Deer Creek School District of Edmund Oklahoma

Progressives always say more money will solve everything that’s wrong with the American educational system. Accordingly, the Deer Creek School District decided to hold a fundraiser.

The main event…students laying prone on the ground while licking the bare feet of adults.

When I first saw the story about the “Toe Licking Game” I thought it was a parody. I thought, the Onion…the Lampoon…maybe even a Python reunion was behind this. But sadly, as the video shows, it’s all true.

Somebody in a position of power thought this was a good idea. Beyond that, this same somebody actually, thought people would pay money to see this.

The School District has defended itself by saying the kids all signed up voluntarily so no one was hurt.

But I won’t be surprised if some of the School District Board Members end up getting hurt by the good people of Oklahoma.

A foot up the ass and then licking it clean would seem appropriate.

Nominated by: General Cuntster

35 thoughts on “Deer Creek School District of Edmund Oklahoma

  1. In the immortal words of Richard Littlejohn “You couldn’t make it up”
    Jesus, what is the world coming too?

  2. I suppose it makes a change from the window licking game at Harvey Price’s school.

    In my day it was the teacher’s arse we had to lick.

    • lucky harvery always gets the back seat on the bus all to himself, with the biggest window to lick

    • Harvey is the only kid who’s guaranteed never be sexually abused, now Harambe is dead

  3. Kweer freek school district of Okinawa.

    Something deeply flawed with anyone who thinks it’s fine to have school kids lick their toes.

    Prince Andrews not on the school board is he?

    • no but fergie is, she liked her toes sucked, don’t hear of any bloke wanting to go near that gingerminger anymore

  4. I love the way that the commentator warned viewers that they might find the content ‘graphic’!

    ‘No students were harmed during the making of this film’.

    Honestly, you’ve just got to laugh.

    Morning all.

  5. Okis gone wild.

    This is worse than Steinbeck could ever have imagined.

    Bring on the purge.

  6. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯
    klahoma, where the wind comes sweepin` down the plain
    And the wavin` feet smell like a ɹǝɓɓᴉu in heat
    When we lick the cheesy bits from in between …
    ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

  7. Hair Sniffin’ Joe is somewhere behind this, mark my words. ‘Pass me another, this one is split.’

    Good morning, everyone.

  8. And the kid diddler who thought this whole thing up? He’ll be promoted to level 33 in his local baby sacrificing coven for services to the Klaus Schwab occult.
    If I was young again I certainly wouldn’t have kids, the world has gone full twilight zone

    • .. and yet stupid cunts are still shitting them out, hand over fist .. condemning the poor innocent(at birth) little bastards to ‘this’, but far, far worse ..

      Here’s a dystopian little prediction occurred to me the other day. The heinous crime of stranger-rape (in the western world) shall reach ever higher numbers year on year going forward (which has probably been the case for a long time anyhow) .. but in the not too distant future .. the ever increasing (in ever increasing numbers of participants) variant : the GANG rape ; – will actually outnumber the singular version.

      Just a hunch.

      • Neutered as soon as I could find a neuterer that would perform a vasectomy on one of my then tender years… had to get a female friend to play the fiancee that ‘didn’t want kids either’ …

        Best choice I ever made …

      • At least opinionated arse has a little bum buddy in you to keep him warm, you are sweet

  9. This is just kiddy fiddling legitimised and is yet another facet of the managed decline in values to elicit social breakdown and the board of governors should be purged at the stake.
    We need to stop scoffing at what gets popularly termed conspiracy theory and denounce it as conspiracy fact, these aren’t random events.

  10. Get real, the cheerleaders team should have done a cock sucking event, tickets for the participants $500

    Toe sucking is so lame ?

  11. I remember we used to get the slipper and cane as punishment off the teacher.

    Modern teachers would pay pupils to slap their arse with a cane.

    That poor Michael J Fox .
    He’d get into no end of trouble now as a time travelling teenager.
    What used to be a panto dame is now invited into schools to tell kids they’re possibly tranny’s.

    No wonder he shakes like fuck!

  12. I’m surprised Sleepy Joe didn’t redirect Marine One and land on the school sports field when he heard about this.

    • Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games….

      ….Watch it bring you to your
      Sha-na-na-na-na-na knees, knees
      Oh, I wanna watch you bleed.

      Don’t know why he didn’t boot stumper in the heed.

  13. Looking at some of specimens who teach kids these days, you’d want to look on their hard drives before they even went for teacher training.

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