestinians, whatever you do…

  27. Certain members of our Gov, Police and public don’t remember how well appeasement worked out last time.

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