(Become a migrant or play the system for 40 years and you’ll probably be better off on benefits! – Day Admin)
Pay close attention people, because this affects working folk who also pay into an occupation or private pension.
NI pays state pension. By reducing it, the state pension is reduced.
Also, the triple lock, without a rise in Personal Allowance, will put pensioners into the tax payable zone for people who are coming up to pensionable age.
I’m just short of 70. I have private pensions, which are taxed.
But I also have a letter, from DWP, that promises me my State pension will never be taxed. I’ll sue the fuck out of them, if they try it.
Anyway, the point is pay whatever you’re saving in NI to a pension, because state pension is a thing of the past.
Also, State Pension will become a benefit, like dole, and will be subject to means testing.
Back to the future, folks.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Moaning about money again.?
Money didn’t seem to bother JP yesterday swanning around York like Charlie Big potatoes!
He must lay awake on his mattress of gold coins worrying about his pension being taxed.
Just enjoy yourself JP.
You can’t take it with you.
I don’t worry about owt.
I know the government works day and night in my interests,
They only want what’s best for us.
I had a great day, Mis. Didn’t have to put my hand in my pocket once, which is a very unusual occurrence when out with either of the girls, or the Lass.
I love York, and the weather was great, too.
As for our Government wanting only the best for us, well someone’s got to believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy, I suppose.
I stopped sleeping on a bed of gold coins some years ago, they’re very lumpy and I have a bad back. I switched to ingots with a memory foam topper, much more comfortable.
Glad you had a good day with your girls Pal!?
Didn’t go that Betty’s Tearooms did you?
We went for a posh tea once.
Scones, tiny little buttys, and little cakes.
Full of fuckin Japs staring at me.
Betty’s would have to pay me appearance money, Mis!
Idiots were queueing in the street, waiting for a table.
Fuck that, I didn’t raise any fools!
Also, their prices! My days, I nearly fainted.
Nice tea though JP.
Earl Grey.
But I felt like a POW with all them Japs.
They should serve them round the back.
I’m a Englishman.
I don’t want to look at a load of goldfish faces while drinking tea.
I got swag, too.
Lovely leather shoes, lined with leather, like slippers, they are.
And a big fuck off gold ring, ideal for backhanding a gobshite!
And some lairy trousers. I love bright colours, these are turquoise.
What? I’m little, I need to be visible for all the pavement riding cunts, on their e-scooters!
Walking stick? I’m using a cattle prod these days.
Nowt wrong with turquoise trousers.
The Hulk wore them.
The State Pension is not taxed, nor is it ever likely to be. It would be political suicide for any party that made it so.
The State Pension (as from this month) is £11,500 pa – that’s £1070 below the current starting rate at which the basic rate of income tax is payable. Obviously when you add private pensions and any other forms of income that you may be fortunate enough to receive (employment, share dividends over £1000, bank/building society interest over £1000, property income over £1000, capital gains, income from directorships, etc, etc,) then of course you’ll have to pay income tax, same as everyone else with income that exceeds the starting rate of over £12,570.
That said, if anyone is agitated about having to pay the lower rate of income tax along with the rest of us plebs, then don’t apply for your State Pension. You don’t get it automatically, you have to apply for it. You can also choose to defer it.
As far as I’m aware, the only income that isn’t taxable is interest earned via cash/share ISAs, Premium Bond winnings, and other cash prizes. There may be other legitimate tax avoidance schemes out there but I can’t think of any more offhand.
Anyway, If NI was abolished the State Pension would then be paid out of the general tax pot.
It’s nothing to get hung about.
Whole load of stories in the MSM recently implying that we can’t afford pensions. Trying to make us feel guilty? No chance, having paid in for a solid forty five years.
Sunak and the other useless fuckers should not have been so keen on wasting £billions on, for example, furloughing bone-idle cunts during the totally unnecessary covids lockdowns. Or paying wannabe nazis for an unwinnable war. No sympathy, Pay up, Tory cunts.
1. NI is not hypothecated to pay the State Pension. It goes into the Government’s coffers along with all the other taxes for them to piss up the wall as they see fit.
2. The Tories are going to be out of office soon so NI is not going to be abolished. In any case, even if they were to win the GE, they can’t afford to scrap it. Promising an end to NI is a load of bollocks.
3. The State Pension IS a benefit, the most expensive of the lot, and it’s added into your taxable income. If it gets to the point where your State Pension exceeds the personal allowance then yes, they’ll happily tax your State Pension. Tough shit, suckers.
4. The next Labour Government will introduce a Wealth Tax. I’m going to love the look on the faces of the Islington lefty millionaires when that happens.
Death and taxes Cunters. Isn’t life just great?
The state pension is already taxed, however the government cunts won’t admit that it’s happening.
I can’t be the only one who has ‘protected payment’, my state pension which includes protected payment is already over the PA of £12570.
Well, fortunately since integrating here, I can claim benefits for my 8 children and I`m working on more.
Here they are, from left to right …
Akim, Placee, Bono, Gazee, [a whitey – don`t know how he got in there], Tur, Com, Bim and of course, little Sam …
Blimey what did you have Sam, two sets of quads and a mutation?
I`m just incredibly fertile, GT. Like a mature manure.
In answer to point 1, it’s known as the Consolidated Fund:
Everything goes there.
Grasping cunts.
That was meant for Geordie, I’m liking your fourth point and warmly agree.
Fucking NIMBY bastards.
Also Lefty cunts.
Just wanted to add that.
Hey Mis, I trust your screaming abdabs have subsided by now.
It’s all bollocks.
The so called politicians will keep on taking from the hard working few to spaff on the feckless many.
Council tax in many areas has increased massively recently.
More immos to house and feed you see. More pension pots to be lined and more gravy trains and vanity projects to be funded.
Still it’s ok as there’s kick ball on. That’ll distract the masses.
Council Tax is going to be the next disaster..
It’ll get “devolved” from central govt control so that councils can charge whatever they like.
The vermin in Westminster will simply shrug and say “It’s up to the local authorities to decided what funds they need,nowt to do with us anymore”.
Shite and the flies upon it.
They are trying to phase it out so that in turn they can phase out the state pension.
They will means test whatever replaces it.
The govt and its appalling welfare bill will just continue to expand but “earned” benefits such as the S.P will disappear,leaving us cunts to fend for ourselves..
Of course useless cunts and hordes of foreign cunts will still be “entitled” to means tested welfare,which will just expand until.the whole unfunded shithouse scheme collapses.
I seem to think we are being robbed.
Totally O/T but can anybody square this with a sexy young dancer, back in the 70’s, with Hot Gossip?
Moon faced bint is a fucking stuck up diva.
….with a beautiful voice. Alessandro has a great tenor.
I’m guessing you like either/or/and Billie Eilish or fucking rap/house/fucking bongo shit.
You’re guessing wrong numb nuts, have another drink you deluded cunt.
Yep, you’re a rapper alright, full of shit.
I’m surprised that 4 year olds are allowed on here.
Pan’s people were best, that Babs
Didn’t she lose her heart to a Starship Trooper?
I’m 40 now and I’ve set myself a target of dying when I’m as round 58 or 60. Fuck paying into a pension it’s all a con.
I’m going to be like my old granpop and live to 103 just so the grandkids get pissed off waiting to sell my house
Way to go, Spud.
Long before you’re 103 your house will be requisitioned by the coming Islamist government to accommodate the hordes of Muslims transported to this country.
Unless you’re currently 102, obviously. ?
That would be me, Shits.
I’m going for cat years, here.
I’m 70, so that would make me……
They deserve a trip to Unkle T’s industrial sized heater ☹️
There is no UK state pension fund.
There should be trillions of pounds accumulated which should be invested to make massive amounts of interest.
But there is absolutely nothing.
Effectively, money paid into the system on a Friday is paid out as pensions on a Monday.
Nothing is left over.
The result is the worst and most miserly pension in Europe.
People are told that immigration is necessary as those people will be the ones paying for the state pensions of everyone else.
The only reason why an immigrant, or anyone else for that matter should have to prop up payments that other individuals have made during their working lives is because successive governments have robbed the state pension pot.
Reluctantly paying someone a few hundred pounds a week after they have worked all their lives and paid for a pension is a fucking disgrace.
And telling them that they should be grateful for mass immigration in order to get out a fraction out of what they have paid in is outrageous.
If any private pension company worked the same way they would be shut down and the directors jailed.
There never really was a pension fund. Any payments were into a pot that was immediately paying out more than it was receiving. It was a con from the start.
Pity they didn’t follow Norways example. All the monet from North Sea oil goes in a big fucking pot and they live off the interest.
Mind you they tax fuck out of alcohol. Anything over 4% and you can only get it from an official government shop. (Bethen, the 2nd city only has two of them). Its what stopped me moving there. How am I supposed to get my nuts wet if everyone is sober?? Cunts.
It’s not long ago that they increased NI to pay for extra healthcare. Now they’ve reduced it and with a desire to get rid of it all together. If 35 years of contributions is enough to get the full State pension, why do we have to contribute more? Stop changing everything!
Fully enriched..
By fetid savage scúm.
Fresh off the boat ?.A shit show.
It’s not their fault. It’s their culture innit!
Take a log splitter to his family.
Fellow cunters may like to know that a few months ago a letter turned up at Casa Cunter from the DW&P in the UK.
Fuck knows how they found me but I am informed that I can now draw my UK state pension.
Just a 5 minute phone call is required along with some information.
This is after I paid into the UK system for no more than 5 years back in the 80’s.
At first I was expecting fuck all but after talking to people here they tell me that I might as well claim the pension as I will get the minimum.
That will not be a lot, but enough to pay for a car.
If I hadn’t been told about my entitlement then I wouldn’t have been any the wiser.
Another waste of money by the UK authorities, but this one is in my favour.
The few hundred that I get will top up the monthly pension of just over 3.000 euros that I will get here for paying in for the last 20 years or so.
Just for comparison.
Get it claimed, Art.
Sooner, the better.
I will, but I have had no time to sort it Jeezum.
At first I thought that it was either a piss take or someone after me for an ancient debt.
I suppose that I have nothing to lose.
Not a thing, Art.
Go for it, mate.
Claim it. Better you than some carpet kissing dinghy driving bomb maker
I’m looking to sort that stuff out myself. Is it better to go private or just put more into my one at work?
Opie, it depends.
Some companies match increased payments into company pensions. So, if the company pension is protected from a “Maxwell style” raid, go for it.
Otherwise, invest in speaking to a Financial Advisor. Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can possibly help.
Thanks JP.
Can I add a caveat here, Opie.
If you work for a large company, for example British Gas, that’s unlikely to go tits up before you retire, then pay extra into your company pension.
Consulting a Financial Advisor will cost you, and it’s in their interest to direct you towards what they will get commission for, usually you first years payments.
But hey ho, got to make a crust somehow.
Hmm, where I work is technically its own business but is part of a wider chain. I’m undecided though as to whether I want to stick around there or move on to somewhere different.
O/T – anyone have Joe Kinnear in the Deadpool?
Johan Kebab.
As funny as that was at the time it does make me wonder if his mind was starting to go at the time.
I never bothered with a pension.
I’m like the Peter Pan of pop Clifford Richard..
I only age around the neck.
I plan to live off the charitable generosity of my fellow ISACs.
Sure I’ll be fine.
The ‘Peter Pan of Pop Clifford Richard’….well I hope you are not planning on us buying any of your earthy calendars.
Well, I’m certainly going before you, Mis.
You’ll have my antique wooden button collection to sell, when times get hard.
That’s a cracking idea LL!!!?
A ISAC calendar.
Say it’s for a charity, what’s topical?
A sooty tranny kid with long COVID!
Obviously I’ll trouser any money just like a real charity.
You can be January.
In your wellies
Naked but with a plant pot covering your winky.
I’ll be march through to June.
Centre spread.
Draped over the van bonnet seductively ?
You can be a bank holiday Monday?
I’m so excited.
I’ll wear a Sou’Wester, with matching coat and wellies.
I could be August!
Of course public sector pensions are index linked and locked in, so no worries for politicians, civil servants and other cunts who make our lives difficult.
And when they resort to Project Fear Pt4 by suggesting the State can’t afford state pensions, well that’s utter bollocks. Just resort to QE and let future generations pay up. I haven’t spent the last 40 years working and studying my bollocks off just to see my state pension fritter away due to taxation and personal allowances remaining frozen for the next x number of years!
The government is spending anything up to £8m per day on migrant arrivals – up £2m on last year! Throw in the £40bn we have to pay the EU as a penalty for Brexit, plus the billions pissed up the wall over HS2, and the £500bn blown on Furlough, Track and Trace and Nightingale Hospitals, and then add then huge debt repayments on the £3Tn on our overall debt to all and sundry. And no one in power seems to give a shit other than squeeze the Little Man with ever more taxation and means testing.
Anyway, fuck it. The wife and I are heading off to Odense, via Copenhagen, Denmark tomorrow for 90 days again. A country not quite as fucked up as the UK, but only a matter of time I suppose.
Can’t blame you, Techno.
Keep in touch.
O/T and for Sir Limply.
I find, if I have more than 1 link I’d like attached to a Nom, that if I attach one.
Then post.
Then hit reply to own post with the additional link with “extra/additional link, Admin”
Admin are usually very obliging, unless the additional link is irrelevant.
So many thanks to Admin today, for including my additional link.
When left HM service, Gawd bless ‘er the govt told me that I could draw my pension, however I would get 5% deductions for every year early of age 60, which in effect meant I’d lose 50%! As I continue to work, they must be a bit disappointed I didn’t take them up on their very generous offer!
I’m late to this nom. Your state pension “is” taxed but very sneakily. Because HMRC take the amount you receive off your tax code thereby leaving you with a smaller amount of tax allowance to offset against any other income ie private pensions.
So the idea of tax free state pension is a LIE..!
O/T … interesting little thing I’ve come across.
Arch, I’ve always suspected this, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
By the time I retire in 20 years time fuck knows what the state pension arrangement will be. However, I am a bit worried about it because Scotland has slightly different tax brackets. If they abolish or means test the state pension I’ll be very angry and would demand a refund of the full amount I invested in National Insurance PLUS interest. The robbing cunts.