A well deserved cunting for one of our wall favourites, the Jones boy has been getting into hot water over comments during a debate with an Israeli journalist.
This one (watch the clip) is absolutely mind boggling even for Owen (tougher than I look) Jones, in fact I think that slap he got outside a pub on Old Street a couple of years ago has actually caused some lasting brain damage.
In the discussion he said that if Britain stops selling arms to Israel it will put pressure on Germany to do the same, ok so far so good but then he says the reason Germany are selling arms to Israel is, well, guilt over the holocaust and by allowing Israel to get their own back on the Palestinians is some sort of atonement.
Owen, you wanker, time to go into one of those nice hospitals where they administer happy drugs.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Owen Jones, Order of the National Cunt.
Morning all.
Another raging flamer, who loves the peacefuls..
Even though after bumming him they would chuck him off the nearest roof..
On a not unrelated theme, here’s the brilliant Andrew Lawrence having a go;
One of the country’s best comedians and commentators; hit by ‘cancel culture’ of course.
Peter piss pot the pig
Hard nut Owen Jones is so difficult to watch for any length of time as i find his weasely voice absolutely unbearable. Maybe it’s the amount of spunk he has swallowed?
Would definately be in the playoffs for cunt of the century award.
I can’t watch anything with this street fighting Bum Bandit in it..a few seconds in and I’ve become a fucking Berserker.
The Raving Socialist deviants are marching to disaster at the hands of the fundamentally ungrateful Islamic scûm they love.
Fuck the whole stinking rabble.
Owen Jones, Street Fighting Man!
Bugger the happy drugs, potassium chloride injection.
Up the japs eye!
He always works himself up into such a state that he looses any sense of reality, well reality associated with normal people and then goes completely bonkers.
The cunt thinks everyone hates him because he is a fruit but that’s not the case it’s because he is fruit and nut.
He must have been wanking furiously yesterday with Tommy R being in London.
Owen is like Katie Prices snatch, far too much publicity for something so repulsive.
Snide little cunt needs to fuck off!
Indeed, 6 doggies. ??????
Best just to ignore it, like a crispy spunk-stain in your undercrackers.
Heard nothing of this crybaby for a while.
Assumed he must have succumbed to the Aids…
Rather disappointed to find out otherwise. ?
£42 million in 2022 in exports of arms to Israel. Small fry. A bit like the odious Jones.
Little Owen hates Starmer, and thinks he is a cunt. Ditto Sugartits Cooper, and Streeting
On this occassion, I will just say my enemies enemy is my friend
About the only people who little Owen doesn’t think are cunts is Hamas and Jeremy Corbyn.
Do you think Owen Jones and Screeching will have a bitch fight then? Handbags at ten paces. Girls first one to cry is the loser.
Alas there are no depths that this dinner basher will not plummet to to try and stay relevant.
I used to get annoyed at this little shit but now i just think “what vile garbage is he spewing now” and just treat it with the contempt it thoroughly deserves. A massive puss infested cunt of the highest order may he rot in the filth and stench of his own rancid fornication.
and………….. relax
Jones has a 5 year old’s grasp of world politics. On the plus side, he is probably an authority on Huw’s arse.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn if Owen Jones was also Philip Schofields little play thing too, who enjoyed a spit-roast at the weekend with Phil one end and Queen Starmer at the other – heads or tails as to who gets the brown hole.
Isn’t he a poofter equivalent of The Worcestershire Warrior? Would he back down? Has he got a bike shed?
We should be told.
Not a bike shed but he has a place for parking rubber tubes.
To describe him as a cunt is to speak too highly of him.
A suitable word is yet to be invented to do justice to the job of summing him up, but I should think a handyman could do something on a pair of lady’s kecks that would be a close approximation of our dear Owen.
Ah bless, he’s trying to grow a beard. ?
He wouldn’t be the first woman to do so.
Shouldn’t some kind of award be coming his way, for being cunted 25 times and not yet forty. Bucket loads more of the stuff is my answer.
An awesome award for little Owen would be a all expense paid trip to Saudi or Iran to meet the mullahs. It may help educate him a little.
Send the cunt to his beloved Gaza to spread the wonderful news about the joys of bumming and spunk swallowing in Gazan schools and universities. I’m sure he’d get a huge welcome.
You mean he isn’t there?
by the way he bleats on i thought he was regularly in amongst the rubble, pulling the bodies out, six at a time with his incredible brawn snd bravery.
It’s not toxic masculinity when the left do it..
Wax on
Wax off
Owen is a martial artist who fought off 30 far Right hooligans in what is known as ‘ the battle of the Blue Oyster’.
I’ll.not hear a word against him.
Stockport’s answer to Bruce Lee.
Mister Miyagay.
MNC, imagine if you will the end of ‘The Karate Kid’…then imagine it’s ‘The Karate Flid’…two people with Thalidomide stumpy hands coming out of their shoulders trying and failing to land a blow in the fighting ring as the gathered crowd of Oscar Pistorius-alikes cheers enthusiastically…
I’d pay good money to see that film.
It’d be funnier than the Paralympics!
Mister Miyagay.
MNC, imagine if you will the end of ‘The Karate Kid’…then imagine it’s ‘The Karate Flıd’…two people with Thalıdọmide stumpy hands coming out of their shoulders trying and failing to land a blow in the fighting ring as the gathered crowd of Oscar Pistorius-alikes cheers enthusiastically…
I’d pay good money to see that film.
It’d be funnier than the Pāralympics!
He should do some 70s style martial arts films!
Enter the dragqueen
Fisting fury
” Be like water”….
Lie in a paddling pool?
Owen in action
This is more like Owen..
Fisting Fairy?
Just the suggestion of his Chinese burns turn ex-Paras pale grey with dread.
It was ‘burns’ i read, wasnt it?
Petulent spoilt schoolboy, the gayness is strong with little Owen.
One day he may grow up. But unlikely.
I would throw Owen Jones to Hamas and let them bugger him to death.
Ony thing is, the little cunt would probably like it.
Push the fairy off a high rise tower block.
Owen Jones’ face matches his personality.
An unloveable mutant cunt.
There’s a bad oyster for him somewhere.
never seen this cunt in action and after reading the comments on here I will avoid him like a raggie does a bath, just looking at his face is enough to get me agitated shouldn’t he still be at school, obviously one of those soft handed wankers who have never done a days hard graft in his life and probably wears gloves for anything a little bit “icky” like having a tinkle.
Gaylord Jones , why don’t you just fuck off to what’s left of Gaza, you annoying little woman