My fellow cunters, I refer you to a report in the Guardian and its broadcast subsidiary, the BBC:
A quick-thinking police officer has prevented a major plot to disrupt London’s weekly Peace March. One openly Jewish person was spotted by the officer in the vicinity of 100,000 people protesting against Israel’s genocide of Hamas, Palestine’s harmless peace-and-love organisation. Sensing a threat to public order posed by one person, the officer brought the situation smartly under control by threatening to arrest the miscreant.
The officer’s actions were backed up by the Head of the Metropolitan Gestapo, Herr Heinrich Rowley, who has announced that in order to maintain public safety, henceforth all Jewish people entering London must wear a yellow Star of David armband embossed with the word ‘Jude’. This will allow his officers to spot potential troublemakers and deal with them in advance.
London Fuehrer und Reichskauzler Adolf Khan commented ‘Arbeit macht frei’.
The Met’s “Soft Option” Policing (Revisited)
“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Home Affairs Correspondent Ron Knee speaking. Today I’m in London to report on another ‘pro Palestine’ march…”
” ‘Allo ‘allo ‘allo, what’s all this then?”
“Ah officer, I’m just here to report on the march for our followers…”
“Oh dear oh dear; you’re being openly English in the presence of these peaceful demonstrators. We can’t be ‘avin’ any of that now can we? Move along sir, or I’ll ‘ave to place you under arrest”
“Being ‘openly English’ in England? What on earth are you talking about?”
“Now don’t you get stroppy with me my lad, or I’ll ‘ave you. It’s owt uv hawdur. You’re a blond, blue-eyed white male. You’ve made no attempt to blend in by puttin’ a Yassah Arafat scarf around your face to conceal your hidentity. You’ve not got a SWP placard wiv a pro-Hamas slogan on it, and you’re not chantin’ ‘frum the river to the sea’. Your presence here is hostile, and likely to provoke a breach of the peace, so ‘op it”
“No way Pedro! I’ve got a right to be here *ducks swiftly as a can whistles past head* Look! that person with the green hair and smelly looking clothes just threw a can at me! They’re chanting ‘Nazi scum’ and spitting in my direction. Don’t just stand there, do something!”
“Right sunshine, you’ve been warned. Your presence ‘ere watchin’ is an open act of provocation. You’re under arrest for being openly English in a public place. You do not ‘ave to say anythin’…”
“Oh fuck. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio. Don’t shove your knee in my back. Don’t hit me again officer, I’m not resisting… Help!”
Nominated by 1 Geordie Twatt, 2 Ron Knee.
This country needs a “far right” revolution. Its the only way to stop this downhill mudslide.
It’s too late for that. We are now in the American model, even a lot of working people are dependent on handouts, they ain’t doing shit.
All of our cities are overrun with imported voters and leftists.
There’s no going back, civilisations rise peak and fall, and once they begin to fall they fall at an accelerated rate.
Our government can find money for Israel, money for Ukraine but can’t find the will or the money to defend our own borders.
We might end up with a far right government but he free Arabic lessons are sure to come in handy. Covering Katie Price in a blanket is also a vote winner.
You are not wrong. I’m going to fuck off to a shack in northern Iceland with just an axe and a fishing rod.
All the sand filth and spoons can do I harp on about how hard done by they are.
I don’t give a fuck about Israel or Palestine.
I don’t give a fuck about Russia or America.
I don’t give a fuck about Asia or Africa.
In fact I don’t give a fuck about anywhere other than Britain and why is it being allowed to become a weak , soft as shit laughing stock!
I care about Russia and America. They can turn this place into a blob of radioactive glass in the North Atlantic.
On the cards either way then?
Excellent nom.
It’s now beyond doubt: Islamists and their useful idiot apologists are a protected species. Along with Pikeys. Same rules apply. Both above the law. Rowley and the Met are platinum grade appeasing cunts of the highest order.
Meanwhile, it’s been a beautiful day, perfect English weather. If this is climate change then give me more! more! more! ?
Fucking self serving chavs cunts. I have no sympathy for these cunts. The only reason they are there is because the system has been spammed with their kind, they will now take anyone and they only care about their pensions. They don’t give a fuck, taking the piss like the rest of the rogues gallery. To paraphrase a quote from Hells Kitchen: “Go home (chav), go home and stuff yourself with twinkies until you have a fucking heart attack on your recliner.” I hope they die soon (er).
if it all goes tits up in the middle east and they really start lobbing bombs at each other we are royally fucked as the raggies have a sleeping army firmly ensconced in our midst ready to take up arms against the evil western Christian honkies , then you will see the political elite changing their tune and running for cover like the spineless shit house rats they are.
Where are regan and fucking carter when you need erm the met have become a load of fucking school kids ever since that lesbian penstioner was in charge
A Jewish man can’t walk across the road without the threat of arrest.
Yet a sack of muslim shite can murder scores of people at a pop concert, they also kill MPs and military personnel. And they still get treated like royalty.
Make of that what you will…..
I fucking hate Muslims.
I’m also hammered.
Night lads and lasses
Jews are mint tho! Bagels, Carly Simon, Toyotas with gold badges.
I see they’ve managed to upset Cuntess Lawrence again and/according to her personal KC(!?) Imran Kunt…which isn’t difficult.
You would also think a Peer of the Realm would be able speak English properly.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Can you imagine a BNP march ? and PC Plod say’s “Sorry but you can’t walk through here – you’re clearly Bl*ck. You need to walk around the long way because you might upset the skinheads” – Never fucking happen.
If you’re a ‘peaceful’ carte blanche to do whatever you fucking like…