Digital Voice (2) and Telemetry

Here’s a nom I really need Techno to wade in, with insights. (Check out his nom -Day Admin Digital Voice )

Right, by next year the old style landline network is going to be switched off, in favour of voice over Internet protocol ( VOIP).

OK, but what about telemetry?

What’s that? It’s security alarms, personal alarms for vulnerable people, home dialysis equipment that uses telemetry to adjust delivery, and multiple other uses.

Apparently, some devices will still work, as long as they have power.
Praying for there not to be a power cut, but buying a power pack, genny anyway.

Log cabin in the woods, anyone?

Age UK

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

55 thoughts on “Digital Voice (2) and Telemetry

  1. The Age UK link seems to have taken a one-way trip to Switzerland.

    Which is exactly what those in charge want the old, sick and vulnerable to do. The State’s attitude is if you’re costing them money then fuck off and die.

    • The State’s last overt bid to kill off the old and sick was to send Covid patients into the nursing homes, with some success. Phase two: Technology.

      • Pumping them full of Midazolam was the state’s overt bid to kill the elderly in care homes.

        Small wonder they barricaded the places shut from all visitors etc.

        The bastards responsible for this massive murder need a date with the hangman’s noose.

    • So it has. Bugger!

      Techno nom, link thoughtfully provided by Admin, is worth a read, though.

  2. Age UK may be underestimating old people.

    There was anticipation for them being totally confused when colour televisions were introduced.
    When we stopped using Pounds, Shillings and Pence.
    When groceries started being sold by the kilo.

    Somehow old people (and that would include myself now) have managed to struggle through.

    Nobody likes change.

    • I didn’t know about telemetry.
      Our landline is only there as part of the broadband package.
      It hasn’t worked in ages.
      But we don’t use it anyway due to all having mobile phones.

      It occasionally still rings(elderly?)
      But it’s pointless trying to answer it as it’s just crackling on the other end.

      Suppose the landline has gone the way of the telegram and the gas mantle?

      • Three deliveries of post a day, white fivers, hansom cabs, Gamages, Lyon’s Corner House…and we call this progress!

    • Change is inevitable but not necessarily for the better. I think a great many people would say that the change in the size and ethnic make up of the UK population over recent decades has not been an improvement. Most change is driven by economics. The natural spin off is the marketing of superfluous stuff no-one needs. Washing machines with scores of programmes where almost everyone only ever uses two. Literally hundreds of television channels most of which are unwatchable. Touch screens in motor cars FFS? Come on, that’s taking the piss! But I guess we’ll just get on with it and the world will keep turning. The worst of it anyway will just run into the sand and disappear like the net zero bollocks for example.

      Very good morning all and don’t buy crap you don’t need.

  3. Is this JP moaning again..

    Probably has a personal bodyguard and a on site nurse..

    Brand new iPhone just for emergencies..
    Still nice if him to think of us peasants..

  4. Analogue had its good points. Ask the wankers in the high street who are unable to trade when the power goes down. It was also much harder to fiddle election results. People are turning back to vinyl now the realise that Spotty is just a cuntish way to make you pay forever, and censor your listening experience. Oh, and while we are on the subject, AI is not your friend you dozy cunts.

    So that’s lost ability to trade; rigged elections, shit and overpriced music, spies in your house and no real friends – a small price to pay for progress?

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Good points well made Twenty. I recently repaired our forty year old Dual deck. It failed a few years ago and I hadn’t got round to it. When I played the first disc to test it I was reminded how astonishingly good it sounds. As for a spy in your house, or as the pedlars like to call them “smart speakers” who the fuck wants or needs one?

      • Oh that’s nothing Twenty. We also inherited an “Edison Gem” phonograph dated 3/10/1905, serial no. 218700 from Orange, New Jersey with a box of 25 cylinders. I’ve got that fully working as well.

    • AI is only as good as the shite it farms. If we all made a steadfast effort to search for ‘Boris Johnson is a cunt’ hundreds of times a day for a month then our harvested data would be useful.

      ChatGPT: Who is Boris Johnson?
      A: A cunt.

      The key being to get the word cunt associated to Boris in the LLM.

    • Would digital communication have been a boon at Greasy Grass, General? I suppose drones might have come in handy!

      • Don’t know about Greasy Grass Twenty, but they would have been a positive boon and beyond handy at the Little Big Horn.

      • The greasy grass IS the Little Bighorn.

        It’s the Native American name for it.?

      • Good late morning (here in the States) Cunters,

        I must confess that until this nomination I never heard of the Battle of the Greasy Grass.

        That’s because as far as I can tell it’s a woke revisionist renaming of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

        The reason for the renaming is the leftists celebration of the Red (colored) man’s defeat of the evil White racist Imperialists.

        Officially it is still referred to as The Battle of the Little Big Horn or Custer’s Last Stand.

        This article was first written in 2009 and was updated in 2020.

      • Britannica doesn’t refer to it that way either and I didn’t see it referenced that way in any of their supporting articles (although I skimmed it rather quickly):

        So you guys are more woke than me.

        Your country is finished

      • Funny, I knew it as that even back in the late 80s.

        Maybe you are like me?
        I’m bad at grammar
        You don’t know your own countries history.

      • Surely it would be more accurate to describe it as:
        “The first Great Replacement’s defeat at the hands of the indigenous people.”
        PS: This Country is Finished*
        * © RTC

      • Really?

        Native American histories were passed down orally.

        Here is an article detailing the discovery of some documents…written in Old German…which was apparently the first written record of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

        These letters, written in the 1930’s came to light in and were 3rd person accounts of the Battle translated sometime in 2020.

        So unless these oral histories were relayed to you by the Lakota…or you could read an obscure pioneer German dialect, I seriously doubt that you knew of this in the 1980s.

      • Really.
        It’s been in referred to that way in films and documentaries for decades.

        You should of paid attention
        Learnt something about your country rather than informing on classmates no doubt?

      • I’ll admit I’m wrong and stand corrected if you provide some proof.

        1999 do you?
        But I’d heard the term before this .

        It’s mentioned in a book about Black Elk.
        Where I heard about the disgusting cowardly treatment of woman , old people, on the Trail of Tears.

        You’ve heard of that haven’t you?
        If you want a link look it up yourself

      • Wounded Knee is the name Lakota name of a later battle. Why shouldn’t the Lakota name Grassy Green be equally relevant? Not sure what there is to argue about here. Little Big Horn and Grassy Green are both valid names for the same battle.

        Fucking hell, I am turning into Henry Kissinger.

      • We both knew the term ‘greasy grass’ 20.
        Dunno about you but I’ve known it for years.

        I like stories of the Old West.

        Billy the Kid , Jesse James, Crazy Horse.

        Fascinating stuff.

      • Yes, MNC. (I meant Greasy Grass in above post, obvs. I love the history of the Old West too. The settlers were incredible people, life must have been brutal. Amazing times. Not so long ago in the big scheme of things.

    • James A michener mentions the ‘Battle of the greasy grass river’ in his epic historical novel ‘Alaska’ in 1988′ Gc.

  5. A lot of the analogue devices can still be used without a PSTN line. SIP adapters are dirt cheap and can provide the alog functionality required. We already have routers you can connect along devices to, it’ll just be a case of the manufacture reconfiguring the router to use it as a SIP to alog gateway port (FXS).
    This won’t cause a problem and is a good thing. Our UK exchanges are ancient in comparison to the rest of the modern world, even behind bloody Mexico. This is a good first step on the road to modernization.

    • Fair comment on SIP adapters RtoF but I’d suggest for the average domestic user it just means another bloody little box with flashing lights which he has to ensure is properly connected and powered up. When we went on the fibre recently I went to an ISP who supplied a router already set up with the analogue phone socket. When the guy installed it I just plugged in an old analogue phone and checked it worked. If it doesn’t it’s the ISP’s job to sort it. We have four analogue phones daisy chained around the house so I had to make up a cable to connect the chain into the new router. A niggle to me but possibly a problem for a user who’s not a bit tech savvy.

  6. Landline phones are a fucking pain in the arse..always some foreign cunt trying to scam you or a robot mithering about double glazing or some other shite.

    Got rid of ours years ago,they are just a nuisance used as a tool to rob elderly people.

    Mind you broadband companies are all cunts as well,running everything off windmill electric is a cunt and the govt won’t be happy til all their shitty “services” are online only and never work.

    Oh and the mother in law had one of these VOIP phones installed and the fitter was a cunt.

    Good morning.

  7. The logic is probably that many of the vulnerable, old people who managed to get through the pandemic probably voted for Brexit anyway so fuck them.

  8. I thought telemetry was the flight paths of planes and satellites. Blick Boxes and all that jizz.

    Back to the real reason the Internet was invented for, online porn. Try getting that on a landline.

  9. I bought 3 bushels of i-phones the other day on the Amazone together with 2¾ pecks of batteries. Come on, people – keep up with the tech! ☎️

  10. My poor old gran never got to grips with decimalisation.

    And she’d berate innocent bus drivers who had the audacity to ask for a fare in the new coinage.

    Even as a kid I got this.

    Change is confusing.

    I still call snickers marathons,
    Starburst Opal fruits
    Pop and fizzy drink I call mineral

    My kids laugh at this.

    I can’t keep up with change.

  11. I thought that businesses weren’t going to be affected with the landline change over. A few months ago we needed our vet urgently but when calling them we just got a humming sound. Partner took pet straight there anyway. On arrival receptionist told him that the internet/phone line had been down all morning causing them and their clients a lot of upset. How the fuck is this progress! I’d like to know that we can always be able to contact our vet when ever we need to, and the complete loss of landlines is a worry. I also think it’s the governments way of forcing everyone to have a smart phone so they can track us all.

    • `Big Brother` is watching, Jill.
      Or should that now be `Big Sister`?
      It`s difficult keeping up with things these days, isn`t it.

      • Maybe Jill’s right?
        Maybe it’s Big Brothers way of being able to keep tabs on the population?

        But I d not worry,
        If they’re anything like Police Scotland your pretty safe!

        You can make explosive devices in the kitchen but don’t misgender anyone
        And you’ll be fine.

  12. It wasn’t that long ago since my family were using gas mantle lighting and candle light when we couldn’t afford to pay the bill. Our wireless ran from an accumulator acid battery that needed charging every so often when it ran down. Such luxuries.

  13. Good evening Cunters,

    Despite Jeezum’s excellent advice, I ask your indulgence and take a moment of personal privilege.

    There is an exchange above about the Battle of the Greasy Grass officially known as the Battle of the Little Bighorn. No need for me to recount it as you can read it for yourself.

    At one point MNC alleges that he has known the term; Battle of the Greasy Grass since the 1980s and offers a link to support my challenge to his claim.

    Posting a link to a documentary made in 1999 to support a claim of proof dating from the 1980s is problematic at best. Nonetheless, I said I would admit I was wrong if so proven so I did him the courtesy of watching the entire 49 minute video.

    Much to my surprise, NO WHERE in this documentary is the Battle of the Little Bighorn referred to as the Battle of the Greasy Grass.

    I watched the entire documentary and the Battle of the Little Bighorn is NEVER referred to as the Battle of the Greasy Grass.

    The narrators, including one Native American ALWAYS…EACH and EVERY time refer to it as The Battle of the Little Big Horn.

    In fact the documentary is titled; “Little Big Horn: Return to the Battle.”

    Obviously, MNC has proved nothing…except the extraordinary lengths he will go to…including lies, distortions, falsehoods, mis and dis-information to discredit me.

    I know some of you are sick of this shit. As I am and I’m sure the Admin Team is as well. I can be accused rightfully of not rising above.

    But there are those here who are so desperate to Troll and discredit me they will resort to anything to make me look bad or drive me away and they are relentless in their efforts.

    I will try in the future to rise above.

    But before I do one last shot:


    Upon further review the ruling on the field is reversed and a Red Card is issued for unsportsmanlike conduct.

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