Humza Yousaf – Toast

Humza Yousaf. Proof that ‘positive discrimination’ is not the answer.

This useless idiot has decided to fuck off after making a right pigs ear of trying to run Scotland. He was promoted to first minister not on ability, but the fact he was from the ‘minorities’ proof if proof is needed that being a bit swarthy and from the minorities are not the best qualifications to run a country…….sometimes, yes sometimes the ability to know what you are doing should be more important than ticking race boxes.

BBC News

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

45 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf – Toast

  1. He’ll have to drive a taxi now.

    Poor Hummer.

    One minute your king of all you survey,
    Next, your mopping out shite houses.

    Clearly due to racism
    And the English.

    • He could always be a drugs runner for his brother-in-law.
      They’re good at running family businesses are Asians.

  2. This nomination is clearly a Racist Hate Crime.

    You’re not WHITE, are you, CC?

    Expect a knock on the front door from Scotplod at 4am tomorrow morning.

  3. Yet another useless ethnic cunt, promoted way above his level..

    The fuck-tard can’t stay upright on a scooter over the length of a corridor..
    So let his loose on a countries levers of power.
    What could possibly go wrong..

    Racist, inbred scum..
    Feed him to nessie..

  4. What a truly wretched horrible cunt Yousaf is.

    Please incinerate until his carcass is “huwhite” hot.

  5. There were a couple of things that surprised me in all this. When a couple of weeks ago Hamza dumped both the mad child, transgender policy and the ridiculous “net zero “ targets no-one in the media realised that they were policies inflicted on the SNP by the Green Party as part of their alliance. It was obviously a major u-turn and was going to cause major ructions with the Greens.
    The other was that Hamza is so politically unaware (useless) that he didn’t realise he was writing his own resignation letter when he split with the Greens.

    • I cannot thole with the man, he’s so racist he makes the KKK look like a chess club, but I was actually surprised he had the balls to come out against the, as you so eloquently put it, mad child gender policy, and unsustainable ” net zero”.

      For that alone, I admire him, for saying what the majority of the sane world, regardless of race or religion, are thinking.

  6. See you Jimmy!

    Aye well ya see wee Nicki emptied the piggy bank and there was nae money left for buckfast. Ya dinnea wanna be running the SNP sober do ye?

    • This dick renaged from his agreement with the Greens and then thought they’d back him in a confidence vote. Not what you’d call an astute politician.

    • It wasn’t Useless who made the deal with the Greens it was wee Nicola. Credit where credit is due Useless saw that the Greens views on transgender and targets for climate change were expensive, unachievable, unworkable and unpopular with the voters. Votes to politicians are like money to the rest of us and Useless could see they were haemorrhaging votes, hence he dumped the Greens. Let it be a lesson to the rest of us.

  7. In order for the SNP to function properly it’s best to install a white man in the job.

    Preferably English.

    Then it can concentrate on financing campervans without getting distracted by hate crime and trans phobia.

    • Never been the same since Longshanks and his longbowmen left them to it.

  8. I don’t know what’s worse., Humza , or the cunts who put him there in the first place……where’s William Wallace when you need him……

  9. To be replace by either a white man or woman……


    Why the fuck would anyone white vote for a P*ki, too much fucking Irn Bru or Coke

  10. He fell off the (curried) Gravy Train.

    He only got the job because he’s a fucking raghead.

    If the SNP is so excellent then let them govern without any of our money.

    They’d be lynched within the week.

    A fully stuffed haggis of corrupt windbag Cunts,how surprising.


    • Scotland’s deficit in 2022/23 was 9% of its GDP. It reached 22% in 2020/21 during the pandemic.

  11. Well the SNP Muppet Show has lost Miss Piggy and now Gonzo the Great. So who will take over next – Kermit perhaps?

    Personally I’d give the job to Crazy Harry and let him blow the Wee Pretendy Parliament (Copyright Billy Connolly) to smithereens:

  12. I can’t put into word’s how much joy it gives me to watch the SNP implode and sink faster than the titanic, for the life of me I could never understand why people kept voting for this shit show, obviously blinded by the promise of independence, and watching Braveheart to often !
    Cheerio you bunch of cunts !

  13. a one policy party…..and then the people that voted them in realise they cant actually govern.

    didnt the voters realise if all they are going to campaign for is independence, until that does or doesnt happen, theres a country to run.


    • I was hoping the cunt would try to carry on. if he’d survived the no confidence vote he’d have carried on, the ship without a rudder, sinking the SNP a little further with every day.

      And let’s not forget the comedy value.

      BUT; he’s clearly got a bit of an anti-white chip on his shoulder, and in a country that’s 96% white to boot. Not a good way to endear yourself to people.

      • ron….you are making scotland sound very attractive all of a sudden

        ….especially as i am from the home counties, which is just an extension of inner london dossers, stabbers, and generally those that have a completely opposite understanding of what ‘ normal, rational behaviour’ means nowadays.

        my town on a weekly basis gives itself planning permission to convert shops and office blocks into crap flats and then sells them en bloc to tower hamlets etc councils to house the cunts they dont want….if if you dont want these cunts in london, then they are really bad.

        nice shops are closing weekly as they state the demographic has changed in the town and their designated customer base no longer exists. now we have low end shops and the ‘normal” money laundering shops such as barbers, nail bars, vaps shops, phone repairers and mini marts that barely have a handful of customers all week, but manage to deposit 15k a week in cash to the bank. I know…my sister in law works for said bank

      • You ought to see Sheffield City Centre. It’s full of beggars, Doushkas selling Big Issue and construction workers in hard hats and hi-viz coats.

        It’s absolutely loathsome, I don’t feel safe there and avoid it as much as possible. Thank Heaven for Crystal Peaks and Meadowhall ( although after an hour I’m ‘kill me now’ level of stress)

      • …..and remember Jeezum, you are the hard working cunt paying for those losers.

        like me, it fills you with pride.

        like fuck

  14. Plenty of wee parties in Scotland last night.

    I have no clue how the people of Govan managed to vote for this tool in the first place.

    ? READY ?

  15. Christ, not this cunt again, again, again.

    Fed up of seeing his bearded mug and hearing about him on every main stream news outlet every 30 seconds.

    Being closer geographically to France than Scotchland, I really couldn’t give a flying fuck about who is running the local council up there. Him, Fishy Lips Salmon, Wee Burny or some other criminal cross dressing braveheart type.

    Hamzas only getting the attention cos he’s one of the brown eyed favourites, but he committed the cardinal sins in the eyes of the BBC, in that he pushed back against green net zero bullshit and denied some transbumber geneder bending bullshit (which in all really, his religion explicitly forbids him to support or endorse).

    Hamza, a cunt.
    The BBC, a cunt.
    The Greens, a cunt.
    Scotchland, for taking the English pound, a cunt.
    The SNP. Bunch of anti English racists. A cunt.

  16. SNP are a single issue party, anything else they need to do is of course going to be fucked up. The funny thing is, there’s more of us in England than there is in Scotland who want Scottish independence so we can stop subsidizing their drug habits, unemployment, NHS, and education.

    Glad the tick box exercise has gone though, dumb racist cunt.

  17. The worse things get for the SNP.

    The more seats Labour will win at the GE.

    Joy and gloom at the same time.

    Like listening to Leonard Cohen.

    Fuck that.

    This is who I’d replace Humza, Sunak and the rest with, via a military coup.

    Proper men, proper music.

    Per mare, Per Terram.

    Now get your fucking hair cut.

    You ‘ orrible lot.

    Good evening.

    • Evening, Jack.

      Lovely day, today.
      I only had to wear two jumpers.
      Fucking Hell! Are we having Summer this year?

      Sorry, OT.

      • Prepare for a heatwave JP.

        You’ll be down to your string vest. ?

  18. Plus, the bird of doom ( Robin) is in my garden, every day, and we all know it’s the front runner for the Grim Reaper.

  19. The Scottish Parliament should be disbanded. I only saw 1 woman in 10 interviewed on the telly say, “and that’s why we should have independence”. What!? They can’t keep a first minister without them dying (Donald Dewar), being sacked for sexual harassment (Salmond), resigning due to allegations of embezzlement (Sturgeon) or resigning for being crap (Yousaf).

    John Swinney is too old and Kate Forbes looks as if she doesn’t know the seven times table. She’s so stupid she’d insist “There will be a Scottish Parliament select committee to discuss the seven times table”, and “How much would it cost Kate?” “£110m!”

    Call an election now and get rid of half the SNP and Greens once and for all.

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