Davos Man

Davos Man is the latest evolutionary development of our political class, following on from the wholly more appealing Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal Man, both of which are superior.

You will know the type. They infest the political classes in this country and abroad – Sunak, Trudeau, Varadka, Blair, Macron, Starmer, Obama…the list is endless. The aim of Davos Man is to make themselves and their countries appear superior by virtue signalling and complying with the Davos Agenda. Real political issues of concern to ordinary voters are dismissed as right wing extremism. The agenda of Davos Man is Net Zero, Open Borders, multiculturalism and the weakening of nation states. Any departure from this agenda is condemned and opposed by whatever anti-democratic chicanery they can dream up. As long as Davos Man can go to Davos, preen and virtue signal and make themselves look superior, even at the cost of the welfare of their domestic electorate and their countries.

Davos man is a cancer on our political landscape. Their favourite journals are the Economist and the beautifully produced but utterly dire, boring and turgid Monocle magazine. They travel from international quango to international quango business or first class but give not a damn for the welfare of their own countries, only “how it looks on the international stage”, which they invariably get wrong. Style over substance. A plague on all their houses.

business review

Nominated by MMCM.

50 thoughts on “Davos Man

  1. Beyond righteous, this is a World Class nomination.

    Hats off 2900!

    Homo Davosian takes his place beside Homo Shitholian as an existential threat to civilization.

  2. Left vs Right is so last century. The real political divide now is the Elite and their useful idiots vs the People.
    Keeping the bulk of the world’s finite resources for their own use is their goal, achieved by stoking fear amongst the serfs (Covid/climate/WW3) to keep them under control and compliant.
    I hate these bastards more than I can say. I hereby sentence them all to death.

    Morning all. Nice day.

    • Seconded, and might I humbly offer my services as state executioner, promise i’ll make it as painful as possible, cut their heart out with a spoon

  3. I had a particularly pugnacious mix of pasta, cheese, oil, garlic and chilli for dinner last night, and the evil toxic slurry that I’m producing as I sit on the throne and read this nom is like rose water by comparison to your WEF outflow.

  4. “Davos They” wants pushing up against a wall and shot at point blank range using an MG-44.They are the cancer of the world.I hate them.Adolf Klaus needs to visit Dignitas.

  5. AKA the traitor class,
    managerial elite.
    globohomo wrong’uns.

    The people often referred to as globalists whose lapdog media outlets like CNN and LBC decided is an anti-semitic smear.

    Complete shite to shut down criticism of their masters, not that being labelled anti-semitic seems to worry half the country these days.

    • ever seen those ovens at Auschwitz, you couldn’t get Warwick davis in one if you folded him up, heating flues

  6. The Robber Barons of the 21st century.

    A Peasants Revolt is long overdue.

    They can lie and posture as much as they like but their heads are going on pikes I very much hope.

    The real world is going to bite these cunts hard.

    Good show.

  7. Nice little cunting.

    The fucking place wants a bomb on it, when all the cunts are visiting.

    If proof were needed as to who runs the shit show a quick glance at the ‘news’ this morning will show that the UK Royal Navy is sending a ship to help with the ‘humanitarian efforts’ in Gaza.

    Fuck Gaza, Fuck Palestine. That unelected pig fucker of a foreign secretary and Davos devotee was pontificating again about Israel following international ‘law’… my retort to the radio…. Have the terrorists released all the hostages yet?

    Why can’t the RN send a ship or two along the straights of Dover?

    Why in the middle of a cost of living crisis (their words) have we got so much money to spaff away overseas, when people are going to food banks and choosing between heating and eating (their words) ?

    Good morning and fuck off.

  8. Davosman, not to be confused with Davros, slthough how long before the BBC and Disney remove him from Doctor Who completely because of negative association, or change his name to Brexidion Gammo?

    • Too true. Although Davros is a wholly sympathetic and likeable chap compared to Davos Man.

      • I do wonder how Russell T Davies would cast Davros now because surely if he will only cast gay people in gay roles then surely he would have to teleport himself to the bowls of Area 51 to find an appropriate humanoid??

        Or am I overthinking it??

  9. This has been my ongoing argument when in discussion with friends face2face or with posters on various news forums. They bang on about virtue signalling issues, such as race, gender, net-zero and all that shite, but they’re missing the far bigger picture!

    There is most definitely a class war going on around the western world – not so much the upper and middle classes shitting on the Little Guy, although I will admit that still goes on, but to a much lesser and local degree.

    What the real issue is the global overlords – they are the Master Class that no one elected, no one even knows about, and no one has little control over. We’ve all heard of WEF of course, but then you have the more familiar names such as WHO, the UN, The World Bank, IGO, The IMF, TNC and of course the EU (where we do get to elect MEPs, or at least we did before Brexit).

    There are many other global organisations that we’ve never heard of, but seem to have garnered huge amounts of political, social and economical control. And yet the people who run these things were never elected by us, and we have very little say in what they say or do.

    National governments are nothing more than local councils these days. You look at the Tory manifesto during the 2019 election campaign, and it makes very little mention of Net Zero and its consequences, at least not on the first couple of pages. Instead its buried deep so as not to cause too much concern or put people off. But because we voted Tory purely because we either hated Labour or wanted “Brexit Done”, the Net Zero policy was overlooked as something that will never happen!

    But Net Zero, is all part of the “UN2030 – Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals”. Something we didn’t vote for, but has now been foist upon up via a buried policy in an election manifesto that we technically voted for!

    The People should look at the bigger picture and realise we’re getting fucked over, while doing the bidding of our unelected puppet masters!

    • This post is as solid as the nomination.

      Especially, the part about the bigger picture.

      Hats off to you too Techno.

    • ‘ Sustainable Development Goals’, my opinion is that this fudge is a signal that capitalism has run its course. A soft hint.

      You need capital?
      No problem, buy some debt!

      Trickle down economy? A sliver may trickle down but the real money goes up – often to the faceless man.

      All the big numbers have a minus in front.

      The common man is fucked.

      Eat the rich! (and anyone who took a knee)

      [I’ve been on Gen AI training for two weeks and, obviously, it’s getting me down. Doom and gloom.]

    • Glonal net zero makes a bit more sense than national targets. The UK going net zero wont really do much if China, Russia and the Gulf States keep increasing emissions, and they have done since Kyoto, which means its all pointless talking about net zero when you see the actual figures and who is pushing up the CO2 concentration, whethet you buy into AGW or not.
      No amount of carbon caprure is going to reverse the Megatons per minute heating going on in the atmosphere and oceans, and this will continue for hundreds of years even if there were was a stop to all human emissions tomorrow.
      Whichever way you look at it, Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Proles Oil are either hysterical, or a generation -perhaps two- too late.

  10. So many cunts in one place at the same time. The cuntitude wouid destroy a mortal man.

  11. I do hate the description ‘Elites’, they are just grasping, corrupt control freaks. No better than you or me just richer and have huge egos.
    Nuke Davos and all the cunts and the World would be better.

    • Davos is where Tory MPs go to find a boyfriend.
      William wragg goes there.
      Hands out flyers with everyones contact details on it.

      You can claim gold lame hot pants on expenses for your visit.
      But not feather boas.

      • There was some fucking MP on the wireless yesterday, bleating that they needed more security.

        No they don’t.

        They need more common fucking sense and stop posting photos of their arses, cocks and underpant sniffing on Grindr.

        William Wragg…. Softy Walter made flesh.

        The filthy cunts.

        Good morning MNC / All ??

      • Morning Jack ?
        You winning pal?

        Willy wragg is the MP for Hazel Grove in Stockport.
        He famously moved back to live with mummy and daddy saying he couldn’t survive on a MPs salary?!

        If you drive 10 minutes down the road you can visit Vicarage road where Angie Rayners controversial home is.

        As a kid I used to play around there with my cousins, my Gran living on the next road, Willis road.

        Stockport is chock-full of political pisstakers.

      • PS. If you’re in The Peak District today and come across one of those signs they’ve put up, pointing to Meccano.

        You know what to do ???

      • I’ve been thinking about that.
        Dunno exactly where they are but I’d like to find one!


        A row has broken out between New Mills and Keighley about the Railway Children.

        Apparently the author used to visit New Mills.
        And visit her sister in nearby Mellor.

        Keighley is outraged by the idea that the Railway Children was set in the Peak District.
        Calling for a war.

        But theres a house in Mellor called ‘3 chimneys ‘(sounds familiar?)
        And from there you see below the railway line and…..a train tunnel.


      • MNC@. I’m ok, but pissed off with the weather. Everywhere is saturated, making work difficult.

        Funny you should mention The Railway Children.

        Me, The Hound and Ethel are off on a three day jaunt tomorrow, we’re staying near where it was filmed.

        Yorkshire probably has the strongest claim for location, as Oakworth station actually exists and is still in use.

        Although it’s quite possible that the author mixed in a bit of New Mills, with the Three Chimneys reference.

        We went round about this time, last year.

        Me and Ethel re enacted the ‘ Daddy, my daddy ! ‘ scene on the platform at Oakworth.

        Daft old cunts.

        Hehehehe ?

      • Daddy, my Daddy…I never cry but fuck me years ago when I first watched that shot as the train steam cleared on the platform, I admit it, I sobbed, her indoors thinks i”m a soppy tart, she don’t even cry at Lassie…hard bint

  12. There’s always something a smudgen fruity about a Davos Man. Not full-on swimming upstream or doughnut-bumping, but just a tad camp. The overly-cleanliness of their appearance, the lightness of their delivery, the lack of manliness in their step.

    • Davos radio only plays Kylie Minogue.

      And the most common form of transport is roller blades.

      And the mayor of Davos holds all press interviews through a glory hole in the public bogs on the beach.

      • With all due respect Miserable, I think you’ve got this wrong; a bloke down the pub swears that he heard from a cleaner there that they only play George Michael and One Direction.

    • its the insane grin and wide awake eyes that scare me, fucking soy robots, none of those things is human

  13. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if a meteorite hit Davos and killed everyone of the cunts.
    It would be worth pissing your pants for.

    • I’m not so sure. Would probably be doing us a favour. A small well aimed nuke.

    • tough choice, mohammed the filthy carpet sniffers touching our kids or Putin the dwarf ?
      think i’d prefer Putin to come and take over, those Russian tarts are very attractive, mohammeds are just dog shit in a bin bag

  14. These cunts remind me of that sinister, shadowy cabal that Mulder and Scully kept coming up against in ‘The X Files’.

    Truth is probably stranger than fiction; these Davros cunts rule the world from a huge complex of bunkers underneath Denver airport.


    cc ‘Conspiracy Theories’ nomination

    Morning all.

    • Brilliant.

      Wasn’t the X Files a documentary. ?

      Ed Milli- banned (another that worships at the alter of Davos) is clearly the result of human/alien genetic manipulation.

      Kinda of like dolly the sheep. Only a cunt instead.

    • gotta be something to that Denver airport thing, fact its center of USA and as far from the sea as you can get must be the reason it goes down dozens of floors underneath in solid rock, only place you’d be safe from mega tsunamis and nuclear fireworks, ultimate city sized bunker where Davos can fly in from anywhere on the planet and be safe…i’m going to stand on the beach in my tinfoil hat and kiss my arse goodbye like a true Briton as the wave comes in.

  15. Note that Liz Truss isn’t mentioned. She attended the WEF Fourth Reich conference and I get the impression didn’t like what she heard.
    Once she became PM, her intention I reckon, was to go against the WEF New world prison planet.
    The clue was in her first speech as PM when she said “We need to reverse the MANAGED DECLINE”, heed those words “managed decline”.
    Them we had Kwasi Kwarteng’s perfectly reasonable “tax cutting, go for growth” budget to stimulate the economy.
    And then what? The pound is hit and so is the economy. Since when, EVER, has a growth and tax cutting budget EVER triggered such a response. Answer…. NEVER.
    The speed, width and depth of the hit was completely abnormal. The flooding of the bought-and-paid-for tax greased, covid-bribed, media with the universal name and finger pointing was a little too well coordinated.
    In these days of “automated centralised trading” and emerging biased “AI”, someone somewhere only had to press a computer key to set of the chain reaction.
    After all, we mustn’t have some uppity elected national leader spoiling and exposing the ambitions of these extremely nasty people and of course wannabe World Fuhrer Klaus Schwab (son of an SS officer and old enough to remember).
    Don’t forget that Schwab has openly stated “zat you vill own nussink unt you vill be heppy”, on other words, THEYLL own it all and we will become “subscribers” and be grateful.
    The ULEZ, the fifteen minute cities, range programmed and limited vehicles, bugs as food etc. Oh and finally getting rid of us uppity Jooozzz and Israel because they keep innovating against this creeping enshittification of everything.

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